So early online... nth to do, hmmm... actually got alot of things to do, jus tat not in e mood yet~ haha~ still having sort of cold war wif mummy~ tok a little only~ din go and withdraw e money, maybe forgo 2 week of allowance to pay for my watch lor~ so busy this week, got search for articles (but i finish searching liao), do research for marketing and redo my art app presentation, from transparency to powerpoint, and make it more pro~ sian~
Took a lot of personalility tests: ~
discover what candy you are @ quiz me
find your inner PIE @
The Completely Pointless Personality Quiz
Take the 100 Acre Personality Quiz!
Ya~ saw this blog my fren recommand mi one : do take a look at it~ this ger actually shoot photoof herself *NAKED*!!! haha~
saw lin wei on bus 23 today~ haha~ still as "zhou xing chi" as b4! haha~ i jio him go clubbing wif us this sat :( but he reject mi~ he say he got alot of things to do and he dun go clubbing one~ but he promise to go to chalet next time~ hee~ Counting down to sat: Only 4 days~