wed (2/3/2005)
finally finally... FYP is REALLY over, i mean, all presentations are over... all the stress, worries are over too... Relief... pics pic....
My FYP Group... nth much to say abt it... jus happy tat its finally over...
mi and xiao mun
mi and tricia
tricia and xiao mun
Tricia and Nisa
my model of the day: Mr RoY Chong~
Theme: Dua Pai Kia
haha~ cool huh...
the usual self of Mr Roy
actually he's not tat pai kia look lah~!
wan more pics~ kk~ here come the Bluesss....
MPC 12~ hehe~ they are so BLUE...
ppl say 'man look best when they are serious'... u agree?
YONG WEI! can u stop acting cool?!
the sweetie couple~ with their 6230~
the girls~ so *sweet*
mi and xiao mun again~
diana and hui hui.. *the cha bo(s)*
the 3 blue guys....
B.A.D??? *puke* Oh God.... zoom in to their face~!!!! LOL...
yeah~ Power~!
Fri (4/3/2005)
mit up wif my bro! had suki sushi for dinner... happen to see kor kor sia... woo hoo~ free meal! wahahhaha... got to return him the treat one day.... hehe.... thanks, kor! bro treat mi drink and sweet sia~ haha.... went to the beach for a good chat... really really love star gazing.... stars of east coast is real nice... luckily, not much clouds that nite, able to see the stars more clearly... looking at the sky, remind mi of the sky i saw when i was in malaysia... the most beautiful sky i ever saw.... almost the whole sky is fill with star.... too bad, can't take pic of it... cos can't be shown... but still i capture the sky with my eyes and kept it in my heart~
after chatting, called tim out for some tarot readings... thanks, Tim! went home at ard 2 ++, had a good scolding frm mum again~! hai~ a free ride frm bro~! hehe.... din spend a single cent! wahahaha....
Sat (5/3/2005)
back to childhood times.... really a tired yet fun day out~! the 8 of us.... diana, horng jiunn, siew hui, zi yang, yong wei, alex, mun hong and mi.... plus 2 sweeties... baileys and ash... a lot alot of pics... taken by my new employed photographers, diana and horng jiunn~! and of cos... the love story between the two dogs and a man! the triangle love.... ash love baileys and baileys love yong wei~!
haha... good to go out wif baileys ard.... cos i dun hav to leash ash, he will jus follow baileys... haha~ ash was so dirty yesterday.... haha... really a kids sia... playful, so neat before gng out and so dirty when back home....
ash b4 gng out~!
here's the after! haha~ bth....
baileys... the mix breed beauty... attract alot of other dog owner who has big dogs, saw 5 huskys~!
as i mention... back to childhood days~
first, we fly kite.... yong wei setting up kites....
my kite was high up in the sky~! thanks to my kite flying teacher who was my papa~!
look at yong wei! funny huh~
trying to make ash fly??? whose idea is tat??
diana with ash dear~
its siew hui's turn~
OMG~ look at dirty ash! lying on the sand~!
did anyone told u guys that having oral sex in the public is not allow in sg?
ASH is so desperate~!!! OMG~
Ash: "dun like tat say lah... i so pai seh"
Mun hong and his darling~
come on~ make a guess.... bailey is mix of wat??? any idea anyone?
althought ash is dirty but.... there still someone who prefer ash more~!
bailey: "nvm, as long as felix love mi can liao"
wearing my hat~
the loving couple in my little tent~
as usual, alex job is jus to slp~!
another pair of couple~ siew hui and zi yang~
we had Mac for lunch~
back to childhood 2 : playing bubbles~
Baileys: "they are SOOooo bo liao"
Ash: "ya~ I agree to what baileys had said"
Ash: "I know I look so messy!"
Mi : "i'm childish, but i enjoy~" :p
Baileys : "this is my owner, Roy~"
Baileys: "See... he love mi jus tat much... envy?"
Ash: "Ya... so envy..."
Ash: "but i also have ppl who love mi TAT MUCH!"
Drinking using ash ash's water bottle... i know pink is a bit gay~ The problem wif having a flat face, you hav to stuff the whole face in to get to drink the water~
Baileys: " wahahahaa..."
Nice butt~! wahahahaha... Ash: "*saliva drip*"
mi~ jus cut my fring.... its too short huh~! hai~
Pls line up to take pic wif the dogs....
with baileys~
With my darling ash~
our 2 darlings.... whose hands are that eh??? playing with ash's tail~
OMG~ felix try to act suai sia~
Baileys: "omg~ so yan dao~"
Baileys: "Oh God~ I simply love him so much *irresistable*"
The third couples of the day....
we stay till 10 plus~ eating, chatting, playing sparkles... our last 'back to childhood days'
manage to capture it b4 the nite fall~ taken by dun noe who~!!!! but its duper nice huh~
went over to liping's chaletto greet her a happy birthday after tat... thanks yong wei for driving us to and fro~ thank you so much~!!!
waiting.... for wed.... our ktv trip~ hehe.... as if we are graduating tml huh~!!! hehe~ enjoy.....
some pics tat i taken quite some time ago....
Ash ash slping~ he look so clean, and innocent~!
ash ash on the table~!
My new hp~ 6230.... forming our very own 6230 gang~ wahahahha...
mi and diana, taken in sch~
diana and horng jiunn youngest sister~ so cute and active... big eyes~!
tat's all for the day~ enjoy...