This is dedicated to my ah bao...
i can swear to god tat i hav nv done any stupid thing like this.... i may be a bitch, may be a slut, but am definitely not a 小人villain.
I hav my class and standard to maintain... i'm not tat 卑鄙. if i dun like i will jus text, scold and say in front of the person, i dun do stupid thing by acting as a passerby or who and make comments... 明人不作暗示... i dun hav to hint, i will jus say out frankly!
i can jus die rite away if i'm the one who did tat... i can swear... i dun noe who the hell who did tat and wat the hell this person wan... i mean... well... y no ppl wrote tat on my blog... maybe u may say this blog is not as popular...
well, afterall i jus wanna say... this bloody rubbish bo liao thing is not my instruction!!!! tats it...
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
DeSoLoGY: Season Greetings - delicated to all my FRIENDS
I always love this wonderful day, Christmas day... thou' i'm not actually a christian, but i jus find this season to be the most beautiful... when u see nice lighting... and people shopping for x'mas gifts... pressies, xmas trees... i jus love this season...
its a time i do a look back at my performance this year... i will say tat its a year of change... Jeslyn had grown up... i realize and learn to see things not only from the surface... i learn abt communication... loving every single ppl... see the ugliness of human nature... met the lovely beings ard me...
More sociable, outspoken, confident, frenly
Make more frens, e.g. Jason, andre, GANGz, edward, etc... gain buddy fren like Eric...
Realizing goals and aim, dare to dream....
Taken her 1st step to explor her dreams...
getting back contacts like Jarell, Casin, Gad, Kean, Wilson, JEN JEN, Timothy, etc...
Getting back her tanned and shape...
have a better understanding of myself....
Swimming regularly and watch diet...
Complete my degree course
Learn to appreciate life
Spending more time wif precious ppl like Shumei...
Have her 1st gecko ink! and develop a DeSoLo logo for herself
Turning into a bitch but its a total wonderful thing
Bought my Prada Shades (ok, i'm proud of it)
Start my 1st flea market sales
Dark eye rings due to lack of rest
Taken up bad habits
Enter a f**k up film and not getting her mthly pay
losing one close fren (used to be, but i hav get over it, ppl come and go, its fine)
KGssss... (which is gd)
got herself a sux job, underpaid, no leave, no mc, basically no benefit
bad hair days...
Purchase my 1st pair of Specs! which mean my perfect eyesight is GONE!
Not able to prepare xmas gift cos of stupid Company's pay delay
Been stalk by ex... YUCKS! he's mad...
i think tats all... hmmm... its seems to be more gd den bad... so i should be happy... but the list next yr are guarantee to be BETTER! hehe...
i love my xmas, pls dun let any more evil mouth or jeslous eyes ruin it... finally i understand the meaning of wat new boss say... different perception and mindset cos lost in topic to tok to... i jus officially announce tat I DUN NOE THIS GUY NAME ROY and HE DUN NOE ME... so ppl, dun bother to ask him wat went wrong wif me... and pls... there's nth wrong wif mi... its jus something wrong wif ur eyes... haha~
i had nv in my life felt so great abt life tat i dun even thot of the word 'sux'... My true real frens are all understand me so well, and they see me improving and not getting worse... my close fren like Alex, Eric, Shumei, Trina, Wilson, Jen... other den these ppl tat i mentioned, no others are consider as my close fren... so dun bother to tell me abt ur comment, abt how u judge me by jus LOOKING and not listening nor asking... tats bull shit... the judge from the court took bloody long period to come out wif their final sentence, after thousands of qns, millions of analyzing... and ppl, by jus looking at pics, looking at the surface, ur can say craps... and ppl who i once treated as fren can go buy their words... how true this fren is? this only show tat i had wasted my time on this relationship... and i seriously hav so many thing to do, to fight for and no time for nonsense... judge all u wan... until one day when i succeed, den u come and tell me abt ur comments..
