long time since my last blog~ busy wif exam this few days~ today send ash ash to the vet, hospitalize for one nite, he having operation tml... remove that stupid lump... hai~ miss him badly... although its only one nite without him but still miss him alot~ wonder how is he now? slping? barking? or wat~ hai~ tml hav to go fetch him... miss miss him... a few hr more to go~
today my dad birthday, went to suki for dinner~ again he complain, now there is shark fin, there is oyster, he still complain, no more 'not worth eating', now he complain tat its too salty and make him feel very thirsty. ah yoh~ he forever complaining abt the food yet he eat alot at the resturant~! OMG~!
yesterday ecad is sux~ hope tat i can pass the paper, even if its only 50 marks, i very happy liao~ hai~
hmmm~ re-cap~ last thursday have my art app performance... haha damn funny! our class guy all hav funny role~ my grp, one act transexual, the other in love with a transexual, KX wore skirt and put on make up lor and ed wore my tare panda bag and hold the tare panda umbrella~ the other grps, one act sissy romeo, the other act 'ah beng' cinderalle~ haha... tat ah beng cinderalla even wore a bra mann~ wow~ so daring hor~ haha~
The script of the play is as follows:
Scene 1
(ED Tries to chase after Shuiyi, offers gifts, flowers and tries to date her out)
ED: SY, This is for you! (Present the flowers, acts Shy
(Gives the present)
Ed: This is for you too! I specially choose this for you hope you like it! I’ve got something to tell you…… Will you be mine???
(SY can’t be bothered bout ED. She receives the gifts throws them aside)
SY: How many times have you asked this question? Ain’t you tired? My answer is still going to be the same No!!! NO!!!!!! NO!!!!! NEVER!!!!
ED: But…. But….
(SY Storms off)
ED: Shuiyi!! Shuiyi!!!
*(Thunderstorm)* (RAIN)* (ED shows sad face)
ED: Whyyy! Sob must you reject me ever and ever again? Since you don’t want my present, I’ll use it myself!!! Cos I like it too!!!
(ED unwraps the present takes out a tara panda umbrella and walks sadly in the rain)
Scene 2
(After lecture, Ed walks with best friend Pam…. On the way to eat) (Ed look gloomy)
Pam: Ed!!! Did you see that tall, macho, big and handsome guy sitting infront of you just now? My goodness!!! He is so tall….. Macho…. Big & handsome. If only he was my bf… then he will become my husband, my life partner & every girl will be so jealous when I go out with him!!
(ED did not talk at all. He was gloomy. He was in his own world)
Pam: Ed!!! Ed!!! Are you listening to me? What’s wrong with you? Did you hear what I say?
Ed: Ya la ya la….
Pam: No you did not!! I’ve know you for ten years! And you r definitely lying to me!! Would you please tell me what’s wrong?
(Tears in Ed’s eyes)
Ed: I… I… got ditched by SY… Again!!!
Pam: What? How many times must I tell you to forget her? Come one don’t brood over it. My friend’s inviting me to her house for a party tonight wanna come?
Ed: Uh? Neh….
Pam: Oh Come on!! You Shouldn’t be thinking about her anymore you understand? She does not deserve such a nice guy like you….
(Ed looks at the audience and give a cheeky smile)
Ed: Ok! Alrite then!!
Scene 3
(Very loud music & the place was packed Ed spots a beautiful gal from the dance floor)
Ed: Hey Pam, who’s that tall pretty gal over there?
Pam: Which one? There are many tall gals here
Ed: Aiyo… The one with the scarf over her head! She looks so… sexy….so…. so… pretty… so gorgeous!! Feel a rush inside of me!! I feel as if I’m on cloud 9 I think… I think I’m in love….!!!
Pam: Wow! That’s fast… 10 mins ago you were still talking about…
Ed: Eah!! Don’t mention her name!! I’ve got a new target now… I should go over and talk to her…
Pam: Yeah! U should.. Make sure you don’t get hurt again!!!
(ED began to step on the dance floor. He started dancing closer and closer to her)
(KX spots Ed from afar… then he’s shocked & clasped her chest then he tries to make her top lower. Then continued dancing)
(ED goes up to her and started dancing with “her”: both of them very compatible)
(Everyone looks at them and clapped… they both stared into each other’s eyes. Ed offered her his hand and went to the table to get drinks) (They both went to the table and held the same cup. KX quickly moves his hand away)
Ed: You like martini too?
(KX nods his head)
Ed: Here, have this cup..
KX: Thank you…
(They both went to find a table and started chatting happily) (Ed stares at KX. He’s to memorized by her)
Scene 4
Mother: Boy ah! You always come home so late? And what’s all this on you? How many times must I tell you? Stop being like that can anot? You are really getting out of hand!! I really…
KX: Stop!!! Mumyah… firstly… I’m called Cindy… can you please stop calling me ah boy? It’s so disgusting lor!! Lucky we’re at home. If not I’ll be so ‘malu’
Mother: You!! Papa ah!! Look at you son!!
