After much thots... putting aside all personal feelings... Yes, it had changed.. You and me had changed.. You are no longer the person u are before, and I had slowly lost myself as times past...
I actually allow myself to forget to love myself, I allow myself to turn ugly. And now, I realized what went wrong... Am been blinded.. blinded by love..
I did a clean up to my photo album, I don't feel a thing as I start deleting the most recent photos..
As i gradually delete to the earlier period, like a year back, I begin to have this sadness in me..
As i continue to delete to the photos that are taken in our 1st year, I have a kinda "not bare to" feeling..
Then I realized... Its like u just found out that the someone who u used to love so much had actually died like probably a year ago without u noticing... And maybe the little sadness that am still having is something like "the person u love had died and he will never be back again". A soul-mate had become a total stranger.
Its not about the dogs... its not about half a year back... its actually about more than a year back.. when I allow myself to lose myself.. Allow myself to let go all my family and friends just becos of a changed person...
Now den I realized.. One have to love oneself and love the closet people around them, those that are blood related ones.. If u dun love them, everything in ur life is upside down. I think am crazy to have blindly stood by u all these years, ignoring what others may say, ignoring all the advices from those who truly love me and even turn against them becos of u.. its true craziness. I should not have done these and should not even allow all these..
I kept things from everyone becos I dun wan to hear any negative thing about u, Its me who is avoiding the reality, lying to myself, being an ostrich.
Perhaps, things happen for a reason... The reason is for me to understand all these and not be naive anymore.. Well... Life lesson is never ending, only until ur life come to an end.. but the thing is u must learn from whatever that have happen, rather than avoiding.. It all help to make u a better person...
Loving oneself is not abt revenge, but about appreciate who u are and people around u..
Arts of living, maybe.
Sorry to say.. No matter what, we will have to end it.. whether is there still love, habit, commit or wat not... but for the best of u and me.. Cos at this very point of time, I dun see any future being wit u anymore..
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Friday, December 21, 2012
梁静茹 - 可惜不是你
这一刻 突然觉得好熟悉
像昨天 今天同时在放映
我这句语气 原来好像你
差一点 骗了自己骗了你
却变不了 预留的浮现
以为在你身边 那也算永远
可是昨天 已非常遥远
但闭上双眼 我还看得见
可惜不是你 陪我到最后
感谢那是你 牵过我的手
那一段 我们曾心贴着心
可能你 已走进别人风景
多希望 也有 星光的投影
却变不了 预留的浮现
以为在你身边 那也算永远
可是昨天 已非常遥远
但闭上双眼 我还看得见
可惜不是你 陪我到最后
感谢那是你 牵过我的手
可惜不是你 陪我到最后
感谢那是你 牵过我的手
感谢那是你 牵过我的手
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Reflection is the mirror effect I saw of myself and what surround me.
I saw a human who lost trust in mankinds and believe its a threat to one-self if one allow it true self to pour up in front of another human.
Keeping things to myself is always the safest option of all.
The 2nd time I experience this, probably the 1st had not made me fell as hard as I thot.
Thanks to frens who ask upon, but thats the way I protect myself since day 1.
Sharing sadness to beings who speak like u do is always the worse option ever.
I laugh at those who sell mirror and dun even know how to use it themselves.
I saw a human who lost trust in mankinds and believe its a threat to one-self if one allow it true self to pour up in front of another human.
Keeping things to myself is always the safest option of all.
The 2nd time I experience this, probably the 1st had not made me fell as hard as I thot.
Thanks to frens who ask upon, but thats the way I protect myself since day 1.
Sharing sadness to beings who speak like u do is always the worse option ever.
I laugh at those who sell mirror and dun even know how to use it themselves.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Toro Jubilo Medinaceli, Soria, Spain
At this hour, tears sweep my face like a storm... The screaming of the bull is so traumatising.... I can't accept that tradition involve hurting of animals... its ridiculous.. Imagine the pain this helpless soul is going thru'.. This activity is totally meaningless... not for surviving but purely for entertainment... I can't seem to understand the excitment experience when seeing animal been hurt, been torture... Do these people even have heart, have feelings? This is Rubbish... May Karma hit these people hard and make them pay back for their doing...
