OMG! *scream* i'm yelling, i'm screaming cos.... PCD "Buttons" Zip Hoodie is OUT! i been waiting for it lor... u noe... its tat one tat nicole wore in 'Buttons' MTV... OMG! i'm gng nuts... finally, its out... and of cos, DeSoLo adores black and obviously i will wan this black hoodie more den 'don't cha' white hoodie... OMG! and my dear darling dustbin gonna get it for my bday... *muack*... love her like mad... haha~ no shipment to sg... which means... haha~ only very little of sg-rean will be having it... and YA! The DUSTBINS love DOLLS... and it gonna be out DUSTBIN Symbols agn... i.e. we have.... pattern chua, same guess bag, mirror obsession, Dustbins, Butterflys and now, PCD Hoodie!!!! can't wait for my Hoodie to arrive NOW! haha~
anyway, some updates... skool daze... ya~ been skooling these days... jus had my first lesson yest... well, urban economics, so far so gd... its exactly like wat i learn in poly, econs, jus tat its more on land, property and real estate market... a slight diff... ok, i feel... more serious this time rd, i really listening to wat the lecturer teach and i mean i'm concentrating on the lecture... haha~ maybe its only for the beginning, but... its gd enough le lah... dun play play ah... i can't afford to do my course badly this time rd... afterall its wat i chose, its wat i wan, its wat i aim for, its for my own future... dun wanna fool ard wif it... somehow, the way of teaching is more of my style i will say... finish up the lectures in a week time, 16 hrs for 4 days. its more of my style as in, ya, get the whole picture of everything first, den go into each topic in detail... and me, at my side, i'll noe which one i'm not tat gd in, i can study more, work harder on tat particular topic... well, alot of thingS are yet to say lah... jus wish me all the best in my study... and ya! MY DREAMS.... working hard on it... *wink*
I got my New CPU le... yeah! i can go online at HOME le! so happy... buying another web cam for my home use... a better one i hope... hehe~ i haven't got the time to even fix my cpu back and test the new system... i got to leave it till weekends le... and ya! its MINE, my PC le... haha~ i'm the only one using... so happy... hehe~
work... fucking lots of phone calls today and i hate it... irritating lah... i hav frobia for the typical phone rings... SCARY!
beauty... OMG! all my cosmetic is OUT! my mascara, my blush, my liner... OMG! its hell... i hav so many things to buy... i'm taking DiorShow's waterproof mascara back, cos it can gif me a more dramatic look, but! its not as waterproof enough... hai~ the only bad pt... sian... and my estee lauder eye liner... i tell u, i seriously love it and i can use it for like... a few mths?! unlike Bourjois one, it not water resistant and one tube is only my 1 mth supply! no gd! and my blush... wanna get a new brand one, but the colour is my main concern... i wan a orangey one, as i hav a dark skin tone, pink look sux on me, it make mi look like roasted PIG! OMG! haha~ Orange wif tan skin look so 'summer', i love it... haha~ and my 2 way cake, or rather i should look for a Pressed powder instead, as wat Tricia recommanded me... OMG! so many rubbish tat i need... hai~ and ya! Shu Umera's cleanser, i always want a bottle of tat, but its so costly... $125 for a bottle, but actually, not consider ex lah, cos its big bottle~ alot of things in mind... hai~ money is my main concern... OMG! hate it... and ya, my bday... hai~ the buffet and stuffs, one more hell thingy... sian... alot of things to do ah... but now, for this current week, i jus need to concentrate on my studies and tat's it... wish mi luck~
p.s. i'm itching all over... i need to go MOMO! my MOMO addictiong is working... OMG!
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Saturday, August 26, 2006
DeSoLoGY LeSsOn - A Trophy
well, i try hiting on my 'DeSoLoGY' agn... receiving complaints from my dearly gers saying tat recently i din blog as often... ok... here it goes...
i'm having lagi jialat mood swing these days... and i actually hav a lot of tots in mind... btw! my sch begin next week le, a 3 yrs journey... PLS! for these 3 yrs, i seriously wan NO r/s, i dun wan it to trash me somehow and i can't afford to take such risks... next week will be my lecture week, hell, it will be straight one week, 5 days lecture 4 hr duration each day! wow! bz day huh... scary... ok, back to topic...
God of Death
sorry, but this topic will be abit creepy... ok... somehow i sense the present of Death god... these days he brought quite a few ppl away... like... my colleague's grandma, my another colleague's aunt, my cyber bestie's grandpa, etc... hai... i'm getting emotional... tot of my granny agn... i miss her alot... human being are always like tat, only when u lose it, den u learn abt cherish, but its always too late... i rmb one of my very gd fren ever share wif mi one of his christainity belief... god call ppl home cos they had finish learning wat they should learn... so... after some thinking, leaving this world isn't really a bad thing... see, u actually graduate... when will i finish learning mine? am tired... as i grow older, things change, environment change, i change... i change alot thru'out the yrs... forces of nature... gd or bad, not up to me to judge, neither is u to judge... perphaps tat's wat i'm learning this time rd... i always tell my gers, 'no matter how bad, how worse i become, love me for who i am, dun hate me'... and ya, my ladies, when u read this, promise me tat u will do it...
