shall touch on this 'superband' performance tat i went to watch wif Dewei, mich and benny... hmmm... tat's so lucky to be Juz B's last performance... rather sad... cos i always like them so much... the way they sing, the way they perform and present every songs... as a grp of muslim, they can even sing chinese songs! and not to mention abt how smooth and soothing their singing is... BUT! they r OUT~! FUCK! hate it so so much... anyway, pic time first~
Let me present the grp, Dewei, Benny and Mich... ya, dewei is jus trying to act cool~
Mi and Mich... tat's how i look like after a MoMo Night~ haha~
the couple, Mich and Benny
look at DeWei's tat 'buay kei yan' face!
haha~ the joker... use to be my no. 1 gentleman... but due to his buzy schedule, he simply got no time to maintain the image... haha :p
The stage~ By right, no photography is allow~
Not forgetting to camwhore alittle b4 the show begin... and ya, nv miss out my pouting pose even with dark eye circles... Opps! =X
The 8 grp of finalist all on the stage~ tat's my best zoom i can do...
and here my 2 fav grp...
Juz B... simply love their performance tat nite, as usual soothing but with a little comical effect~ Singing 'Ye Lai Xiang'... Well, its a RETRO nite~!
And ShiNoBe... Love them too... they really powerful and ROCK! they can really bring on the crowd... and they love singing jay chou's rap songs.... hehe~ They r really gd at re-mixing the songs lor... nv let it turn out to be weird! and ya! tat guy is jus trying to act "THE MAID"~ haha~ singing 'Wo Deng Zhe Ni Hui Lai'...
BUT... both of them are out... make me seriously dun wanna watch SuperBand anymore... cos ya noe, this 2 grp jus makes mi wanna watch it and guess wat song they gonna present and how it gonna be... but now... no more le... sob sob... not gonna watch it anymore... and not gonna expecting who's in and who's out... MEANINGLESS liao... SIAN 1/2... jus love this 2 grp really much... sob sob...