Watch the Video:
This is a tradition in Spain during the month of November.. the people will torture the bull by putting fire on the horns of a live bull... The bull will be in so much pain that it will eventually end their life by banging onto the wall to end this misery...
Listen to the cries, I don't understand how can one be so heartless and be blind to all these... So... Tell me now.. is animal predator scary or human beings..? This is totally sick in the brain...
Please do a part to help by signing the petition:
*PETITION 1 = http://
Wednesday, June 06, 2012
What's your choice if u're a Dog?
I Wonder:
If u're a dog, would u choose to be killed alive and serve as human food?
or to be kept in a cage in a poor condition, breed and give birth for life?
If u're against dog meat trade, please also support in anti-puppy-mill,
as puppy mill dogs are nothing better than dog meat victim...
Don't buy. Adopt.
Saturday, June 02, 2012
- My life is likely to last 10-15 years. Any separation from you is likely to be painful.
- Give me time to understand what you want of me.
- Place your trust in me. It is crucial for my well-being.
- Don’t be angry with me for long and don’t lock me up as punishment. You have your work, your friends, your entertainment, but I have only you.
- Talk to me. Even if I don’t understand your words, I do understand your voice when speaking to me.
- Be aware that however you treat me, I will never forget it.
- Before you hit me, before you strike me, remember that I could hurt you, and yet, I choose not to bite you.
- Before you scold me for being lazy or uncooperative, ask yourself if something might be bothering me. Perhaps I’m not getting the right food, I have been in the sun too long, or my heart might be getting old or weak.
- Please take care of me when I grow old. You too, will grow old.
- On the ultimate difficult journey, go with me please. Never say you can’t bear to watch. Don’t make me face this alone. Everything is easier for me if you are there, because I love you so.
DeSoLoGY: A World whereby Monkeys See Monkeys Do
What is this earth made up of? water and land? and tons and tons and million tons of human... Human are always the roots to every problem... even contiguous illness... People show off their belongings, show off their fame... the worse that they can do is when they involve living things... I felt guilty... so guilty that I start questioning myself, am I promoting to be a responsible pet owner, encouraging pet adoption or am I triggering the greed of human..? making them have urgh to owe these little dogs and cats, so they can show off their cute things...
After I got myself involving in dog rehoming, posting and reposting on facebook, spreading news of pets who is looking for home... ignorant people start seeing me as a "dog supplier", they start asking me question as below:
I seen countless of people, how they handle dogs, it remind me that I should nv do this to my furkids... Animals are not human... By having them means its a lifetime commitment! not ur lifetime but at least its their Lifetime... These furkids will not one day grow up and say to u "mummy, I had grow up, thanks for all ur efforts and am gng to earn lots and lots of money, let u have a good life." You can't expect to gain anything from them except for the love which can settle ur emotion needs and not physical needs...
You might think that am not giving anyone a chance but think about it... there r so many things to learn and prepare before getting a dog... how to train? how to leash a dog? how to feed a dog? eveything is to be put into deep thot before deciding to take one in... I have seen people who r very very sincere who did research just to house their 1st ever dog... Show me what it got to take and soon... U found urself in the warmth of these furkids...