The Trophy
Sometimes i felt tat guys want me to stay by their side not becos tat he needs me, he likes me, or he love me... but becos of i'm like a Trophy... sorry to had said this... not abt boosting myself or watever... but tat's wat i feel... u noe... a Trophy, its a big thing when u GET a trophy, but it ain't a big thing when u BECOME a trophy... Its nth abt love, its jus something u won, something to bring u the status of championship... but agn... one person can hav many trophies... and when u hav a better and greater one, u will put the old one aside~ or rather ppl who i fall for are usually those who collect trophies? haa... tat's pathetic but true... Love is not my kind of game... well, afterall, i seek for attention den love... and i noe it.. tat's a gone case one...
at times i wonder... wat i wan? for family, for career, for frens, i'm very clear of wat i wan... but for love, for r/s, i'm confuse... i had nv really found the ans and i had nv carry any plan for future on tat topic... commitment is too heavy for me... promises are meant to be broken... human beings can nv be trusted...
I'm Losing the ability to love as times passby... last time i can love someone for yrs... now, i can only like somebody for days... Every gers tot of marriage, but to me, it seems horrible... i doubt any guys can love me as much as i love myself... and only i myself can take care of myself well enough... only i myself noe how to get wat i wan...
Tat's my pathetic life.. ok... i'm off for mitings... haha~ am a bz women k, mind u!
i'm having lagi jialat mood swing these days... and i actually hav a lot of tots in mind... btw! my sch begin next week le, a 3 yrs journey... PLS! for these 3 yrs, i seriously wan NO r/s, i dun wan it to trash me somehow and i can't afford to take such risks... next week will be my lecture week, hell, it will be straight one week, 5 days lecture 4 hr duration each day! wow! bz day huh... scary... ok, back to topic...
God of Death
sorry, but this topic will be abit creepy... ok... somehow i sense the present of Death god... these days he brought quite a few ppl away... like... my colleague's grandma, my another colleague's aunt, my cyber bestie's grandpa, etc... hai... i'm getting emotional... tot of my granny agn... i miss her alot... human being are always like tat, only when u lose it, den u learn abt cherish, but its always too late... i rmb one of my very gd fren ever share wif mi one of his christainity belief... god call ppl home cos they had finish learning wat they should learn... so... after some thinking, leaving this world isn't really a bad thing... see, u actually graduate... when will i finish learning mine? am tired... as i grow older, things change, environment change, i change... i change alot thru'out the yrs... forces of nature... gd or bad, not up to me to judge, neither is u to judge... perphaps tat's wat i'm learning this time rd... i always tell my gers, 'no matter how bad, how worse i become, love me for who i am, dun hate me'... and ya, my ladies, when u read this, promise me tat u will do it...
The Trophy
Sometimes i felt tat guys want me to stay by their side not becos tat he needs me, he likes me, or he love me... but becos of i'm like a Trophy... sorry to had said this... not abt boosting myself or watever... but tat's wat i feel... u noe... a Trophy, its a big thing when u GET a trophy, but it ain't a big thing when u BECOME a trophy... Its nth abt love, its jus something u won, something to bring u the status of championship... but agn... one person can hav many trophies... and when u hav a better and greater one, u will put the old one aside~ or rather ppl who i fall for are usually those who collect trophies? haa... tat's pathetic but true... Love is not my kind of game... well, afterall, i seek for attention den love... and i noe it.. tat's a gone case one...
at times i wonder... wat i wan? for family, for career, for frens, i'm very clear of wat i wan... but for love, for r/s, i'm confuse... i had nv really found the ans and i had nv carry any plan for future on tat topic... commitment is too heavy for me... promises are meant to be broken... human beings can nv be trusted...
I'm Losing the ability to love as times passby... last time i can love someone for yrs... now, i can only like somebody for days... Every gers tot of marriage, but to me, it seems horrible... i doubt any guys can love me as much as i love myself... and only i myself can take care of myself well enough... only i myself noe how to get wat i wan...
Tat's my pathetic life.. ok... i'm off for mitings... haha~ am a bz women k, mind u!
Friday, August 25, 2006
I Hate People who Practise STEREOTYPE!
OMG! can someone jus kill me... i hate ppl who practise stereotype! ppl from wlny are getting more and more sickening... ARGH... hate it leh... STEREOTYPE!
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
I hav a total of 181 pics to show!
finally... i manage to squeeze some time out... blogging~! 181 pic! OMG... all my pic... all at one go! power~ start from the earliest one... the ktv wif my sec sch mates...

