well, i noe i'm not been updating my bloggy as often... hmmm... alittle bz, or shall i say i'm jus plain lazy... Shall share abt my recent life den hit onto my blog topic (it got to be a outdated entry agn)...
hmmm... having my exam next sat, i got to like study study and study... URGH... not having gd times wif my new BLACK boss these days... a extremely difficult leceh FAKE old man! fake as in act frenly... agn, these ppl boost abt how gd, how capable he is, tat higher management send him to take over this project... but somehow i wonder higher management gave him these hard to handle project is becos of his ability to turn everything fine or is it trying to chase him away, make him quit his job (and the company dun hav to compensate)... anyway, i been in there for more den a yr... there's nv any big issue, until these days, becos of some bloody ppl (other den black boss, there's another old maid), they miser my days sia.. i freaking feel so not wanting to report to work... They jus simply make no peace in workplc... jus one qns... if u were the manager, will u actually tell ur clients tat one of ur empolyee threaten to quit cos of been force to accept ur client's request during an OFFICIAL MEETING. Oh come on, its an internal issue, clients shouldn't be involve and of cos it will invite unpleasant rumors from the client side and obviously the company's reputation will be affected. Its a LONG story... Afterall, he's jus a very FAKE person, who act as an angel, saying tat he will HELP u but den sabo u and bring up his good name! PUKE!
enuf of him, he will jus dirty my beautiful blog... well... had finish up my assignment wif shu and hav handed it in... relieve... hmmm... been rather gd ger these days, not gng out after work... monday mit for assignment purpose.... tue a stay-in for a public holiday... DULL... well, went to hand up the assignment wif shu and went over to city hall to shop for some stuffs and back home... nth on agn on thurs... and fri, mit 'Ronald', kean's best pal, he jus came back from china... cool... we can actually click pretty well... amazing, nv expect myself to meet great ppl outside my sch and work... haha~ we went for supper, we as in Kean, Ken, 'Ronald', my darling Shu & me... haha... and ya, i forbid myself to eat... no food for me after 6pm... am on strict diet agn... and we crack alot of jokes along the way... haha~ and thanks to the well build of kean's body, which make him look a little gayish thou' he's 100% STRAIGHT, the 2 ger start disturb him... we purposely call him 'SISTER' and said stuffs like 'hey sis, when is our next facial session? The latest Lancome 2 way cake... blah blah blah'... which in term make passerby tot he's really a gay... haha... Anyway, a nice mit up... haha~ and SAT, one of my craziest day... went to work in the morning, together wif juanna, we head Seri's plc to make a hari raya visit... only manage to reach @ 3pm... and wow! mit Gad for a movie @ 6pm... :p i'm late... *blush* haha~ catch 'death note'... its nice! the storyline as well as the lead... wahahahaha~ but the interesting part is abt the investigation of the mysteries... well, expected lah, its made from jap comics... so ya... they r jus full of ideas... Its great... and rush home after movie... hav a refreshing bath and quickly rush down to Parklane Kbox @ 10++pm, mit up my sec sch pals... and ya! its Samantha's bday~ hee... hav a gd nite of singing... ya... nag by buddy Dewei.... complaining tat i giving excuses for suntanning session and blah blah blah... haa... soon, i promise soon... i won't forgo my suntanning for long, trust me... i hate it when i'm fair-skin... and for Mich, get to catch wif her alittle more yest... and ya, sang till 4am and head home... *yawn* and sun, day-in... a Homely day... hehe... oh ya, one of my relative from malaysia is coming over to stay as she found a job in sg... hmmm... i begin to realize how small my house is... hai~ and SHIT! i hate it tat my house hav only ONE miser toilet... which means... we got to queue up for using TOILET! HELL... anyone wanna take mi in?? but... pls do make some space for my ashie boy, my tarepandas, my bone bone, my mashi maro & my mini stinki pillow... haha... ok ok... no kidding, if anyone hav gd plc to rent, do let me noe... helping my relative to get a plc near town area, best if near my plc... *wink*
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Dinner @ Soup Restaurant
shall touch on my dinner last sat... Sis's treat~ haha... To be said as my bday treat but den its actually for PaPa, my sis dote on my dearie daddy alot... yeah... and its for him~

The Yummilicious Chinese Cuisine... DeSoLo Love SOUP... yeah... to mi its one of the most tasty thing which isn't as fattening~ haha~ and ya... the chicken, highly recommended by GGGGGad...
Munch Munch...