Yes Yes, my Ashih boy can slp on his back, he love flipping his ear with his paw, He wont struggle when u carry him like a little baby... but do mind that not all dogs did that... every dog is unique in their own way... and Ash is definitely one of the very few which is irreplacable, at least to me... he got a pair of beautiful eyes and his jaws are not protruding like most Shih Tzu does... however, behind his beauty, there is history... He have a de-joint problem with his hind legs since we got him, supplements are giving to ensure his limbs are doing fine... He use to have a lump on his chest, its a outter-skin lump, had been removed when he is 1... As he age, his eyes got irritation pretty often and bad tearing... I have to clean his eyes almost everyday... His shiny fur coat take me around an hour once every week to bath him... His skin is prone to rashes, he need medicated shampoo... and as his fur got long, daily brushing is required, bathing him with conditioner to prevent tangles... I even got myself tea tea oil and dead sea mud so that I could do a home spa for him. To be frank, I dun noe why this boy is just so good temper when he is with other dogs, he had nv try to bite any dog or bark at any (only when he is seeking for attention), nv show agressiveness ever.. The only time when he got angry is when we disturb him... and he totally hate it when i try to trim his paw fur or cut his nails, he wont bite but he will struggle like we are trying to murder him...
Yuki (my boyfriend's boy), a shih-tzu crossed (probably 9 yo or older), this boy have a sad story behind.. He was kept in the toilet when the ex owner is not at home, and when he finally move out of the house, he landed in devil's hands, he was always beaten up badly until he finally came to my boyfriend's place...
Only until I begin to take yuki as my baby, I truly understand the effort to be put in when u have a dog with health issue... this boy here got a very bad skin, its flaky, red, fur loss, rashes, stink... yes... I begin to pick it up as a challenge to myself, i starting searching for suitable shampoo, food for him... every week I'll cook for this boy, brown rice, carrot, tomato, pork, fish, pumpkin, etc, unknowingly, this become a weekly routine as I realize cooking for your furkid is something that is fulfilling to me... seeing him eating all that I cook and enjoying his meal is priceless... the boy's skin got better, his body odour is reducing quite a fair bit, thou the flake is still there, but he seems much happier... this boy got a pair of eyes that is often filled with yellowish discharge and a bad ear infection, its really a messy task to clean him up..
The puppy might be cute and irresistable but one day he will grow up, he will age and his health will deteriorate... Will you be able to commit to love and take care of it no matter what happens?
Another issue which even I myself dun wish to face it... its their death... my boys are all aging, they are 9 and above... am not prepared for their final stage of life and dun wan to prepare for it, becos I know that I will not be able to take it... but well... Now that all I can do is to love them and take good care of them, make sure that they r healthy, happy and stay with me for a long long time...
To my boys and ger, I'll love you and take care of you no matter what happen... be healthy and be with me always... Love..
After I got myself involving in dog rehoming, posting and reposting on facebook, spreading news of pets who is looking for home... ignorant people start seeing me as a "dog supplier", they start asking me question as below:
"Do u have puppies for adoption?"Hello!!! Am not the bloody pet shop owner who sell pets! I dun supply puppies! tat's very frustrating!!!! Isn't it obvious that its a shared post!!! Didn't u saw who to contact for adoption?! I believe it goes the same to all rehomers! If u really wan to find a young puppy and dun wanna buy from pet shop, den do ur own search!!! We can doing everything for the sake of the dog and not u, human beings! Human greeds are nv ending... People seeing all the photos of my boys and ger, they thot its been easy... nah... its nv a ez task.. imagine how I spend all my weekends... I dun usually go out with frens, went for movies or went for shopping.. I spend my weekend bathing the furkids, cook a feast for them... wiping their ears and eyes...
"My Boyfriend want to adopt a dog, do you have a maltese or shih tzu?"
"What breed is this dog?"