start off wif me~ haha! wat kinda face is this... hmmm~

ah kun having his fillet O fish in party world~

and here it goes... DeSoLo and Ah MeI cam whoring~

hehe~ and agn... mi and my ah shu~

We are loving~


and here i am... cam whoring wif kun while he's singing~

and ya~ it got to be dewei jie mei's turn~

and dewei teach us the 'blur' effect~

and we try taking grp photo~

and here it goes... dinner wif my Niang(s)... special for our oversea stud, NISA!

Photos of the early birdsss...

Let me present NISA! the star of the day~

The b4 and after...

Rizlan, Nisa, Me and Roy~!

HuiLing's Autograph session?! O_o

Jason SMOKE?!

Nisa wif the Sweetie Choco from us~

Rizlan become ahmad?!

Mi & New Pump Pump... cam whoring~

Me & Nisa~

Jia Jia & Yue Han Bi De SIAO Wei Wen~ long name~

Bo Zi & Ting Feng~!

Mi & Ah Roy!

Mi & Rizzzlan...

Nisa & HuiLing... The niangs~

Nisa wif Lover and Fren~

Rizlan & HuiLing....

Xiao Mun & Niang Niang siting on Water~

Grp Photo... straight after dinner~

The Poly mAtes : The Formal~

The InFormal but... HuiLing dun like me :'(

Informal 2nd Take~

The Niang Niang(s)

Plans after dinner for the PBL~!

On my Way~

Roy Sulk...

Pay a Visit to Eski Bar...

Mi & Roy in Freezing Eski Bar~
we settle down at boat quay starbuck... and Huling ordered a ...

CHEE BYE (SMALL) drink...!!!! INSULT! we wanna SUE them!!!
ok... here it come... one of Rudolf & Ding Dong's date...

The day when ding dong hit on gothic! and... OH MY! she look so like... my goddess, LANDY WEN! i mean in this pic~ hehe~

I love u, u love me, we r happy family...

Playful fights~

i love this so much~

We jus trying to act afraid...

and act cute... hehe~
Some zi lian pic...

The day when i hit on bling bling... hehe... my long lost von dutch cap...
the day when i visit baby Chloe, My god-niece~

Baby Chloe is so cutie pie~

I still prefer Chloe in white Pyjamas... so sweetie~ plus chubby! babies are adorable... **muack**
went to Dexter's bday after visiting Chloe~

Tat's the design on his bday cake! done by wei xiang... creative wor!

took pic wif the bday boy and frens~
anothe clubbing session wif Ding Dong~

Guess wat, its at momo agn and its always momo... strictly momo~

I love giving tat face eh?! haha~
a day to let go our troubles...

