My ½ã½ã in her ±ÏÒµ·þ!!! So Smart wor~
°Ö°Ö&½ã½ã. °Ö°Ölook so cool rite in long sleeve, ma chiam rich boss sia!
mi and my sister~ **Muack**
She so Happy!!!! after 3 yrs of hard work, she deserve it sia~
trying hard to take her side view~
°Ö°Ösimply get addicted to phototaking~ haha~ and this pic is so... Íò×ÓÁ¼... though my ÀÏ°Ölook so much better den him... haha~
told u liao wat, he addicted liao~
i love this act cute pix~ ½ã½ãis my ±ÏÒµÖíÖí... she is so cute! haha~
A È«¼Ò¸£, be4 we go in for the ceremony~
The stage~!
Mi and Mummy settle down and waiting~
Mummy & daddy~ so happy~
The graduates make their entry! it remind me of Harry porter~ haha~
sis!!!! haha... i spotted her out of the 281 ppl~!
after some boring hynosising speech from the VIP... the graduate receive their public regonition by gng up on stage one by one to collect their cert~
haha~ tat's ½ã½ã... she look so funny ~ haha~
Shook hand wif the ang mo~ hehe
haha~ sis among the ppl~
lastly, the graduates r too throw ur hat high up in the air~ haha~
Sis wif her cert~
haha~ ÀÏ°ÖºÍÀϽãµÄºÏÕÕ...
Family pic agn~
sis agn~
back to home... where ash and sis's bf is waiting~
here come my master piece~
haha~ i still think i'm gd at taking pic~ haha~
her cert~ hehe~