If i were to listen to everyone's comments, i dun think i will even find myself, find the plc tat i'm standing rite now... Telling me abt social management, u r kidding me... i can afford to stay out of hse for a week, jus by miting different frens each day...! my schedule is simply in a mess due to all the things tat i need to do and ppl i need to see... until i hav to start referring to my organizer... think i'm kidding... haha~ b4 u tok, pls use brain, dun tell ppl how other see her, when u dun even noe how ppl outside see u... Jeslyn treat outside comments as shit, cos she believe herself, and not others... even if ppl come telling her rubbish nonsense abt her frens, she dun gif a damn... no one is prefect... mouth is wif them, they can say wat they wan, my mind, my body, every part of me is MYSELF, i dun need ur nonsense... i hav always been a easy gng person... none of my fren, any of them tell me abt mi ditching old fren when i hav new frens... my frens who r wif me for YEARS, even longer den u and me... wilson, jen, shumei, my fren for more den 10 yrs... there r times when we r all bz, we can't mit up wif one and other, but we hav nv gif up on each other and still cherish each other... this is fren... so confident wif this frenship until u r so assure tat they won't turn out to be as jerky as u ppl... fren is not jus companion, but a listener, a talker, a heart to share, a shoulder to cry on... fren will nv gif up on u... and how many frens u hav? i mean real true fren who noe u inside out? go think abt it... and i can say i love my fren... to the extend whenever i'm outside, i see things tat remind me of them, i will buy for them for no reason... tats fren... u dun need expensive gift, u dun hav to be rich... u jus hav to be urself... well... i'm slapping myself, cos haha... i gonna say this frenship is not measure by the length of period ur noe each other... i can understand a person and accept the person in jus an hr and make him my buddy, cos life is jus like tat... fren is like a love relationship, all depend on fate, degree of accommodation, degree of acceptance, common likings, care & concern... it can end like a relationship too... jus by realizing everything... not worth my effort in save-keeping this frenship... and i'm sorry... my xmas and new yr eve and day are reserve for gd use... not for time wasting... :)
last but not least, love everyone ard u... only ppl wif goals and see things tat people can't see will be able to stay happy and hav no regretion in life...
In this beautiful season, i wish everyone a merry xmas (not a noisy one)... hope tat everyone will be able to find their goal, dare to dreams... love all lovely beings ard me... *Kisses & Hugs*
p.s. there's simply nth wrong wif my dressing even if i wore a band across my forehead! i hav mass send out my pic to millions of ppl, and the feedback tat i got back are perfectly alrite! u can jus say its disgusting, but millions of ppl dun feel tat way... which means u are the odd one out! wahahaha~ i Love myself... and tats' it... and... thou' i noe a few frens thru' u, but i won't gif out on them, they r still my fren... but of cos they hav a choice to walk out of me, i'm fine... (if only they r as ignorant) *cheers*
its a time i do a look back at my performance this year... i will say tat its a year of change... Jeslyn had grown up... i realize and learn to see things not only from the surface... i learn abt communication... loving every single ppl... see the ugliness of human nature... met the lovely beings ard me...
More sociable, outspoken, confident, frenly
Make more frens, e.g. Jason, andre, GANGz, edward, etc... gain buddy fren like Eric...
Realizing goals and aim, dare to dream....
Taken her 1st step to explor her dreams...
getting back contacts like Jarell, Casin, Gad, Kean, Wilson, JEN JEN, Timothy, etc...
Getting back her tanned and shape...
have a better understanding of myself....
Swimming regularly and watch diet...
Complete my degree course
Learn to appreciate life
Spending more time wif precious ppl like Shumei...
Have her 1st gecko ink! and develop a DeSoLo logo for herself
Turning into a bitch but its a total wonderful thing
Bought my Prada Shades (ok, i'm proud of it)
Start my 1st flea market sales
Dark eye rings due to lack of rest
Taken up bad habits
Enter a f**k up film and not getting her mthly pay
losing one close fren (used to be, but i hav get over it, ppl come and go, its fine)
KGssss... (which is gd)
got herself a sux job, underpaid, no leave, no mc, basically no benefit
bad hair days...
Purchase my 1st pair of Specs! which mean my perfect eyesight is GONE!