Taken after chilled out at Alley Bar~
my bintan trip~ hehe~

well, the 2 brave ladies... hand in hand we off to bintan~

Waiting for the ferry @ Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal~

another pic b4 we broad the ferry~

in the ferry~

Its me! at my seat...

I swear, i'm trying to take pic of the ferry and not catching those ang mo aunties gossiping...

The beautiful sea we are on...

The hotel Lobby~

Our welcome drinks and our room key~

Ready for my new addiction... SUNTANNING!!!

Enjoying the sun without even looking at the time once... relaxing... and beautiful environment... wif lots of ang mo hunks!!! haha~

The Swim pool~

The shelter is teh POOL BAR! so cool rite~

Cam whoring by the pool side~

Continue cam whoring... haha~

Ah shu brought a bottle of wine along...

And ya, it taste GOOD!~~

haha~ its obvious tat she go crazy over the wine~!

So do me~ haha~

And we start swifting to the beautiful beach~

We agn start cam whoring by the beach~ haha~ expected~

Our dinner plc...

haha~ my ah shu... excited over the dinner... but seriously, its not tat tasty... :p

Tat's our room~

On our way back... i hav my hair clip up!

agn... in the ferry, on our way home... miss bintan so much!

The fireworks on NDP 06, taken from my home... hehe~
and ya... after my bintan trip... i'm hook to suntanning~ haha~ a tanning session wif pele @ Sentosa Siloso...

Tat's Pele... My cyber Bestie!!! hehe~ he kena sunburn sia! heng ah... i din... hehe~

Into my 'Zi Lian' agn.... Tan Tan Tan.. cos i love Trina TAN and Jocelyn TAN! haha~ i Seah, so tat's my only way to get TAN! haha~ rubbish in the dustbin... haha~
went for suntanning wif Juanna on that sat and suntanning agn on sun wif Belle... 3 times in a week... wow!
So Tan rite... haha~ mind u, tat's taken on 13th of aug... which means i turn darker agn, cos i went tanning on last sun too... OMG!

I think am proceeding to 'indian' skin colour, as per wat juanna said... haha~ power! and no doubt, every SUNDAY is a SUNtanning DAY... hehe~ anyone wanna go for a tanning session wif me... am a sentosa islander le... woo...

