Fri: weekend coming~ relaxing sia... today alot of technician self-declare holiday... they either on MC or on leave... so no one is free to entertain mi, i was slacking all the way sia... having to mention this super stupid pervert + joker technician, shamsir~ he mention to mi tat he once had a chinese ger fren when young, he love chinese, so fair and pinkish~ he say when he smack her, she will become pinkish, so cute~ OMG~! pervert rite... den he start to pose those SM pose, saying... oh, smack mi baby... say my name... shamsir... wow biang~! bth sia... super pervert ah... today i also found a new rounte, hopefuly a shorter journey~
back home~ try to install the boardband thingy, but it can't work... when the internet is on, everything start to hang~ piss off sia~
sat: wake up early and continue wif the boardband thingy again~ problem still unable to solve... call tat singnet guy, he ask mi to reinstall everything, if still can't work, call singnet technical support... end up calling technical support as wat tat guy told mi to... this nice and sweet voice lady attend to mi, after toking to her abt the faulty and some procedures, finally she found wat exactly happen to my com, it kana attack by either blaster worm or sasser worm... sian sia.. this stupid worm won't attack 56k, tat y i din came across similar problem when using 56K, and it attack only win2k, XP and dun noe wat~ for win2K, this application error for svchost.exe will pop up, as for xp, the com will alway restart... so hav to ask xiao mun to dl the patch and burn into disc for mi~ b4 xiao mun came to do his rountine visit to ash ash, i took a nap first, prepare myself for the nite~ hehe~ as usual, xiao mun came over to my hse to see ash.. den after tat we went lavendar food square for dinner, my suggestion... hehe~ den head towards city hall area~ btw, xiao mun got this free entry tix to centro... we waited at esplanade... feel really boring so we went to centro first~ neither mi nor xiao mun went to centro b4, haha... we are unfamilar to the place lor, jus follow those ppl blindly... took e lift to 2nd and walk up the stair~ ok... wat abt centro? its playing hse music, quite nice to mi... the environment not bad, i mean the scenery outside! for the inside~ hmmm... quite small, abt the size of 3 or even smaller~ overall not bad lah... we went in at abt 11pm++, no one dance one lor~ haha~ maybe still 'EARLY'!!! haha... uh... for some not to be mention stupid bloody reason, tim can't enter centro... so we end up gng 3 again... tim was really disappointed abt it lor... anyway, still got chance one lah... so wat happening at 3? as usual, fun! haha... saw gao mei, she super duper excited when she saw mi~ haha... again, hai~ she KISS mi~!!! OMG~ haha... so les sia~ haha... ya~ saw TONY too~ hehe~ so long din see him liao~ miss him sia... after clubbing session, went esplanade again to ton nite, start our tarot reading session... our tim tim brought along his tarot cards~ gao mei and yan qing join us too... but qing left half ay cos she jus to tired... did some reading for myself, regarding my character...
i always put up a strong front, my past experience form my chracter now. i am too protective, protective until i actually isolate myself... ppl noe tat i being puting up a strong front... some suggestion frm my fren there, they told mi tat i hav to be more open out to my fren, stop ISOLATING myself...
as for relationship, i hope to hav a relationship but not eagar to find one. samething, becos of my past painful experience, i dun dare to love... i hav to learn to not to be afraid of been hurt in order to get into relationship... for the coming 3 mths, i will not be attach to anyone, remain as single... den there this something abt man authority, forget wat it means... anyway, the last card is the most interesting one, the empress!!! which symbolize pregnent or something, which mean i have to be sensual and sexual sacrifice or sumting... haha...
i also ask abt some of my fren, xiao mun - a fren who will be there when i was lonely, zhenhui - a fren who will lend helping hand when i'm in deed, wilson - a fren who will go through alot wif mi, gao mei - a party kaki! alway having fun wif her... some which i choose not to mention, have to beware of them... also ask abt if i will rotate, ans is... hai~ U WILL DEFINITLY ROTATE!!! low leh~ wow biang~ really affect mi sia... but i'll fight for it one, no matter wat~
tat's all i have for tat nite~ we ton till ard 8am++ den went to hav breakfast tog, and went home~
a pic took on tat day:
mi and xiao Mun~
sun: slp frm 12pm till 7pm~ watching tv while installing the patch into my com~ everything fine~ back to normal~ yeah~ finally dl some songs, like check this out, so i love you baby, etc... recommand u guy this new techno MY HERO!!! nice song sia~ preparing myself for the next day~ work!!!
Today, mon: at wkplace rite now... at MAINTENANCE rite now~ today on my way to work, met my fren who also attach to the same place~ told her my problem... she was very supportive... ya~ sometime i should let ppl noe my thinking, my feeling, shouldn't hide them up... anyway, this week is not rotating, next week may rotate... jus pray hard~ feel quite tired today~ yawn~ eyes is abt to close liao sia... hai~ today was a slacking day again, cos the property officer not here~ hai~
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