wow~ haha~ looking at my birthday counter!!! haha~ 300 over days to my next coming bday~!!! haha~ anyway... some updates!!!
monday: went to tampines, mit shamsir @ telepark~! spent e miserable 2hr outside~! haha~ ok... as usual chat wif him... since there's only the two of us ard, we sure got a more serious chat, abt life, abt his wife, abt his love life, abt the next gathering, etc~ asking how his wife really like, heard ppl saying his wife damn firece and watever, so get to clarify my doubtss... haha~ ok! wat can i say... its easy to get 2 person together, but difficult to get 2 person to LIVE together~ when u realized that he/she is not who u tot he/she is, feeling will start to change~ well... i agree that this won't happen to all relationships, but there do hav quite a no. of failed marriage lah... hai~ tat's life!!! after hearing his story, i got quite emotional, of cos i din shed tears lah, but experience a mixture of feelings... ya, everyone will sure find their special someone in their life, but wat if u made a wrong choice? hai~ so sad... ok! so there's goes my bday, spend it jus like tat~ abit sad, cos NO BDAY CAKE!!!! sob sob~
tuesday: A nice rainy day, some times since i last seen droplets of water falling frm our sky up there~ spend my day @ home, had not been gng swimming lately, cos having a slight flu and cough~ ok~ will definitly continue once i feel better... got a sms frm raffi, saying tat they currently do not need any part-timer, but may need for mass check out period... ok~ after getting out of bed, gave raffi a call~ mass check in period is ard NOV time~ ok.... waiting... den called AH BENG~!!! cos heard frm shamsir that he hospitalize last week, cos throat infection~!!!! OMG... i actually called him up last friday, ya~ i knew abt he took 3 day MC, but dun noe it was tat serious!!! so ok~ called him up, chat abit~ and one stupid incident happen~ haha~ this cheeky ah beng here will always called mi back and begin with :'hello, darling ah!!!' and guess wat, this time rd, my mum pick up the fone~!!!! wahahaha~ luckily she din actually heard tat~!!! haha~ or else i'll be in deep trouble~ anyway, chat abt some lame things again~ abt the merlion i saw @ China Black~!!! haha~ abt my special bday present he gonna give mi, but i'll definitly not not accepting his SPECIAL gift!!! haha~ ok~ he got a job interview to go back to PGPR, working as shift tech... so he gng back on wed for a interview~! and so since he going back, we decided to mit up and go together, we can also catch wif some of the monkeys who still working there~!!! ok~ set!!! get to see my ah beng tml...
oh ya, mum brought my DREAM L-SHAPE SOFA and they r sending it to my hse today!!! simply love it so so much~!!! improving my standard of living.... targeting a new coffee table, a new bed, a new wardrobe.... alot alot~ but $$ is the main problem~ take one by one slowly~ haha~ but still so happy wif my new sofa~ haha!!!
forever... my tarepanda cushions!!! wif my new sofa~!
wed @k@ today: was watching GET REAL! @ channel news asia~! guess wat the topic? BLOGGING~! and there they making the interview on blogs, here i'm blogging~ haha~ again~ the popular XIAXUE~ check out her blog: and guess wat~! OMG! clinton also hav a blog! haha~ ok~ so how's my day? miting my ah beng~ haha~ wake up @ 8am... after bathing, got this sms, say :'Jes, sorry. appointment cancel 4 2day. How abt 2morrow?' -_-; ok~ not miting today but tml~ kns sia~ made mi wake up early~ lucky i haven really put on any make up~! haha~ ok~ slack ard @ home and lay on my sofa, falling aslp~! haha... wake up @ ard 12pm... again slack ard, watch tv... until 3.30pm, leave home for paya ubi industrial park~!!! OMG~ jiamin actually gave mi the wrong info... should be bus no. 63 and not bus.65~!!! drop @ bedok reservoir area and took cab in~ so sad~!!! can't get to see choony~ anyway, get my sept pay, the miserable $400++~!!! haha~ ok!!! after that went to katong, to explor that GREEDY PET BAKERY, check up the webby: bought a cup cake ($2), a mini cake ($4) and 200gm of heart-shape honey cookies ($8.50)~!!! some special dinner for ash boi~!
the cakes~ ash only able to finish the paw cake~!!! but he sure enjoy it alot~!!!
a pic of ash ash taken on 4th of OCt,04~
a pic of mine~!!! taken quite some time ago~!!! haha
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