Born as a sensitive mammal... tat's DeSoLo... i think and think of all things ard me... be it a person, an act or an event... Strong in a way tat i hardly shed tears, independent in a way tat i dun need someone to be beside me all the time.... mentally weak... escaping from facts, escaping from truth... i dun like ppl to lie to me, but i prefer truth to be hidden... unable to accept truth or facts... afraid of truth... many times, truth hav failed me, truth hav hurt me... fear of pain... i run, i escape, not to face it, but i understand no matter wat i do, truth can nv be change... unable to accept it gracefully prephaps...
Mind Imprisoned... i'm stuck in a way tat i can't help it... i can't seems to walk out... its been yrs... I can't help it...
A choice need to be made... but i choose not to face it... undecisive... too many things tat i can't bear to let go... i dun wan to choose, i dun dare to choose... Greedy & Selfish... Uncertainty...
I dun noe wat i wan, i dun noe wat is it tat i'm holding onto... wat should i do? wat i should be done? Unknown...
i sense the changes... i feel tat things are not as gd as b4... Maybe i'm lying to myself to make myself feel better... Maybe i'm acting... I noe myself, i noe where i stand... Dreams & Reality... one day i hav to wake up and i noe... i'll be fine in no time...
i'm walking out... i'm leaving... i noe i'm not patiene enuf, i noe i'm a bit harsh, i noe i'm a quitter... but i afraid tat i'm holding on to the wrong thing, wrong idea, wrong dreams, wrong goals... most of all, i'm afraid of wasting my time, my effort, my true emotions on things tat bring no satisfying returns...
gng thru wat i went thru, i'm sure u will become like me... its nth ez for me to come to the current state where i stand... its beyond imagination...
is it really late? or is it an opportunity? or is it my turning pt?
Libra - its hard for the scale to be balance...