And as everyone will start asking... 'Is it painful?'
the ans is 'NOT AT ALL'... dun be frighten by the sound of the needle... its really not as pain as u hear... the pain is bearable... jus like cutting urself wif a penknife... its nth.... its not as bad as piercing... less painful den eyebrow embroidery... if u're not afraid of injection... well, tattoo is nth to u...
finally i got myself a gecko, which i had been thinking since 2 yrs back?! a partial self design tattoo... with meanings behind...
TaDang... my tribal Gecko... with the DeSoLo (DSL) logo (totally self-designed)and a 'dragon-like' broken tail... the head, body and legs are add on by the cool handsome young tattooist... *blush* actually my fren's fren... he's cute... haha...
BTW, this gecko is COPYRIGHT RULE PROTECTED!!! its mine...
another qns, y a Gecko?
ans grab from
Gecko Tattoo Designs - A very popular lizard for tattoo designs is the gecko, which appears often in Polynesian tribal tattoos. The gecko is supposed to have supernatural powers, and is regarded by Polynesians with fear and awe. It is rumored that if a green gecko "laughs" at you, it’s a terrible omen of illness and bad fortune.
Just as the lizard is able to drop its tail in order to escape danger, so the lizard totem shows us the principles of letting go and self-protection.
Get it? cool meaning huh... haa... and how to read the DSL logo?
now u noe y... and its COPYRIGHT!!!
anyway... some pics of the yandao Tattooist...
not very clear... thanks to James' Shaky hands... haha... and spare me, i have to crop off my body lah... cos i'm FREAKING FAT!
sorry to say that DeSoLo is a fussy customer... i spend quite some time discussing with the guys on my tattoo... whether to have round toes for the gecko (which make it look like a freaking FROG), whether to have design on its head and so on... haha... troublesome customer... but the tattooist is frenly and nice... my Mr. 'Jamie's' frens... :) waiting for mr 'Jamie' to get his Koi fish done... Big Project... *anxious*
and they are so funny... sickening 'Jamie' keep asking Dewei, the tattooist to tattoo 'i love james' on me... and guess wat... after it was done, Dewei claim that i move about and cos some small mistake, and tat he hav to do last minute 're-design'. he took a marker and wrote 'I love James' OMG! *scream* and he pick up the tattoo needle... *scream* it really scare me sia... *faint*
as usual, the bhb Jeslyn will say 'my bday coming, so dun charge me for the tattoo lah' den dewei said 'my bday also coming' den i quickly respond 'den i do free tattoo for u too lor'... -_-! wahahahaha~ *evil* jus alot of stupid craps... but fun lah... enjoy my very 1st tattoo session...
anyway, the tattoo parlor is @ pearl's centre #02-48, name: Dragon Pearl Inking.
if anyone wanna get a tattoo, buzz me... i can bring u there *wink*
Or u wan one of their name card, jus text me...
lastly... my Gecko is peeling le... hee~ abit itch... but NO SCRATCH! if not no nice no more... got to sacrifice my weekend Suntanning for 3 bloody weeks... *sigh*