My boy, ash, is coming to 9... he is still as active and playful, however as years passed... I got more and more worried... just afraid that one day he will leave me and know for sure... this day will come (at least a higher percentage that he will leave before me)... I dont know what will happen to me...
Especially when sis moved out of the house, ash become more attached to me each day... Thou this boy of me don't stay in a big house, have many doggy companions at home.. but i'll say he is one of those lucky pup out there. The family love him, be in my dad or my mum... he do put in his effort being a very nice pet of the family... this funny boy will do silly things like stealing my parent's house slippers, not able to find the rubber bony when I play fetch with him... trying his luck to run away from home when the door is open...
Runaway Dog
I can still remember the time when I saw this doggy at the lift lobby while I sending my love, Zen, to the elevator.. I was thinking: "wow! this dog really look so much like my ash boi". Have a better look at it, it is my boy!!! shock the hell outta me.. I quickly fetch him back home... and worse ever, just one day before my sis's wedding day, we held a gathering at our place... The door is kept open as there so many visitor coming to the house... and at a moment, ash is no where to be seen! Fear of losing our boy, we went up and down the block, even the void deck, the multi-storey carpark, the park... with tears in my eyes, i keep praying "ash.. please come back to me... i can't do without u... please be safe... please come back..." and after a search of probably 2 or 3 hours, Zen manage to find me at the end of the level 6 corridor... the mischevious boy is waving his tails when he saw him... hugging him really tight, just couldn't stop tearing... I really can't imagine what will happen to me if he leave...
and this act of him, make him famous in my neighbourhood, he is then known as 'the runaway dog'... Zzz...
Taking care of the Boy
Ash is a Shih Tzu, but he don't look like a pure breed. he is slightly bigger in size, his nose is not as short, he don't have crossed eyes (which many many shih tzu I saw have it) so i believe he is probably a maltese-shih tzu mixed...
A little tips from Dogs 101, dogs with short dog tend to get tired and is lazier than dogs with sharp nose.. So ash is consider as lazy... he sleep more of the time and makes a good pet for a typical HDB flat which there isn't much space for him to run around... The long fur coat require much grooming which can be rather costly at times... frequent brushing and combing is absolutely need to keep his coat tangle-free... I try to make a point to brush his coat everyday when its long to the extend that it get tangle easily... he love the brushing session a lot... his eyes tend to tears at time, cleaning with eye solution and feeding him with supplement to control excessive tear will help him to be free of ugly tear stain...
*shall be continue*
As he aged...
I'll say whoever who wants a pet dog have to really consider on the responsiblilties involve in getting one... it might be cute, but its just like a human baby, it make noise, cry, pee, shit, playful, destructive, the hazzle of keeping it in good condition, his health, be it mentally or physically... its alot alot of effort! but once u know the reason for doing all this, you will just do it unconditionally.. Just like me... am a super lazy bum, thanks to my lovely mum who does everything for me, cook me food, wash my laundry, iron my clothes, change my bedsheets... until I got this dog (so not easy to get my mum's approval - to be share in future post), I cherish him... so much that I will clear his poo and pee as i told myself "u want him, u must do these chores". As he age, I begin to worry about his well-being, I will check out the supplements, feed him regularly, check on his coat, eyes, ears,etc. The more I spend my days with him, the love get deeper and deeper... I saw post on people giving their old pets which is at the age of 9 or 10, it totally pain me and puzzle me. How these bloody idiots bear to give their pet away when they had been by their side for the past years... Just become they are old, and these people find the pet troublesome to take care of or the increase in cost to maintain the pets? I don't understand... for me, I can't! totally not able to do it! even if one day it faces health issue, it still have to be with me... Its not just a dog but the dog, the loyalty that no one can replace... and ya... I'll love him forever...
my ash when he is 8...