what can i say, it sound scarier den it seems... everyong will be asking, is it pain? i will say... not really tat much as u thought... the pain is somehow bearable... the more fleshy won't feel tat pain... sensitive area like u noe tat plc, and neck, rib, hands and feets will feel more painful... and less sensitive one and fleshy plc are butt, arms area... how much it cost? my this close one had it at $350, plam size... ex?! its not k~ i did my eyebrow for $500 k!!! and its more painful, for sure~
She wan it on her BUTT! haha~ the cool tatto man doing his job... lucky tat BUTT is not tat fantastic! seriously, its not tat pain according to my witness and my close one... she actually was like so anxious and so frighten, tat she keep on asking the tattoo man to inform her when he abt to start, and she grab the chair like hell... but when the needle poke her skin... haha~ i still rmb tat face... was like... 'chey!!!' haha~ den she relax herself and give gif me tat look as if its not pain at all... jus tat it really take so long...
a Dophline...
or a shark?