Of cos... i won't stop my narcissism... haha... i heart myself alot... and yeah, my new haircut, but i doubt there any changes... length maintain, jus a bit of trimming done... layered them, make my hair more volume...

The BOSS of the day... its on her...

The Old lovey dovey Couple... As loving as usual... jus falling for this kind of simplicity... *muack*

My mummy Heart me lotz... *sweet*

My DaDDy... caught on cam wif mouth full of food....

my ELDER sis... no choice but to state it down cos... everyone tot i'm the elder one! do i really look tat old? sob...

I heart my Mummy Too... thou' she might be a little naggy at times :p... haha~ i love taking pic wif her and get her to make those cutie funny faces... Gee...

Wif my sis agn... haha~ we look alike? do we? hmmm....

MuM & DaD wif nice background... *weeeeee*

Mi agn... actually i wanna take pic of the beautiful background but den... the DiDi sat there and block the nice 'scenery'... Humpf!

Shall end this entry wif a pic of the desert... *drool*
hmmm... ya... i noe its abit BIMBO blogging... haha~ but... (Trina's Slogan) 'I LIKE CANNOT AH!' haha~ anyway, highly recommended to those who luv SOUP and CHICKEN! haha~ *wink*
The Yummilicious Chinese Cuisine... DeSoLo Love SOUP... yeah... to mi its one of the most tasty thing which isn't as fattening~ haha~ and ya... the chicken, highly recommended by GGGGGad...
Munch Munch...
Of cos... i won't stop my narcissism... haha... i heart myself alot... and yeah, my new haircut, but i doubt there any changes... length maintain, jus a bit of trimming done... layered them, make my hair more volume...
The BOSS of the day... its on her...
The Old lovey dovey Couple... As loving as usual... jus falling for this kind of simplicity... *muack*
My mummy Heart me lotz... *sweet*
My DaDDy... caught on cam wif mouth full of food....
my ELDER sis... no choice but to state it down cos... everyone tot i'm the elder one! do i really look tat old? sob...
I heart my Mummy Too... thou' she might be a little naggy at times :p... haha~ i love taking pic wif her and get her to make those cutie funny faces... Gee...
Wif my sis agn... haha~ we look alike? do we? hmmm....
MuM & DaD wif nice background... *weeeeee*
Mi agn... actually i wanna take pic of the beautiful background but den... the DiDi sat there and block the nice 'scenery'... Humpf!
Shall end this entry wif a pic of the desert... *drool*
hmmm... ya... i noe its abit BIMBO blogging... haha~ but... (Trina's Slogan) 'I LIKE CANNOT AH!' haha~ anyway, highly recommended to those who luv SOUP and CHICKEN! haha~ *wink*
Monday, October 23, 2006
Post Party Activities
wow wow... am back... back from my bday party... finally... its like so bz...
and thanks to those who came, those who gif pressie, those who help... and ya... especially to SHU & ROY... my 2 dearies, help me the most... love them all... thanks to gad, pat, belle, edwin help me wif the bbq... am really a bad host, i actually get my guest to do bbq for me... so sorry.... thanks to sexy ah kean and horny ah ken, send the drinks down on fri and came on sat... no doubt kean is having a bad hair day, he still attend cos its JESLYN's BDAY! haha~ and ken, he wore lens sia, so yandao wor... and ppl like ramli and raffeeh who came jus to pass mi the pressie and din eat anything... so touch.... and juanna who came after her dinner... and my poly niangs, new pump pump + bf, ben, rizlan, john & ariel... and weixiang, one of my designer who came wif a nicely wrapped up pressie... Thanks to cutie Jen helping me as a entertainer... haha~ and ya! mich and dewei, they and their mangos.... OMG... so many ppl to thanks... jus whoever who attend the party, really appreciate it... am a bad host, many ppl din get to eat the cake... hai~ i dun noe wat my mum was doing, she cut and cut den keep a huge portion in the fridge... well, she tot everyone hav their share... hmmm... i guess its jus too messy... OMG... i din took enuf pic, one of my greatesy regret! SHIT! but anyway, waiting for ppl to send me those pics...
and ya... my pressie... let me show off... PLS... haha~

My 'cam whore' racerback from roy, weiXiang & dexter~! (i noe i look totally hell in the pic! BUT pls FOCUS on the shirt and not the face! wahahaha~)

The addidas watch from ah koon, rafi, fendy & ramli... they bought me the black one actually, i went all the way to tiong bahru to get it CHANGE~

my 2nd watch... actually i went to change it too and top up 100 bucks to get this, my dream watch... jus love it... :p

The Shu Umera Cleanser from my Poly Niangs.... love it to the max!