(Father stops reading his newspaper pulls down his specs and look at his son from top to bottom)
Father: orh…..
(Then he continues reading the newspaper)
Mother: Papa! Can’t you say something more? Look at the way he dresses!! Such a disgrace to the family!! Do you know all the neighbours are talking behind our backs?
Father: Let them say what they want. None of my business!
KX: ya!! Mummy ah!! Now we are in gen Z already! What I’m doing is so common!! Besides, I have no interest in gals!! Let the neighbour say what they wanna say!! They tok so much coz they jealous that I’m sexier than them!!
(Sister walks in…)
Sis: What? Did I hear wrongly? You sexy? Pls lor! Our eyebrows so thick, leg go so much hair, and most of all, your chest is so flat!!
KX: You! You! How dare you’re so rude to me? Show some respect!!
Sis: what respect? You are the most horrible living thing in the world that I’ve seen! It’s so disgraceful to your sis!!
KX: can’t you all just accept me for who I am?? I’m human and I have feelings too you know!!
(Runs into his bed rm & cry… & call ed)
KX: Ed *SOB* my mum just scolded me, and my sis insulted me
ED: What’s wrong? Cindy I’ve something to tell you…. But firstly u have to wipe away your tears.
KX: ok!! What isit???
Ed: Every ntie! I can’t slp… coz I’m thinking of you… something of you during breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper, think of you when I walk, think of you when I sit. Think of you even when I’m in the toilet!! I juz wanna say I’m too inlove with you!! I’ve never though of some one so much before!! You’re the gal of my dreams!! Will you be mine??
KX:I….I…. of course I will I definitely will! Ed you love me for who I am?
Ed: of course! It’s getting late now go to bed… see ya tomorrow!!
(Put down the phone.. KX thinks that he should tell Ed the truth bout himself)
KX: Yes… I should tell him the truth… cause I know that he really likes me….
Scene 5
KX: Darling, I’ve something to tell you….
ED: What is it?
KX: Do you love me for who I am?
ED: of coz I do silly!!
KX: I’ve been hiding something from you all these while and I devided to let you know
Ed: What isit? We’ll solve things out. I won’t blame you…. Cause I love you….
KX: K….. I….. I used to dress like you when I was young
(ED hesitated and thought)
ED: well it’s ok!! Its normal for gals to be boyish when young
KX: No… err… I… I play the games you play when young
ED: Oh you mean soccer? Wah you quite active ah!! No wonder you so muscular now!!
KX: No… I talk like you when I was young
ED: you ah… you voice quite low… but it’s ok.. I love it … cause you sound sexy….
KX: I go to the guys toilet when I was young….
ED: Aiyo…. My darling so cheeky when you’re young ah….
KX: Arghhh! I give up!!! I’m a guy
(thunderstorm…. ED expresses same expression as b4)
(spot light on him)
ED: Why!!!!!
(ED turns around and cover face with hand and turn around and hold kx’s shoulders, looked into his eyes)
ED: it’s ok… I still love you… I’ll take care of you as long as you allow me too
KX: I love you too….
Last fri, finish lesson at 1, waited for munhong they all to finish their lesson at 2~ we ma jiam celebrating the arrvial of exam lor~ i, zh, ah lan, jase and Xiao Mun went KTV lor~ OMG~ exam rd the corner we still hav the mood for ktv~ haha... we are so lame, at first we went there, sing song and stuffs~ slowly we get crazy, start taking lots of photos~ haha~ i ma jiam 'zhi lian', use MH camara and took lots of my pic~ haha~ i even force ah lan to act cute~ wow biang! he really can't make it! haha~ den saw this ex-mjr, meiying, can't recognice her lor~ she really slim down alot, heard frm yan tat she going on starvation~ OMG~! but really do slim down alot~ hee~ i again doing tat 'kissing' jay action~ haha~ they even took it down lor~ haha~ We sing till really sian and start bull shiting liao, we translate all eng song to chinese, singing "hit mi baby one more time" as "da wo bao bei duo yi chi", "I swear" to "wo shong ba (hokkien of swear)", and "i'm a big big ger" to "wo shi ge da da cha bo"~ OMG~! we real crazy~ after tat we even went to suki for buffet lor, real cheap and worth eating~ haha~ i dun noe wat happening to mi, i keep disturb one of the waitress, keep toking to her~ den sabotage ah lan, saying tat he wanna make fren wif her~ haha~ beh tahan~ real fun lor~ have to organise more event during holiday liao~ hehe~
pic taken at ktv~
pic taken at lab~
tml last paper... yeah~ holiday start~! yeah~!