took a couple of pics wif ash boi... but realized tat... i'm so so ugly... dark eye circle is so obvious... is it my concealor? or is it the condition is getting worse? or is it becos of the long hrs sitting in front of PC? sad sad~ looking at my face, even more sad...
Guess the last one is the best out of all....
i wan my smile back... miss a lot of ppl... miss a lot of thing...
missing tricia, ever since she enter her cabin crew job, she had not mit up wif mi... miss her so much... wan to tell her a lot of things and also wan to listen to her everything... wanna see her new look...
missing shumei, its been so bloody long since i last met up wif her... wat to do, she bz preparing for her exams....
missing wilson, my best best brother... who i been taking advantage of... feel so bad tat i hav taken him for granted at times, i even tell him straight into his face tat i'm taking him for granted... but he nv give up doting mi, taking care of mi... he's having NS, i can't probably wan he to appear in front of mi as and when i like... but he tried his best... and i noe he will definitly be one of those rare ppl who will rmb my bday and won't forget tat expensive present...
missing my abangs... rafi, koon, fendy, fazli... miss them so so much... had not seen them for so so long... i'm so bad, BAD! they still as concern, still call mi up and chat wif mi... gonna go back during their mass check out period...
missing my mid-nite kakis, mun hong and tim... u will easily spot the 3 of us on weekend... our nv ending list of movies to catch... sorry tat i had rejected the offer last sat cos of my 'not feeling well' state... this sat is set!
missing my clubbing days, clubbing wif dewei sister.... miss the days so much... the time when we and kieth to cocco latte, wif tim and mun hong to china black... ever since he enter NAFA... hai....
am gng on diet... not progressing as fast as expected... gng to take meal replacement... gif myself a week of solid diet and see how much i can lost...
gonna get myself a cool hair highlighting.... time, i need time... and i'm running out of it....
counting my days... turning into 20 in like less den 2 weeks... life is still as per normal... nth special or rather nth great abt turning 20, not as i expected... life will not be as sux if i dun get to noe him... but life still goes on... finally i had make the decision to throw away all this nonsense... read all the sms-es that been storing in my hp for the last time... and delete all at once... telling myself its a full stop... no more him, only myself and me... i dun need anyone... tears had run dried, heart had been hurt... nth much i can do, now there's only me and myself left... life still goes on... and i noe memories will fade away one day... all it takes is jus times...