anyway, i'll try and recall and blog as much as i could... i jus had a haircut @ reds... my preferred hair salon... i enjoy my every haircut session them... but i hate the facts that usually after a haircut, the hairstyle will have to take a few days to settle down and go in style... my current hairstyle jus look like a....
pathetic.... i will go and highlight my hair real soon... tired of this head of blacks strings....
recently the weather in sg is going mad... a late summer i'll says.... the season of hot humid weather came late this yr... usually this kinda climate will hit sg in march, but this yr march, was like dec rainy season, even for early april.... only until these days the weather turn real hot summer... and today, outside temperature might easily hit 34°C... Due to the wet climate, i had skip my weekend sun dating session.... and i have turn fair... haha... make an effort to have my long-forgotten sun-bath last sunday at my fav spot, sentosa KM8... good sunny day... and ended up i got myself 'chao tah', i was burned~ sun-burned! OMG! i can't accept it... i actually got sun-burn.... NO No nO no.... aloe vera and more aloe vera, finally it manage to save my beauty skin a little, but still... its itching every now and den... thanks to ah bao for her 'no-sunscreen' powerful banana boat suntanning oil... it really have no coverage at all... no worry, i'm recovering... and... i still wan sun... haha... wat till my skin settle down... *nob head*
i got so many things i wanna buy... i wan a hair curler... i saw this 10-in-1 curler by philips, so tempted... i can have the sexy big curl, trendy duper curl, silky rebonded, Q Q maggi mee head, maybe even AFRO....