A typical weekend morning
I'll pack my bag with Ash's water bottle, belly wrap and napkin... and off we travel from Bendemeer to Jurong with the rough boy standing on my laps, stepping all over my laps during the half an hour ride.. there are endless scratches on my laps every week until my partner start complaining that why I allow them to step on me and get myself scratched! but yes... tats my love for my boy.. This boy of mine, he hate the hot weather, he will always force his way to the front seats even if we initially put him at the back.. and he got so excited that he will reach forward to the aircon diffuser and stood there. Whenever the car stop, he start jumping in excitment and more scratches are formed... when we reach Jurong, i'll put the boy down, i dun allow him to jump off from height as I afraid he might hurt himself. we leash him and as a boy, he start to pee and poo when he's outside, clearing his poo is a usual business for me... sometimes he dirty his arse when he try to force his tools out... and to my boyfriend's house, I'll wash ash's paws and butt. he start wagging his tails at the play pen while Yuki as always cool, standing at a corner looking at me instead of getting socialize with the others. And its time for Bell to be out to play. But before that I needa put on belly wrap for my boy before he pee the whole place. And u see the 2 kids playing with each other, ash is always losing out to Bell as he is not as fast. Sometimes there will be some biting going on, always bell biting ash... Its the day of the week, i will fetch Bell for her weekly bath and ash always trying to dash into the toilet (he treat bell like his girlfriend). Bell, a young smooth coat chihuahua, other than her fast speed, she's pretty ez to manage, and bath really fast as compared. Follow by a bath, we have to air dry the ger... and she have her freedom back... by the time, my boy will be all so mess up... after yuki done his bath, we make our way out... last sat we went to west coast park dog run, as it rains in the morning... my boy mess himself up in the mud! OMG! totally in a mess! after all the running, I have to wash his muds off! and yes, back to the car this boy and bell ger will always wan to be at the front seats, which means more scratches! We make our way home and its another rd of washing... all the paws, all the eyes and wiping the body... Am more like a slave than a master! Ending the day, we put bell to her bed and fetch ash back home... Ash got totally shag and lay flat on the tiled floor, fell aslp... I grab this opportunity to trim his paw furs and nails, thou he is very tired, he still struggle as I trim... so finally after an hour later, its done and sweet dream.. the hard work still continue the every next day, as I bath the boy, my ash have a dense fur, he need really thorough wash and i usually get myself wet too during the bath...So u think having pets are ez?
nope... especially breeds like Shih Tzu, Maltese, poodle, they need a lot of grooming... Currently ash's fur are still short, I can save the brushing, but once it grow longer, a daily brushing is essential... We usually groom him like every 3-4mths, $50 per session, and we will just give him a clean shave! which I doubt many ppl will do it.. usually after grooming, u will see him scratch his eyes until it wound and bleed... that's my another headache! The e-collar, the tee shirt, the applying of oilment on the open wounds, checking on him regularly... its never ez, never... but how many of them really see everything and does wat I does...I seen countless of people, how they handle dogs, it remind me that I should nv do this to my furkids... Animals are not human... By having them means its a lifetime commitment! not ur lifetime but at least its their Lifetime... These furkids will not one day grow up and say to u "mummy, I had grow up, thanks for all ur efforts and am gng to earn lots and lots of money, let u have a good life." You can't expect to gain anything from them except for the love which can settle ur emotion needs and not physical needs...
Reasons (to me are all excuses) for giving up a pet:
"no time for it"
"am moving overseas"
"am pregnant"
"I got kids at home"
"my maid contract ended and we r not re-contracting a new one"
"I can't handle the dog"
No good excuse will made up a valid reason...
If u wan something, u will give hundred and one excuse why u need that thing, if u dun wan something, u will also find hundred and one excuses for dumping that thing. Its just as simple... If you think that it is valid to give these excuse den i doubt u are the one...You might think that am not giving anyone a chance but think about it... there r so many things to learn and prepare before getting a dog... how to train? how to leash a dog? how to feed a dog? eveything is to be put into deep thot before deciding to take one in... I have seen people who r very very sincere who did research just to house their 1st ever dog... Show me what it got to take and soon... U found urself in the warmth of these furkids...