A ulitmate lovely pressie from a lovely fren, esther... so sweet of her, she's also an anna sui's fan... and so sad, she's outstation, and of no choice she hav to gif my party a miss...

True star GOLD from Kean the sexy and ken the horny... SHIT one lor... i told kean tat i wan True star and not true star gold, but den he showed tat stupid sales girl and she gave him true star GOLD! probably the ger is trying to con his money cos Gold is much expensive... but i still prefer true star! HUMPF!

my 2nd DKNY delicious series from wilson brother... so sweet...
well... i got another 2 bikinis which i haven't hav the chance to take pic of it... actually juanna and mich bought the same bikini for me, so went back and exhange agn... haha~ i did alot of exchanging huh....
hmmm..... others are all CASH CASH CASH... my ang bao!
still waiting for 3 pressie... one from Trinana... all the way from aussie, and it got to be 2 X delivery, as in she sent out the stuffs she bought for me and still one outstanding one, my PCD jacket, haven reach her yet, so she will send it out at a later time... love her, wonder wat she getting for me, a real surprise sia... afraid tat i might drop my tears.... *touch*
2nd one from my dearly ah shu... she gonna get me the New Urban Male racerback? or the bag? or anna sui loose powder? or doll girl on the beach? or gucci envy me? ... hmmm... dun noe which one to grab... haha~
went over to the pasir ris PA complex on fri noon... ROY went to rent a car during tat period, and he really help me alot... drove the stuffs over and help in the decor and BLOW BALLOONs... i mean PUMP balloons... and Shu came down at a later time with pat and yuan... and not forget kean and ken sent the drinks down in the noon... and gad sent 3 bottles of white wine down in the late evening... couldn't fell aslp for the whole nite, cos darling ash is making so much noise in the middle of the nite... send shu to work and do my preparation... and ya... ppl start coming in... and the usual stuffs happen... eat, chat, cut cake, blah blah blah.... den bid gd bye... haha... end up left only a few of us... and jacob came over at 4am, hav to be awake for the mahjong session as requested... and ya... I DIN SLP! all the way till morning 8am! finally, i got my slp... and... wake up at 10am for wild wild wet session wif roy and shu... OMG! nuts... play till 4pm... went back to chalet, NOPE! no slp... cos... getting ready for dinner, as uncle and aunties coming for BBQ session... and we start playing mahjong agn... end up reaching home ard 1am... OMG! scary... totally exhuasted... wake up on a monday morning, went to get all my pressie change... and mit roy for dinner, after tat accompany him to return the car... tue is a total sch day kinda thingy... jus went to sch and ya... nth much... and wed... i got a dinner treat from Wilson Bro... kua kua kua... catch ah kean @ NYDC... walk ard, grab my New Urban male England racerback... den back home... a few pic to be uploaded... fri, back to my NUS gang of abangs... farewell dinner for Chan @ Keppel railway station... and ya! i got my hair CUT! haha~ Worse of all, i'm out of my mind to actually went to Little india on DEEPAVALI EVE! OMG! thanks to Fendy & Rafi... more of it to come... i went for dinner @ soup restaurant wif family... there will be another entry on it... *wink* Finally SUNDAY, no suntanning~ haha~ god bless... i'm having nice ppl ard me... i totally heart my bday week... So much love and concern... I HEART U GUYS~ *MUACK*...
and ya... counting down to the end of my bday week... i'm officially an O.L.! O.L.=OLD LADY... sob... haha~ ya, i'm been too exaggerate... but HEY! many ppl told me tat once a lady hit 21, she get old very fast... hmmm... as in feel tat times pass a little too fast, faster den expected... that's wat my surrounding ladies told me... :(
anyway... a big *KISS*... thanks everyone who play a part in building who i am today, no matter its gd or bad... haha... loving every seconds of my life... *muack*
and thanks to those who came, those who gif pressie, those who help... and ya... especially to SHU & ROY... my 2 dearies, help me the most... love them all... thanks to gad, pat, belle, edwin help me wif the bbq... am really a bad host, i actually get my guest to do bbq for me... so sorry.... thanks to sexy ah kean and horny ah ken, send the drinks down on fri and came on sat... no doubt kean is having a bad hair day, he still attend cos its JESLYN's BDAY! haha~ and ken, he wore lens sia, so yandao wor... and ppl like ramli and raffeeh who came jus to pass mi the pressie and din eat anything... so touch.... and juanna who came after her dinner... and my poly niangs, new pump pump + bf, ben, rizlan, john & ariel... and weixiang, one of my designer who came wif a nicely wrapped up pressie... Thanks to cutie Jen helping me as a entertainer... haha~ and ya! mich and dewei, they and their mangos.... OMG... so many ppl to thanks... jus whoever who attend the party, really appreciate it... am a bad host, many ppl din get to eat the cake... hai~ i dun noe wat my mum was doing, she cut and cut den keep a huge portion in the fridge... well, she tot everyone hav their share... hmmm... i guess its jus too messy... OMG... i din took enuf pic, one of my greatesy regret! SHIT! but anyway, waiting for ppl to send me those pics...