addicted to suntanning liao... haha~ my trina baby, we really become one white and one black le... haha... u better bring along a set of full body suit during ur next trip back to sg, cos LAO NIANG will take u for SUNTANNING SESSION! haha~ and full suit to protect ur baby fair skin colour from turning nigga black! wahahahaha~
-end of my 181 pics- phew! finally~ haha~
start off wif me~ haha! wat kinda face is this... hmmm~
ah kun having his fillet O fish in party world~
and here it goes... DeSoLo and Ah MeI cam whoring~
hehe~ and agn... mi and my ah shu~
We are loving~
and here i am... cam whoring wif kun while he's singing~
and ya~ it got to be dewei jie mei's turn~
and dewei teach us the 'blur' effect~
and we try taking grp photo~
and here it goes... dinner wif my Niang(s)... special for our oversea stud, NISA!
Photos of the early birdsss...
Let me present NISA! the star of the day~
The b4 and after...
Rizlan, Nisa, Me and Roy~!
HuiLing's Autograph session?! O_o
Jason SMOKE?!
Nisa wif the Sweetie Choco from us~
Rizlan become ahmad?!
Mi & New Pump Pump... cam whoring~
Me & Nisa~
Jia Jia & Yue Han Bi De SIAO Wei Wen~ long name~
Bo Zi & Ting Feng~!
Mi & Ah Roy!
Mi & Rizzzlan...
Nisa & HuiLing... The niangs~
Nisa wif Lover and Fren~
Rizlan & HuiLing....
Xiao Mun & Niang Niang siting on Water~
Grp Photo... straight after dinner~
The Poly mAtes : The Formal~
The InFormal but... HuiLing dun like me :'(
Informal 2nd Take~
The Niang Niang(s)
Plans after dinner for the PBL~!
On my Way~
Roy Sulk...
Pay a Visit to Eski Bar...
Mi & Roy in Freezing Eski Bar~
we settle down at boat quay starbuck... and Huling ordered a ...
CHEE BYE (SMALL) drink...!!!! INSULT! we wanna SUE them!!!
ok... here it come... one of Rudolf & Ding Dong's date...
The day when ding dong hit on gothic! and... OH MY! she look so like... my goddess, LANDY WEN! i mean in this pic~ hehe~
I love u, u love me, we r happy family...
Playful fights~
i love this so much~
We jus trying to act afraid...
and act cute... hehe~
Some zi lian pic...
The day when i hit on bling bling... hehe... my long lost von dutch cap...
the day when i visit baby Chloe, My god-niece~
Baby Chloe is so cutie pie~
I still prefer Chloe in white Pyjamas... so sweetie~ plus chubby! babies are adorable... **muack**
went to Dexter's bday after visiting Chloe~
Tat's the design on his bday cake! done by wei xiang... creative wor!
took pic wif the bday boy and frens~
anothe clubbing session wif Ding Dong~
Guess wat, its at momo agn and its always momo... strictly momo~
I love giving tat face eh?! haha~
a day to let go our troubles...
Taken after chilled out at Alley Bar~
my bintan trip~ hehe~
well, the 2 brave ladies... hand in hand we off to bintan~
Waiting for the ferry @ Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal~
another pic b4 we broad the ferry~
in the ferry~
Its me! at my seat...
I swear, i'm trying to take pic of the ferry and not catching those ang mo aunties gossiping...
The beautiful sea we are on...
The hotel Lobby~
Our welcome drinks and our room key~
Ready for my new addiction... SUNTANNING!!!
Enjoying the sun without even looking at the time once... relaxing... and beautiful environment... wif lots of ang mo hunks!!! haha~
The Swim pool~
The shelter is teh POOL BAR! so cool rite~
Cam whoring by the pool side~
Continue cam whoring... haha~
Ah shu brought a bottle of wine along...
And ya, it taste GOOD!~~
haha~ its obvious tat she go crazy over the wine~!
So do me~ haha~
And we start swifting to the beautiful beach~
We agn start cam whoring by the beach~ haha~ expected~
Our dinner plc...
haha~ my ah shu... excited over the dinner... but seriously, its not tat tasty... :p
Tat's our room~
On our way back... i hav my hair clip up!
agn... in the ferry, on our way home... miss bintan so much!
The fireworks on NDP 06, taken from my home... hehe~
and ya... after my bintan trip... i'm hook to suntanning~ haha~ a tanning session wif pele @ Sentosa Siloso...
Tat's Pele... My cyber Bestie!!! hehe~ he kena sunburn sia! heng ah... i din... hehe~
Into my 'Zi Lian' agn.... Tan Tan Tan.. cos i love Trina TAN and Jocelyn TAN! haha~ i Seah, so tat's my only way to get TAN! haha~ rubbish in the dustbin... haha~
went for suntanning wif Juanna on that sat and suntanning agn on sun wif Belle... 3 times in a week... wow!
So Tan rite... haha~ mind u, tat's taken on 13th of aug... which means i turn darker agn, cos i went tanning on last sun too... OMG!
I think am proceeding to 'indian' skin colour, as per wat juanna said... haha~ power! and no doubt, every SUNDAY is a SUNtanning DAY... hehe~ anyone wanna go for a tanning session wif me... am a sentosa islander le... woo...
addicted to suntanning liao... haha~ my trina baby, we really become one white and one black le... haha... u better bring along a set of full body suit during ur next trip back to sg, cos LAO NIANG will take u for SUNTANNING SESSION! haha~ and full suit to protect ur baby fair skin colour from turning nigga black! wahahahaha~
-end of my 181 pics- phew! finally~ haha~
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