Not able to prepare xmas gift cos of stupid Company's pay delay
Been stalk by ex... YUCKS! he's mad...
i think tats all... hmmm... its seems to be more gd den bad... so i should be happy... but the list next yr are guarantee to be BETTER! hehe...
i love my xmas, pls dun let any more evil mouth or jeslous eyes ruin it... finally i understand the meaning of wat new boss say... different perception and mindset cos lost in topic to tok to... i jus officially announce tat I DUN NOE THIS GUY NAME ROY and HE DUN NOE ME... so ppl, dun bother to ask him wat went wrong wif me... and pls... there's nth wrong wif mi... its jus something wrong wif ur eyes... haha~
i had nv in my life felt so great abt life tat i dun even thot of the word 'sux'... My true real frens are all understand me so well, and they see me improving and not getting worse... my close fren like Alex, Eric, Shumei, Trina, Wilson, Jen... other den these ppl tat i mentioned, no others are consider as my close fren... so dun bother to tell me abt ur comment, abt how u judge me by jus LOOKING and not listening nor asking... tats bull shit... the judge from the court took bloody long period to come out wif their final sentence, after thousands of qns, millions of analyzing... and ppl, by jus looking at pics, looking at the surface, ur can say craps... and ppl who i once treated as fren can go buy their words... how true this fren is? this only show tat i had wasted my time on this relationship... and i seriously hav so many thing to do, to fight for and no time for nonsense... judge all u wan... until one day when i succeed, den u come and tell me abt ur comments..
If i were to listen to everyone's comments, i dun think i will even find myself, find the plc tat i'm standing rite now... Telling me abt social management, u r kidding me... i can afford to stay out of hse for a week, jus by miting different frens each day...! my schedule is simply in a mess due to all the things tat i need to do and ppl i need to see... until i hav to start referring to my organizer... think i'm kidding... haha~ b4 u tok, pls use brain, dun tell ppl how other see her, when u dun even noe how ppl outside see u... Jeslyn treat outside comments as shit, cos she believe herself, and not others... even if ppl come telling her rubbish nonsense abt her frens, she dun gif a damn... no one is prefect... mouth is wif them, they can say wat they wan, my mind, my body, every part of me is MYSELF, i dun need ur nonsense... i hav always been a easy gng person... none of my fren, any of them tell me abt mi ditching old fren when i hav new frens... my frens who r wif me for YEARS, even longer den u and me... wilson, jen, shumei, my fren for more den 10 yrs... there r times when we r all bz, we can't mit up wif one and other, but we hav nv gif up on each other and still cherish each other... this is fren... so confident wif this frenship until u r so assure tat they won't turn out to be as jerky as u ppl... fren is not jus companion, but a listener, a talker, a heart to share, a shoulder to cry on... fren will nv gif up on u... and how many frens u hav? i mean real true fren who noe u inside out? go think abt it... and i can say i love my fren... to the extend whenever i'm outside, i see things tat remind me of them, i will buy for them for no reason... tats fren... u dun need expensive gift, u dun hav to be rich... u jus hav to be urself... well... i'm slapping myself, cos haha... i gonna say this frenship is not measure by the length of period ur noe each other... i can understand a person and accept the person in jus an hr and make him my buddy, cos life is jus like tat... fren is like a love relationship, all depend on fate, degree of accommodation, degree of acceptance, common likings, care & concern... it can end like a relationship too... jus by realizing everything... not worth my effort in save-keeping this frenship... and i'm sorry... my xmas and new yr eve and day are reserve for gd use... not for time wasting... :)
last but not least, love everyone ard u... only ppl wif goals and see things tat people can't see will be able to stay happy and hav no regretion in life...
In this beautiful season, i wish everyone a merry xmas (not a noisy one)... hope tat everyone will be able to find their goal, dare to dreams... love all lovely beings ard me... *Kisses & Hugs*
p.s. there's simply nth wrong wif my dressing even if i wore a band across my forehead! i hav mass send out my pic to millions of ppl, and the feedback tat i got back are perfectly alrite! u can jus say its disgusting, but millions of ppl dun feel tat way... which means u are the odd one out! wahahaha~ i Love myself... and tats' it... and... thou' i noe a few frens thru' u, but i won't gif out on them, they r still my fren... but of cos they hav a choice to walk out of me, i'm fine... (if only they r as ignorant) *cheers*
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
DeSoLoGY: Keep an open mind in order to succeed in life
Been in the working society for 3 years... these essential 3 yrs means alot to me... a major transformation... from a little ignorant kid to a person who dare to pursue her dreams... i have grew up...