and ya... my pressie... let me show off... PLS... haha~
My 'cam whore' racerback from roy, weiXiang & dexter~! (i noe i look totally hell in the pic! BUT pls FOCUS on the shirt and not the face! wahahaha~)
The addidas watch from ah koon, rafi, fendy & ramli... they bought me the black one actually, i went all the way to tiong bahru to get it CHANGE~
my 2nd watch... actually i went to change it too and top up 100 bucks to get this, my dream watch... jus love it... :p
The Shu Umera Cleanser from my Poly Niangs.... love it to the max!
A ulitmate lovely pressie from a lovely fren, esther... so sweet of her, she's also an anna sui's fan... and so sad, she's outstation, and of no choice she hav to gif my party a miss...
True star GOLD from Kean the sexy and ken the horny... SHIT one lor... i told kean tat i wan True star and not true star gold, but den he showed tat stupid sales girl and she gave him true star GOLD! probably the ger is trying to con his money cos Gold is much expensive... but i still prefer true star! HUMPF!
my 2nd DKNY delicious series from wilson brother... so sweet...
well... i got another 2 bikinis which i haven't hav the chance to take pic of it... actually juanna and mich bought the same bikini for me, so went back and exhange agn... haha~ i did alot of exchanging huh....
hmmm..... others are all CASH CASH CASH... my ang bao!
still waiting for 3 pressie... one from Trinana... all the way from aussie, and it got to be 2 X delivery, as in she sent out the stuffs she bought for me and still one outstanding one, my PCD jacket, haven reach her yet, so she will send it out at a later time... love her, wonder wat she getting for me, a real surprise sia... afraid tat i might drop my tears.... *touch*
2nd one from my dearly ah shu... she gonna get me the New Urban Male racerback? or the bag? or anna sui loose powder? or doll girl on the beach? or gucci envy me? ... hmmm... dun noe which one to grab... haha~
went over to the pasir ris PA complex on fri noon... ROY went to rent a car during tat period, and he really help me alot... drove the stuffs over and help in the decor and BLOW BALLOONs... i mean PUMP balloons... and Shu came down at a later time with pat and yuan... and not forget kean and ken sent the drinks down in the noon... and gad sent 3 bottles of white wine down in the late evening... couldn't fell aslp for the whole nite, cos darling ash is making so much noise in the middle of the nite... send shu to work and do my preparation... and ya... ppl start coming in... and the usual stuffs happen... eat, chat, cut cake, blah blah blah.... den bid gd bye... haha... end up left only a few of us... and jacob came over at 4am, hav to be awake for the mahjong session as requested... and ya... I DIN SLP! all the way till morning 8am! finally, i got my slp... and... wake up at 10am for wild wild wet session wif roy and shu... OMG! nuts... play till 4pm... went back to chalet, NOPE! no slp... cos... getting ready for dinner, as uncle and aunties coming for BBQ session... and we start playing mahjong agn... end up reaching home ard 1am... OMG! scary... totally exhuasted... wake up on a monday morning, went to get all my pressie change... and mit roy for dinner, after tat accompany him to return the car... tue is a total sch day kinda thingy... jus went to sch and ya... nth much... and wed... i got a dinner treat from Wilson Bro... kua kua kua... catch ah kean @ NYDC... walk ard, grab my New Urban male England racerback... den back home... a few pic to be uploaded... fri, back to my NUS gang of abangs... farewell dinner for Chan @ Keppel railway station... and ya! i got my hair CUT! haha~ Worse of all, i'm out of my mind to actually went to Little india on DEEPAVALI EVE! OMG! thanks to Fendy & Rafi... more of it to come... i went for dinner @ soup restaurant wif family... there will be another entry on it... *wink* Finally SUNDAY, no suntanning~ haha~ god bless... i'm having nice ppl ard me... i totally heart my bday week... So much love and concern... I HEART U GUYS~ *MUACK*...
and ya... counting down to the end of my bday week... i'm officially an O.L.! O.L.=OLD LADY... sob... haha~ ya, i'm been too exaggerate... but HEY! many ppl told me tat once a lady hit 21, she get old very fast... hmmm... as in feel tat times pass a little too fast, faster den expected... that's wat my surrounding ladies told me... :(
anyway... a big *KISS*... thanks everyone who play a part in building who i am today, no matter its gd or bad... haha... loving every seconds of my life... *muack*
Friday, October 20, 2006
For Trina and Trina Only
dear ger,
While i'm walking along the shopping alley of far east plaza... i came across this toy shop... and i saw something which remind me of u.... it send tears to my eyes and filled the surrounding with Misses & Emptiness... I jus miss u so much...
Guess wat i saw...?

