some recent updates... i start my strict diet agn... its hell, simply hell... my craving are killing mi... my guilt is controlling mi... i'm stuck! i wanna eat so many things, spagetti, pizza, fishball noodle, hokkien mee, fried bee hoon, KFC, Mac, LJS, Sushi, chicken rice, steaks, cutlet, salmon, chips, calamari, mussels, Seafood platter, cheesy stuffs, cakes, laksa, satay, etc... OMG!!!! but my guilt... FATS, FATS, FATS.... oh on... i'm stuck... side effects of dieting appearing, having headache, stomach uneasy, feel like vomiting... the tot of eating will cost an increase in wgt... and so on... everything come agn... OMG! hell... but ok, manage to shake off 1KG, its a gd progress liao... continue to work hard and ya.... have to....
a KTV trip wif dewei, mich, benny, ah mei and bf on tue... nice session... took a couple of pics, but jus for tat moment, i felt tat i look freaking disgusting and stop my cam whore attitude for a while... anyway, ah mei's bf can sing quite well huh... remind mi of 'ah xin' from shin... a good catching up session lah...
Get to go momo with one og my fren on wed, ladies nite... kinda miss trina alot... and ya, no one were to go dance floor with me, and my fren and his fren all dance hip hop... so ya... miss trina so much... and my face was liek so 'high bu qi lai'... really lah... especially when i hear 'hu-oh', oh gosh, its hell! nv knew tat R&B dance pop can also bring tears to my eyes sia... left at ard 3am, got free ride home... hehe... but to compare, i still wan trina to be wif mi, rather den free ride!
Went for a movie wif tricia and mh last thurs... simply rocks... watched FD3... haha... wat a saddist show... jus everyone die ugly and painfully... yet tricia complaint tat its only 1.5 hr show, oh come on, 1.5 hr of ppl bloody dying still not enough ah?! saddist sia... we went sweasen twice tat day sia... haha... had a banana split... haha... guilt... i jus simply love it... agn, a catching up wif tricia babe, with her bz schedule, we hardly see each other as often... and wat else, mh is there... reminded mi of sch daze... haha... miss those days, when we chill out at coffee bean or mac, bull shitting and took millions of pics... haha... miss those days... and ya, tricia, i hate ur bz schedule.. haha....!!!!
sat, mit up wif mh and timmy, had kenny roger, cure a little of my crave... hehe... a slacking day... jus simply slack all the way... laze ard... cool... i think its been so long since we last hang out like this... aimlessly and jus lame ard... enjoy the day though...
mum fell sick on sat, quite terrible... as she is unable to even walk... hai~ the thing abt old ppl, so stubborn, when she feel a little not well, she claim tat its normal, insist tat she dun need to consult a doc, jus to save a little money... and now, it get worse and can't even walk to the clinic, and ya, hav to call in doc, and it cost freaking 100 bucks for tat! see lah... wanna save money, in the end spend even more~ hai~ y like tat~
mit up with my dear ah shu... haha... ya, a ger nite out... no doubt, when gers get together, our topic is so womenly.... everything under teh sky... frm clubbing, work, bf to sex... i mean come on... no kiddy land liao k... so wat's wrong wif toking abt those R21 topic... haha... recalling the times wif trina, haha... its the same... so womenly tok... and yeah, the 2 women of my life, i love them, TRINA TAN & JOCELYN TAN... oh... all are TAN huh!? and my mum is TAN too... cool sia... so heng?! haha~ tat's fated~! dun jealous!
ok ok... back to main topic... trina special... alot of pic sia...
1st of all... pic taken on CNY!
Timmy and Trina, so chi-na sia the two of them...
mi and lovely trina~ hehe~ *hot*
tat sickening ciggies... strawberry flavour, look cutie huh with its pinko colour... but dun get cheated! it sux!
now... our Robertson Quay... i jus miss those days too too much... i scar i'll start recalling and can't stop crying...
Our room... and i guess we can't really stay together, it will be damn messy~ haha... look at the dressing table... haha~ gals~ i ever tok to shumei abt it... imagine we were to go sydney to stay wif trina, the 3 gers... and of cos i'm the worse one, and dear shumei, the typical care taker, will be nagging us and at the same time packing the stuffs and can't stop nagging~ haha~ sound so mummy huh!
We went for a swim once we settle our stuffs... of cos, mirror obsession, i won't let the opportunity go... haha~
In the lift, back frm shopping, needa top up our fridge supplies...
mit up wif timmy.... having some snacks @ liang court mac...
Had our dinner at boat quay, some chinese ramen shop... dun noe wat to ate~
some snapshot of the 3 of us...
We went over to MOS tat nite... a tour... but i still prefer momo... ya noe, am a momo addict... and i jus love R&B, sensitive to music maybe... can't take retro, can't take techno, can't take trance, neither nor house.. jus strictly R&B and top 40s.... and even the R&B room dun suit mi... anyway, a gd plc to tour lah... hav to go in and take a look somehow... cos its huge and the interior is ultimate chio! but the crowd isn't tat great... unfrenly and not much clubbers, mostly visitors and know nth abt art of clubbing... art of clubbing is to enjoy tog, even if the dancefloor is pack, everyone still dance and smile to each others, tat's wat i love...
anyway, a tour to MOS toilets... haha~ its cool isn't it?! and we start our cam whore biz~
Tour ard MOS... the PURE room:
The RETRO room:
The R&B room:
We left MOS @ 12mn, and went to MOMO, told u liao lor... MoMo is the dustbin sister's heaven and we jus can't help it... falling in love wif MoMo... and i noe Trina miss it too too much~ and poor timmy went to another club wif his fren as he can't enter MoMo... underage! haha~
took a pic outside MOS, it ultimate long queue out there... @ 12mn... haha~
Jus trying hard to act tired~
Day 2:
some candid shot taken in room
Yeah, mh join us on the 2nd nite... BUT! i guess they hav an affair... haha~
Our very own yu sheng session:
if only Trina is here in sg, i guess every CNY we will hav our very own yu sheng session and reunion dinner~ and no doubt... we went MOMO agn tat nite... as in me and Trina lah... haha~
and no more pics liao~
here our last dinner b4 trina went back... @ suki sushi~
Shumei join us for the dinner~
some candid shot... mh and his jaguar juice... he suppose to say guava juice but he mention JAGUAR juice! and.... its actually mango juice~
wat they doing?! another candid... haha~
Our mirror obsession... haha~ at Parkway P's toilet~ haha~ we jus love toilet and full length mirror
Our Xi Nu Ai Le @ PP's starbuck!
Our dearly grp photo~
and this! my lovely present for Trina... hehe~ send tears to her eyes sia... but i cried too while doing it...
Of cos not forgeting our littel Mu-C~! haha~
last but not least, our mirror obsession series... taken @ PS some times ago~
sad enough... i forgot to upload our last momo nite pic... gotta post it asap...