Yes Yes, my Ashih boy can slp on his back, he love flipping his ear with his paw, He wont struggle when u carry him like a little baby... but do mind that not all dogs did that... every dog is unique in their own way... and Ash is definitely one of the very few which is irreplacable, at least to me... he got a pair of beautiful eyes and his jaws are not protruding like most Shih Tzu does... however, behind his beauty, there is history... He have a de-joint problem with his hind legs since we got him, supplements are giving to ensure his limbs are doing fine... He use to have a lump on his chest, its a outter-skin lump, had been removed when he is 1... As he age, his eyes got irritation pretty often and bad tearing... I have to clean his eyes almost everyday... His shiny fur coat take me around an hour once every week to bath him... His skin is prone to rashes, he need medicated shampoo... and as his fur got long, daily brushing is required, bathing him with conditioner to prevent tangles... I even got myself tea tea oil and dead sea mud so that I could do a home spa for him. To be frank, I dun noe why this boy is just so good temper when he is with other dogs, he had nv try to bite any dog or bark at any (only when he is seeking for attention), nv show agressiveness ever.. The only time when he got angry is when we disturb him... and he totally hate it when i try to trim his paw fur or cut his nails, he wont bite but he will struggle like we are trying to murder him...
Yuki (my boyfriend's boy), a shih-tzu crossed (probably 9 yo or older), this boy have a sad story behind.. He was kept in the toilet when the ex owner is not at home, and when he finally move out of the house, he landed in devil's hands, he was always beaten up badly until he finally came to my boyfriend's place...
Only until I begin to take yuki as my baby, I truly understand the effort to be put in when u have a dog with health issue... this boy here got a very bad skin, its flaky, red, fur loss, rashes, stink... yes... I begin to pick it up as a challenge to myself, i starting searching for suitable shampoo, food for him... every week I'll cook for this boy, brown rice, carrot, tomato, pork, fish, pumpkin, etc, unknowingly, this become a weekly routine as I realize cooking for your furkid is something that is fulfilling to me... seeing him eating all that I cook and enjoying his meal is priceless... the boy's skin got better, his body odour is reducing quite a fair bit, thou the flake is still there, but he seems much happier... this boy got a pair of eyes that is often filled with yellowish discharge and a bad ear infection, its really a messy task to clean him up..
The puppy might be cute and irresistable but one day he will grow up, he will age and his health will deteriorate... Will you be able to commit to love and take care of it no matter what happens?
Another issue which even I myself dun wish to face it... its their death... my boys are all aging, they are 9 and above... am not prepared for their final stage of life and dun wan to prepare for it, becos I know that I will not be able to take it... but well... Now that all I can do is to love them and take good care of them, make sure that they r healthy, happy and stay with me for a long long time...
To my boys and ger, I'll love you and take care of you no matter what happen... be healthy and be with me always... Love..
Left to Right: Yuki, Ash and Bell
Monday, April 16, 2012
Gaining reputation by insulting another reputable person?
After reading this article title: The Science of Cesar Millan's Dog Training: Good Timing and Hard Kicks in the Stomach by this lady: Anna Jane Grossman, I totally felt sick!
Am sorry, probably am being bias or too brain wash by Cesar Millan, but I dun quite agree with the nonsense that this lady says...
1st of all, i dun see a "HARD KICKS IN THE STOMACH"! Please... as u self-proclaim as a dog trainer, i believe u should noe dogs are animals which will yell when its in pain! they ain't fish or shrimp which u hear no sound at all when u chop off the fish head alive! so if its a HARD KICK, u probably hear a loud yelp from the doggy! But I had so far never seen any in his show and no dog is reported dead after been receiving training from Cesar! and his own dog, daddy live to old age which i believe is around 14 human years, if his way is so torturing and so traumatizing, I doubt the dog can live up to that age!
and ur word of "Cesar Millan terrorizes dogs until they've been given emotional lobotomies and, zombielike, will do whatever he wants"... the zombielike, i believe it suppose to be like in total shock and dumbfound! but please, so far, I had never seen any that like in total shock or shiver in total fear, and how u claim it terrorize the dog? did any of the dog lost appetite and die of shock after cesar millan visited their house? so far in records, there isn't of reports of such!