Who else? It got to be Ms PIGGY! Kua Kua Kua.... but no doubt, i really miss u alot~ hehe~ Counting down to Mar 07... another 5 more mths to go... SOON.... Dustbins re-unite!
While i'm walking along the shopping alley of far east plaza... i came across this toy shop... and i saw something which remind me of u.... it send tears to my eyes and filled the surrounding with Misses & Emptiness... I jus miss u so much...
Guess wat i saw...?
Who else? It got to be Ms PIGGY! Kua Kua Kua.... but no doubt, i really miss u alot~ hehe~ Counting down to Mar 07... another 5 more mths to go... SOON.... Dustbins re-unite!
Saturday, October 14, 2006
My Bday Wishlist....
OMG... its like... i hav loads and loads of updating to be done... my birthday preparation, realizing DeSoLo to be a Extreme Sucker for GENTLEMEN, to get my wishlist up, to get my recap of my bloggy done b4 my 21st plus another espisode of DeSoLoGY! so many things to be done... hai~
anyway... i'll touch on my wishlist and also alittle of my bday preparation...
well... i got my buffet dish chosen... It's HALAH.... got mee goreng, oor nee, mutton rendang, watever lah... and my mum will be frying bee hoon, nuggets, fishballs, etc... alot of food i will say... lagi lots and also BBQ!!! haha~ eat until u puke! my bday cake is one challenging case, should i jus get my uncle to make a lagi big aga aga as my bday cake or should i buy? its ex leh... hai~ i was a key wif a crown on top... haha~ so grand rite... haha~ as if! money money money... jus needa fock up quite a sum for all these~ and ya, my guest list... oh... ard 50 pax coming?! afraid tat the plc might be too small.... anyway, it will be at pasir ris holiday flat, will update everyone agn... can't wait to get my wishlist up!!! haha~ here it goes~
well.... haha~ my wishlist is abit too ex... haha~ i hav to admit... but well, there's cheap stuffs k! haha~ jus get me anything from the list, i'm happy enough! haha~

Can someone buy me this hp... BLACK LG chocolate Black Label Series (KG800)... Jus addicted to dark choco~

I seriously always wanted a mont blanc pen... jus a simple one will do... the one in the pic is MEISTERSTÜCK PLATINUM LINE HOMMAGE À W.A. MOZART... haha~ well, tat bloody pen cost like 200-300 bucks or more... kua kua kua... haha~

Get me a OTO Trimax TX-908 pls... i dun wan tat osim one hor! haha~

A complete season 1 to 6 Sexs & The City DVD uncut version...

