Started blogging in the yr 2004 Jan... my first clubbing session ba... OMG! its at this TECHNO club lor... well, all collasp! haha~ a gd thing ba~
ok... No Doubt... tat's me... OMG! at the age of 18! haha~ I'm not a BUTCH and NV was!
Those endless KTV session... and ya, my All-Time-Fav action... kissing Jay on the screen! i think he will FREAK OUT! haha~
oh haha~ tat's Roy, he will kill me when he see this! definitly! haha... Roy wif his center parting... anyway, we r in sch lab... haha~
The days when i love short hairdo and ya! SPIKES~
The very own Art Work of mine...
Go thru a stage when my darling Ash Boy kena this cancerious Skin Lump... sob~
OMG! Hell... I'm still as BUTCHY! went for a new haircut~
my Cousin's wedding, at least i look more like a human beings~
During my Attachment Period... OMG! I'M SO BLOODY FAT!
HELP! Tats Auntie Jeslyn rite at the bottom right corner.... a BBQ @ PGPR...
Last day of my Attachment which in Oct 2004?!
well... haha~ i transform a little more le... haha~
At Jay's concert 04~ wif this SWOLLEN face~
Some Drinking biz wif my Niangs~
The ger wif golden hair, fully dress-up for Presentation!
Another Street drinking Session wif the Niangs, celebrate Rizlan's bday... miss it all so much~
taken on Val Day 05~ jeslyn says 'FUCK!'
Ladies in Black ang Gents in Blue, My FYP grp... presentation, all our sweats & Tears...
ROY! more yandao le rite?! haha~ and me! more chio liao rite *puke* there's still plc for improvement!
I'm Freaking without make up and ya... i haven got my brows DONE!
See See... Roy turn yandao liao! wahahaha~
Presenting my FYP project~!
Its still the time when dieting haven't took plc~
OMG! at kuishin BO! YA! EAT SOMEMORE!!!! MUAHAHAHAHA~ still so freaking!
Still in SHORT hair~
Finally... am into anna sui and gothic! the purple and black~
tat's wat i mean... i look better den last time le lor... but... it can be better, trust me~ haha~
but am still into short hairstyle~ haha~ my DEEP gothic punk style! wow~ *evil huh*
When Trina Enter my Life
Tat's my LAST pic without make up... its taken like 1 yr back or even more... haha~ now, i simply dare not even try ! haha~
& finally my diet set in... i lose 10 KG... and here it is... haha~ *proud* and yeah~ i got my brows DONE! nice nice~
its really wonders....
Beginning of this yr... i hit MOS! cool~ *muack*
When DeSoLo Appears... when i can start Shopping @ MNG! wahahahaha~
The time when my sis Graduate~ *muack*
As time passby not only had i turn into a lady, but i also had a better r/s wif my sister... we get closer now... so much closer...
The time when belle came into my life~
The time when my style not only gng in gothic... i tried gng BLING BLING!
I shaked off a further 5KG!!!! OMG!!! i love myself... *muack*
Consider as recent pics~
Oh ya~ i jus had a baby niece in March~ haha~ Chloe~
My bestie... soulmates... after so long... ya... she's still wif me... our bintan trip...
My very first time in bikini... *blush*
When suntaning become an addict~ haha~
Tat's jus how much i heart little ash.. my 3 yrs wif him... haha~
Taken Jus a few days ago... haha~ *muack*... so much changes in 2 yrs... wow... when anna sui, lancome, estee lauder took my face.... when momo and suntaning become an addict... when Trina and Belle appear... when Ah Shu, Roy, Zhenhui still wif me... when work took over sch... the changes.... tat's jus me... haha~ i heart myself more now! *muack*