Science of punishment, maybe to the westener its alien! but to us Asians, it part of growing up. In the olden days, or at least my generation, mothers will bring a cane to school and passed it to the teacher, asking the teacher to cane their kids if they are mischevious or not taking instructions! Thou am too disagree with the physical punishment but no doubt, it taught me to be a better person. The right amount of discipline is definitely essential for a upbring of a human as well as dogs.
By carrying out punishment is a way to reinforce good behaviour! Most importantly, punishment is to be given at the right time. I myself have a dog, he is an obedient boy, he too receive the right amount of discipline from my mum. When we visit the vet, the vet commented that this boy is a very happy boy and whenever we are outside, he never be aggressive or growl at anyone, not at all! and he is not shivering or in fear, so what makes u think that science of punishment is something to be critisize on?!
The statement [He says things such as "Be assertive" or "Do not bring the past into the future." It's like commanding someone, "Stop being depressed!"]. well, do u expect someone to tell u: DWELL... DWELL in what u have done before and don't ever move on! Be depressed, be very depressed, filled yourself with guilt and just go and die! HELLO~! This statement is totally ridiculous! Putting words nicely to ask someone not to be depressed or dwell in the past is something bad?! I don't feel so... Probably u had missed out some of his details, he had ask people to be calm and assertive and not to get frustrated or angry! isn't that great for a person's well-being?
Well Said - [I'm a Positive Reinforcement dog trainer. Positive Reinforcement practitioners are good at encouraging the behaviors we want and ignoring behaviors we don't.] ok... go watch Season 2 episode 1 of dog whisperer on the chihuahua, name Bandit! tell me... encouraging behaviors we want and ignoring behaviors we don't... ok for the lady owner, her dog bit her son, and she didn't stop the dog, no discipline as the owner feel that the dog is so small, and if he bite a human, the human can just move away. and ya.. so when the dog bite the son, the owner should just ignore the dog?! I don't know should I be laughing or should I be crying... if so than u are not a dog owner but the dog is the human owner! he own the human! so... when ur mom give birth to u, u discipline ur mom instead of the other way round?! That's a total joke! your thinking is senseless...! I do agree with Cesar in disciplining and understand by changing urself in order to make the dog recognise you as a leader is not as easy task, but it all down to how much u want ur dog to change! To me, my boy is a shih Tzu breed, he don't recognise me as his 100% leader but at least he's isn't growling or barking at me as and when he like, and am fine with his current behavior, I choose to remain as who I am instead of changing myself totally. But of cos, if you are having a powerful breed like pit bull, rott, I believe the change is a must, if not, don't get this kinda breed! Please can this Anna go read up Cesar's book, he mentioned : To get a dog that his energy can match yours! I think this is very important! its like if you are a size large, you can never squeeze into a size S! how can you squeeze yourself into a Size S and expect the clothing not to be torn! Get what I mean?
Lastly, on the timing! at least u agreed to one thing, which is the timing but too, Cesar is a human being, he is not a magician nor a wizard, he too did punishment at the wrong timing, please refer to season 1, additional episode which shows that cesar ever did it wrong before.
Cesar is not a saint! He is just someone who spend time and effort to observe, to understand and to create his own way to handle dogs. Be it u agree or disagree with him, no one is obligate to follow him blindly! You have a choice to do it your way but Please! Don't critisize when someone did all these not just for fame, but he did set up foundation to help the abused dogs, he did help alot of people to deal with their dogs, he did saved alot of dogs from been given up due to the owner disability in handling it, he did of course have some logic in his way of training! As a dog trainer, please respect others and their way of training. Its not ideal to gain reputation by insulting other reputable people! If its not for this article that is wrote to critisize cesar millan, I would not have ever know who the hell is Anna Jane GROSSman! Only you yourself know what's up your selves! Please respect other as other will respect you the way you did!
Thank you.
p.s. And yes, I have too help to push you up to another exposure, more people who read this get to know who is Anna Jane Grossman! Probably that is your motive behind all these!
