OMG~ so many things happen to mi this week~ recently jus realize the true lies beneath, noe who the real betrayer... but forget it~ let it be... i can't stop ppl from doing tat u see~ tat's y, let her be den~ Thanks to my fren who console mi, thanks ya~ now had already threw this thing behind, only hope tat the betrayer won't look for mi again~ I jus couldn't bring myself to be as hypocrite, to smile at her, but deep inside is hatred~
this week is boring~ until now i had not done any research for my project, jia lat~ actually planning to go clubbing wif the gang this sat, but sum thing crop up, so not going liao... My "god-grandmother" past away, hav to attend the funeral. wat to do?! sad? nah~ not sad at all... cos really not close wif my godpa side relative! never forgot tat day when god bro married, they took a family photo, its ok if i'm not in tat pic, but the worse thing is one of the cousin even ask mi to help them take tat pic!!! 'mei li mao!' tat y i dun feel like going~ they dun actually regconise mi as one of them, y should i go?! there goes my weekend~ am i bad to say all this? but really feel tat it nth got to do wif mi, i jus go there and be bo liao~ mummy forever want mi to be involve wif all this. hey, exercise mi! i really feel its no link lor~ forget it~ i still hav to go in the end! jus go there and 'bai mei' lor~
Jus edit a new blog skin for dewei jie mei! dun noe whether he like it anot, but i love it~ haha~ ah yah~ shit! i haven't took a nice nice pic wif dewei, cannot put the pic at the 'poison buddies' column! shit!
Wow~ u noe sum thing... ash really grow up liao, as compared to last time, he is so big boy liao~ he can actually jump up to the sofa bed in mummy's room, he no longer need to run from far, he can jus jump up straight in front of the sofa bed! yesterday he even jump from the sofa bed to the bed! he fail to do so at first, but den he did it! wow~ its like when u see ur baby start calling "mummy"! hee~ so sweet!
Yesterday mit shumei go shopping. u noe~ wat can 2 ger do? haha~ we gossip! haha~ i bought a bag bag, actually wanna buy a burberry-print shoes, but dun hav my size~ sad! my feet too big liao~ sob sob... we hav ajisen, but not very nice~ den go swensen for banana split, give shumei a treat. but 2 week from now, we going shopping again and she will treat mi back~ haha~ yesterday when we pass by Tangs, i go and sniff the latest escada island kiss perfume, not bad, smell like candy, but i prefer last yr's edition! i love the sweet smell, like thousands of ant will come chasing after u~ haha~ sweet sweet! thinking of buying perfume but i already had abt 7 perfume liao~ feel like buying leh!
Yeah~ 2 weeks frm now, miting shumei go crazy shopping, den go swensen get my treat back, and after tat go clubbing wif the gang again~ this time round hav shumei ard, more fun! haha~ hope tat the day will come very soon and wish tat nth will crop up to spoil my day! Count down to tat day, still got 2 more week!
But first count down to 4.30, haha~ wilson bro's last paper end at 4.30! wanna call him up and COMPLAIN, complain and complain! haha~ hmm... and also gossip abit lah~ haha~~