If someone really love me tat much... a SAXOPHONE pls...

DeSoLo jus love purple so much and she wants PURPLE GOLD... jus any nice design...
and haha~ here comes my LADs...

Any of the above... but no Erro cos i hav Erro already... preferably, Mirari, but she's a limited edition, quite difficult to find in sg, but i noe china sq have it, but they r selling it far too ex! I wish i could hav Sine the souls, but haha~ hav to buy it from online and not in sg! haha~ but i doubt anyone will get me this for me... cos its far too freaking rite... haha...
here comes my perfume madness... jus any perfume for ladies... jus anybrand which is STRONG! and pls dun get me the following:

Anna Sui Dolly Girl On The Beach

DKNY Red Delicious

Tommy Hilfiger True Star

Gucci Envy Me

Get me a Authentic Juicy Couture Bag... I mean AUTHENTIC one k! hav to be import... hehe~

This watch from Solvil Titus... i wan tat butterfly print one... haha~ it cost like $200++

I serious think i need a nice big gd jewellery boy! saw this @ mini toon...

ok ok... buy me bikini den... ya... hav to be 'L' size... OMG! haha~ I'm FAT ok... haha~ some hints... go check out Bugis village level 2... there's nice bikini~ dun buy me those awkward one k! haha~ too fancy isn't too gd... and ya... i dun wanna mess up my current tannlines, so pls dun get those tube kind or watever... haha~

I need a pair of Flip Flop... my old le... wear and tear... but agn, i dun encourage ppl to buy me slippers or shoes lah... not very gd... but can like buy me Beach Shorts or Racerback Tanks.... i will love to hav it... and i mean racerback, not sleeveless, not spagetti straps, not tube,.... pls dun gif mi yellow, orange, pink, bright GREEN, LIGHT purple... i would like to hav Dark Purple, black, dark brown, white, army green.... red still can lah.... hohoho....

Ok Ok... i wan no hunk k! i wan tat racerback tank!!! from NewUrbanMale.com, u noe tat shop at heeren #04-02 & city link! yeah.. tat one... pls get me a "num england" one... for FEMALE one PLS! a 'S' will do... *muack* i wan it so much... cost : $59.90 ... :p

Get me a lighter with 'DeSoLo' Engrave on it... u can get the engraving service @ Far East... dun rmb the unit no.... haha
ok... simply VAIN DeSoLo... jus get her cosmectics.... a few to grab...

Shu Umera Cleanser with green tea Extracts~ hehe~ cost: $145

Chanel Inimitable Mascara... BLACK pls... and waterproof is a MUST!!! Cost : $45

Anna Sui Loose Powder... Colour : 702 (the darkest tone). Cost : $68. if the case can be chosen, pls get me BLACK Rose... hehe... not pearl WHITE case pls!

Anna Sui Glitter Mascara... Cost : $39

I think this is the CHEAPEST thing off my list... Shu Umera Eyelash Curler... Cost : $23. i wan a GOLD one pls! haha~ pls! for this, if u buying this for me, keep mi inform, i dun wan like getting 10 curlers on my bday! its no jokes! i expect alot of ppl will be choosing this... how pathetic... haha~

Loreal Stretch Mark Eraser! ok... i need tat... i got plenty of stretch marks... and ya... any gd brand tat works, dun hav to be loreal~
ok... can get me anything... but! no EYE SHADOW PLS! DeSoLo hates eye shadow.... hmmm... lip gloss, well, u can try, but... i hav got only one mouth, and i already hav like 15 gloss, rouge & Sticks.... hee... hmmm... Mascara... yeah! any brand, but MUST be BLACK and WATERPROOF! Diorshow, anna sui preferred! hmmm.... Blush ya~ i need blush, i'm running out of blush... jus get me any gd one, but no no NO PINK pls... u can get me those peach colour or dark red but no no BABY PINK! NO! eye liner... ok... help me, any brand, jus any brand, i wan it LIQUID, i wan it BLACK, i wan it to be PAINTBRUSH tip kind.... hehe~ simple~ go check out estee lauder one, something like theirs... can try anna sui's, i haven't tried tat yet... hehe~ Get me gd eye gel, eye cream, eye mask tat can successfully remove my dark eye circle.... Facial mask for pore refining but pls! NO WHITENING stuffs for DeSoLo... buying me Whitening products, they will only end up in Yahoo Auction :p ok... something frm body shop, really gd powerful body moisturiser! hehe~
Add on to my Anna Sui Addicts... buy me all the accessories like:

The hand mirror

The fold mirror

Anna Sui Hair Brush~

Anna Sui Fold Hair brush~
Everything in BLACK! hee... ok... wanna get mi necklace, or bracelet... well... u can try gng Couple Lab at PS, get me a bracelet, pendant, necklace with the word 'DeSoLo'... or jus get me anything tat is unique, black, gothic... haha~
my present seems to be a little too ex... and... troublesome... alot of requirement, hav to be black, have to be this and that... ok... Simple... jus buy me....

Jus buy me shopping voucher!!! Lots and lots and Shopping voucher... it can be from Taka, Robinson, Tangs, Seiyu, ... PLS! dun get me LEVIS, SUNTEC, PERLINIS, etc... jus get me the major departmental stores one which i can get tons of make-ups and Make-up and BRAS... wahahahaha~
ok lah... buy voucher also troublesome....

CASH... jus gif me CASH... its the best... no requirement! haha~
anyway... i'll touch on my wishlist and also alittle of my bday preparation...
well... i got my buffet dish chosen... It's HALAH.... got mee goreng, oor nee, mutton rendang, watever lah... and my mum will be frying bee hoon, nuggets, fishballs, etc... alot of food i will say... lagi lots and also BBQ!!! haha~ eat until u puke! my bday cake is one challenging case, should i jus get my uncle to make a lagi big aga aga as my bday cake or should i buy? its ex leh... hai~ i was a key wif a crown on top... haha~ so grand rite... haha~ as if! money money money... jus needa fock up quite a sum for all these~ and ya, my guest list... oh... ard 50 pax coming?! afraid tat the plc might be too small.... anyway, it will be at pasir ris holiday flat, will update everyone agn... can't wait to get my wishlist up!!! haha~ here it goes~
well.... haha~ my wishlist is abit too ex... haha~ i hav to admit... but well, there's cheap stuffs k! haha~ jus get me anything from the list, i'm happy enough! haha~
Can someone buy me this hp... BLACK LG chocolate Black Label Series (KG800)... Jus addicted to dark choco~
I seriously always wanted a mont blanc pen... jus a simple one will do... the one in the pic is MEISTERSTÜCK PLATINUM LINE HOMMAGE À W.A. MOZART... haha~ well, tat bloody pen cost like 200-300 bucks or more... kua kua kua... haha~
Get me a OTO Trimax TX-908 pls... i dun wan tat osim one hor! haha~
A complete season 1 to 6 Sexs & The City DVD uncut version...
If someone really love me tat much... a SAXOPHONE pls...
DeSoLo jus love purple so much and she wants PURPLE GOLD... jus any nice design...
and haha~ here comes my LADs...
Any of the above... but no Erro cos i hav Erro already... preferably, Mirari, but she's a limited edition, quite difficult to find in sg, but i noe china sq have it, but they r selling it far too ex! I wish i could hav Sine the souls, but haha~ hav to buy it from online and not in sg! haha~ but i doubt anyone will get me this for me... cos its far too freaking rite... haha...
here comes my perfume madness... jus any perfume for ladies... jus anybrand which is STRONG! and pls dun get me the following:
- Escada Sentiment
- Kenzo Flower
- DKNY Be Delicious
- Britney Spear Curious
- Cool Water
Anna Sui Dolly Girl On The Beach
DKNY Red Delicious
Tommy Hilfiger True Star
Gucci Envy Me
Get me a Authentic Juicy Couture Bag... I mean AUTHENTIC one k! hav to be import... hehe~
This watch from Solvil Titus... i wan tat butterfly print one... haha~ it cost like $200++
I serious think i need a nice big gd jewellery boy! saw this @ mini toon...
ok ok... buy me bikini den... ya... hav to be 'L' size... OMG! haha~ I'm FAT ok... haha~ some hints... go check out Bugis village level 2... there's nice bikini~ dun buy me those awkward one k! haha~ too fancy isn't too gd... and ya... i dun wanna mess up my current tannlines, so pls dun get those tube kind or watever... haha~