Am sorry, probably am being bias or too brain wash by Cesar Millan, but I dun quite agree with the nonsense that this lady says...
1st of all, i dun see a "HARD KICKS IN THE STOMACH"! Please... as u self-proclaim as a dog trainer, i believe u should noe dogs are animals which will yell when its in pain! they ain't fish or shrimp which u hear no sound at all when u chop off the fish head alive! so if its a HARD KICK, u probably hear a loud yelp from the doggy! But I had so far never seen any in his show and no dog is reported dead after been receiving training from Cesar! and his own dog, daddy live to old age which i believe is around 14 human years, if his way is so torturing and so traumatizing, I doubt the dog can live up to that age!
and ur word of "Cesar Millan terrorizes dogs until they've been given emotional lobotomies and, zombielike, will do whatever he wants"... the zombielike, i believe it suppose to be like in total shock and dumbfound! but please, so far, I had never seen any that like in total shock or shiver in total fear, and how u claim it terrorize the dog? did any of the dog lost appetite and die of shock after cesar millan visited their house? so far in records, there isn't of reports of such!
Science of punishment, maybe to the westener its alien! but to us Asians, it part of growing up. In the olden days, or at least my generation, mothers will bring a cane to school and passed it to the teacher, asking the teacher to cane their kids if they are mischevious or not taking instructions! Thou am too disagree with the physical punishment but no doubt, it taught me to be a better person. The right amount of discipline is definitely essential for a upbring of a human as well as dogs.
By carrying out punishment is a way to reinforce good behaviour! Most importantly, punishment is to be given at the right time. I myself have a dog, he is an obedient boy, he too receive the right amount of discipline from my mum. When we visit the vet, the vet commented that this boy is a very happy boy and whenever we are outside, he never be aggressive or growl at anyone, not at all! and he is not shivering or in fear, so what makes u think that science of punishment is something to be critisize on?!
The statement [He says things such as "Be assertive" or "Do not bring the past into the future." It's like commanding someone, "Stop being depressed!"]. well, do u expect someone to tell u: DWELL... DWELL in what u have done before and don't ever move on! Be depressed, be very depressed, filled yourself with guilt and just go and die! HELLO~! This statement is totally ridiculous! Putting words nicely to ask someone not to be depressed or dwell in the past is something bad?! I don't feel so... Probably u had missed out some of his details, he had ask people to be calm and assertive and not to get frustrated or angry! isn't that great for a person's well-being?
Well Said - [I'm a Positive Reinforcement dog trainer. Positive Reinforcement practitioners are good at encouraging the behaviors we want and ignoring behaviors we don't.] ok... go watch Season 2 episode 1 of dog whisperer on the chihuahua, name Bandit! tell me... encouraging behaviors we want and ignoring behaviors we don't... ok for the lady owner, her dog bit her son, and she didn't stop the dog, no discipline as the owner feel that the dog is so small, and if he bite a human, the human can just move away. and ya.. so when the dog bite the son, the owner should just ignore the dog?! I don't know should I be laughing or should I be crying... if so than u are not a dog owner but the dog is the human owner! he own the human! so... when ur mom give birth to u, u discipline ur mom instead of the other way round?! That's a total joke! your thinking is senseless...! I do agree with Cesar in disciplining and understand by changing urself in order to make the dog recognise you as a leader is not as easy task, but it all down to how much u want ur dog to change! To me, my boy is a shih Tzu breed, he don't recognise me as his 100% leader but at least he's isn't growling or barking at me as and when he like, and am fine with his current behavior, I choose to remain as who I am instead of changing myself totally. But of cos, if you are having a powerful breed like pit bull, rott, I believe the change is a must, if not, don't get this kinda breed! Please can this Anna go read up Cesar's book, he mentioned : To get a dog that his energy can match yours! I think this is very important! its like if you are a size large, you can never squeeze into a size S! how can you squeeze yourself into a Size S and expect the clothing not to be torn! Get what I mean?