wat hav i really been thru' at the age of 23... well... in fact, everyone been thru' many things, its jus their degree of acceptance and analyzing the situation... watever that may seems to be a mishap is jus another lesson to learn... u may grief, may upset, may get angry, but keep an open mind to see things and realize all individual's faults... i mean, it takes 2 hands to clap, the fault usually lies on both parties (including ourselves) but ppl jus dun wish to accept or even face it... same issue goes to my current boss... jus becos of egotism, face value, u lose out in everything. no matter wat experience u have, how much worth of assets u hold, how high ur self value is... all are pointless when one can't even face themselves... by saying means nth... To say is always easy but to really admit one's fault, it really takes a lot of courage... but agn, its all depend on a person's view... for me... well... i cherish all my frens, no one is special, everyone is special... i aim to be fair and balance (its a trail of Libra, I can't help it)... i treat ppl the way they treat me... if i dun feel sincerity, i will hold back wat i give in... well, tats normal, i mean who wanna be an idiot?! No one is perfect, neither am i... its a bliss when ppl dun pick on u, so wat it is to pick on others... The world is small, u nv noe if one day u need helps from others... being revengeful is the stupidest thing to do... jus dun bother abt ppl's life... dun force, keep things neutral, keep an open mind to accept ppl as well as ourselves...
Life can be wonderful, jus how u view it, how u wanna live it... as DeSoLo always said, 'Life is short, Happy or sad, like it or dun, u still hav to finish this path... y make is a miserable one? jus keep urself happy and make full use of ur life... live with no regret, die with no regret'
There r always gd and bad ppl out there... gd ppl to help u, bad ppl to trash u... but its u urself to choose if u wanna allow them to help, or allow them to trash...
Most importantly, Love urself... learn to love urself before anything, before anyone...
wat hav i really been thru' at the age of 23... well... in fact, everyone been thru' many things, its jus their degree of acceptance and analyzing the situation... watever that may seems to be a mishap is jus another lesson to learn... u may grief, may upset, may get angry, but keep an open mind to see things and realize all individual's faults... i mean, it takes 2 hands to clap, the fault usually lies on both parties (including ourselves) but ppl jus dun wish to accept or even face it... same issue goes to my current boss... jus becos of egotism, face value, u lose out in everything. no matter wat experience u have, how much worth of assets u hold, how high ur self value is... all are pointless when one can't even face themselves... by saying means nth... To say is always easy but to really admit one's fault, it really takes a lot of courage... but agn, its all depend on a person's view... for me... well... i cherish all my frens, no one is special, everyone is special... i aim to be fair and balance (its a trail of Libra, I can't help it)... i treat ppl the way they treat me... if i dun feel sincerity, i will hold back wat i give in... well, tats normal, i mean who wanna be an idiot?! No one is perfect, neither am i... its a bliss when ppl dun pick on u, so wat it is to pick on others... The world is small, u nv noe if one day u need helps from others... being revengeful is the stupidest thing to do... jus dun bother abt ppl's life... dun force, keep things neutral, keep an open mind to accept ppl as well as ourselves...
Life can be wonderful, jus how u view it, how u wanna live it... as DeSoLo always said, 'Life is short, Happy or sad, like it or dun, u still hav to finish this path... y make is a miserable one? jus keep urself happy and make full use of ur life... live with no regret, die with no regret'
There r always gd and bad ppl out there... gd ppl to help u, bad ppl to trash u... but its u urself to choose if u wanna allow them to help, or allow them to trash...
Most importantly, Love urself... learn to love urself before anything, before anyone...
Thursday, December 11, 2008
have you make your choice?
After 3 yrs of working life... i had learn to be responsible to myself, my family, people ard me that worth of care and concern...
at the age of 23, i mark myself, i name myself, i sort my mind... i make my choice... to make a different in my life... in my old parent's life... in control of my life... dare to dream... set my goal...
A person wif no plans and no goal is equal to a corpse... one feel astray with a target in life... life will be different when u see it in a different angle... when u noe ur purpose of staying alive.... when u have a target... when u decide to put ur thots into actions...
Goals make one person feel the sense of belonging, feel the meaning of life...
Everyone jus go back and think... wat u wan? and wat u have? and how u gng to do it? jus think and ask urself...
at the age of 23, i mark myself, i name myself, i sort my mind... i make my choice... to make a different in my life... in my old parent's life... in control of my life... dare to dream... set my goal...
A person wif no plans and no goal is equal to a corpse... one feel astray with a target in life... life will be different when u see it in a different angle... when u noe ur purpose of staying alive.... when u have a target... when u decide to put ur thots into actions...
Goals make one person feel the sense of belonging, feel the meaning of life...
Everyone jus go back and think... wat u wan? and wat u have? and how u gng to do it? jus think and ask urself...
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