I need a pair of Flip Flop... my old le... wear and tear... but agn, i dun encourage ppl to buy me slippers or shoes lah... not very gd... but can like buy me Beach Shorts or Racerback Tanks.... i will love to hav it... and i mean racerback, not sleeveless, not spagetti straps, not tube,.... pls dun gif mi yellow, orange, pink, bright GREEN, LIGHT purple... i would like to hav Dark Purple, black, dark brown, white, army green.... red still can lah.... hohoho....
Ok Ok... i wan no hunk k! i wan tat racerback tank!!! from NewUrbanMale.com, u noe tat shop at heeren #04-02 & city link! yeah.. tat one... pls get me a "num england" one... for FEMALE one PLS! a 'S' will do... *muack* i wan it so much... cost : $59.90 ... :p
Get me a lighter with 'DeSoLo' Engrave on it... u can get the engraving service @ Far East... dun rmb the unit no.... haha
ok... simply VAIN DeSoLo... jus get her cosmectics.... a few to grab...
Shu Umera Cleanser with green tea Extracts~ hehe~ cost: $145
Chanel Inimitable Mascara... BLACK pls... and waterproof is a MUST!!! Cost : $45
Anna Sui Loose Powder... Colour : 702 (the darkest tone). Cost : $68. if the case can be chosen, pls get me BLACK Rose... hehe... not pearl WHITE case pls!
Anna Sui Glitter Mascara... Cost : $39
I think this is the CHEAPEST thing off my list... Shu Umera Eyelash Curler... Cost : $23. i wan a GOLD one pls! haha~ pls! for this, if u buying this for me, keep mi inform, i dun wan like getting 10 curlers on my bday! its no jokes! i expect alot of ppl will be choosing this... how pathetic... haha~
Loreal Stretch Mark Eraser! ok... i need tat... i got plenty of stretch marks... and ya... any gd brand tat works, dun hav to be loreal~
ok... can get me anything... but! no EYE SHADOW PLS! DeSoLo hates eye shadow.... hmmm... lip gloss, well, u can try, but... i hav got only one mouth, and i already hav like 15 gloss, rouge & Sticks.... hee... hmmm... Mascara... yeah! any brand, but MUST be BLACK and WATERPROOF! Diorshow, anna sui preferred! hmmm.... Blush ya~ i need blush, i'm running out of blush... jus get me any gd one, but no no NO PINK pls... u can get me those peach colour or dark red but no no BABY PINK! NO! eye liner... ok... help me, any brand, jus any brand, i wan it LIQUID, i wan it BLACK, i wan it to be PAINTBRUSH tip kind.... hehe~ simple~ go check out estee lauder one, something like theirs... can try anna sui's, i haven't tried tat yet... hehe~ Get me gd eye gel, eye cream, eye mask tat can successfully remove my dark eye circle.... Facial mask for pore refining but pls! NO WHITENING stuffs for DeSoLo... buying me Whitening products, they will only end up in Yahoo Auction :p ok... something frm body shop, really gd powerful body moisturiser! hehe~
Add on to my Anna Sui Addicts... buy me all the accessories like:
The hand mirror
The fold mirror
Anna Sui Hair Brush~
Anna Sui Fold Hair brush~
Everything in BLACK! hee... ok... wanna get mi necklace, or bracelet... well... u can try gng Couple Lab at PS, get me a bracelet, pendant, necklace with the word 'DeSoLo'... or jus get me anything tat is unique, black, gothic... haha~
my present seems to be a little too ex... and... troublesome... alot of requirement, hav to be black, have to be this and that... ok... Simple... jus buy me....
Jus buy me shopping voucher!!! Lots and lots and Shopping voucher... it can be from Taka, Robinson, Tangs, Seiyu, ... PLS! dun get me LEVIS, SUNTEC, PERLINIS, etc... jus get me the major departmental stores one which i can get tons of make-ups and Make-up and BRAS... wahahahaha~
ok lah... buy voucher also troublesome....
CASH... jus gif me CASH... its the best... no requirement! haha~
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