The Yummilicious Chinese Cuisine... DeSoLo Love SOUP... yeah... to mi its one of the most tasty thing which isn't as fattening~ haha~ and ya... the chicken, highly recommended by GGGGGad...
Munch Munch...
Of cos... i won't stop my narcissism... haha... i heart myself alot... and yeah, my new haircut, but i doubt there any changes... length maintain, jus a bit of trimming done... layered them, make my hair more volume...
The BOSS of the day... its on her...
The Old lovey dovey Couple... As loving as usual... jus falling for this kind of simplicity... *muack*
My mummy Heart me lotz... *sweet*
My DaDDy... caught on cam wif mouth full of food....
my ELDER sis... no choice but to state it down cos... everyone tot i'm the elder one! do i really look tat old? sob...
I heart my Mummy Too... thou' she might be a little naggy at times :p... haha~ i love taking pic wif her and get her to make those cutie funny faces... Gee...
Wif my sis agn... haha~ we look alike? do we? hmmm....
MuM & DaD wif nice background... *weeeeee*
Mi agn... actually i wanna take pic of the beautiful background but den... the DiDi sat there and block the nice 'scenery'... Humpf!
Shall end this entry wif a pic of the desert... *drool*
hmmm... ya... i noe its abit BIMBO blogging... haha~ but... (Trina's Slogan) 'I LIKE CANNOT AH!' haha~ anyway, highly recommended to those who luv SOUP and CHICKEN! haha~ *wink*