Lastly, on the timing! at least u agreed to one thing, which is the timing but too, Cesar is a human being, he is not a magician nor a wizard, he too did punishment at the wrong timing, please refer to season 1, additional episode which shows that cesar ever did it wrong before.
Cesar is not a saint! He is just someone who spend time and effort to observe, to understand and to create his own way to handle dogs. Be it u agree or disagree with him, no one is obligate to follow him blindly! You have a choice to do it your way but Please! Don't critisize when someone did all these not just for fame, but he did set up foundation to help the abused dogs, he did help alot of people to deal with their dogs, he did saved alot of dogs from been given up due to the owner disability in handling it, he did of course have some logic in his way of training! As a dog trainer, please respect others and their way of training. Its not ideal to gain reputation by insulting other reputable people! If its not for this article that is wrote to critisize cesar millan, I would not have ever know who the hell is Anna Jane GROSSman! Only you yourself know what's up your selves! Please respect other as other will respect you the way you did!
Thank you.
p.s. And yes, I have too help to push you up to another exposure, more people who read this get to know who is Anna Jane Grossman! Probably that is your motive behind all these!
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Say NO to Dog Mill. Adopt. Don't Buy.
Just as you are happily buying the puppy from the pet shop, there are dogs suffering in the dark..
Watch the clip to understand...
Say NO to Dog Mill. Adopt. Don't Buy.
I tear as I watch... How about you?
A simple economic terms - When there is demand, there will always be supply.
Say No to Dog Mill. Adopt. Don't Buy.
Don't buy puppy online. Don't buy puppy in pet store.
Look out at the shelter, adopt one.
If you can't find your dream dog there, then please buy puppy only from responsible breeders. (Request to view the puppy's parents before any purchase)
Say NO to Dog Mill!
Watch the clip to understand...
Say NO to Dog Mill. Adopt. Don't Buy.
I tear as I watch... How about you?
A simple economic terms - When there is demand, there will always be supply.
Say No to Dog Mill. Adopt. Don't Buy.
Don't buy puppy online. Don't buy puppy in pet store.
Look out at the shelter, adopt one.
If you can't find your dream dog there, then please buy puppy only from responsible breeders. (Request to view the puppy's parents before any purchase)
Say NO to Dog Mill!
Dogs VS Cats
"If a dog jumps in your lap, it is because he is fond of you; but if a cat does the same thing, it is because your lap is warmer." - Alfred North Whitehead
Monday, March 19, 2012
Daze of getting active with Dogs' Shelters
As I getting more and more involve in dogs' shelters' related... Tears seems to be hunting me day by day... Leaving of a dog makes me pain...
Dear Buddies... Please be safe while journey back to your final home... May happiness and love be with you, may your next life be filled with joy and laughter, no more pain and sadness...
Dear Buddies... Please be safe while journey back to your final home... May happiness and love be with you, may your next life be filled with joy and laughter, no more pain and sadness...
Saturday, March 17, 2012
A Love that comes too Late - A Tribute to my late Granny
Regretion always come only after loss... Often people begin to regret about what they have not done when that "someone" is still alive... Same goes for me... I expect my this entry to be full of tears... It about A Love that is too Late...
The Childhood times...
When I was little, I was brought up by my godma who is my nanny... thou' I came back home every weekend, am not as close to my granny.. Unlike my elder sis who is brought up by Granny and share a very close relationship with her... probably am influence by my mum who not in a good terms with granny, I always throw tantrums at Granny, argue with her.
I can still recall that Granny was always the one who bought lunch and dinner for me and sis when we were in the primary and secondary school, when mum works on the weekends.
Granny use to stay with us in this 3 room HDB flat whereby me and sis share the room with her, gradually, the family come out with the idea of getting her to take turns stay at each child's place for every 2 weeks, thus, my granny become like a ball been push around. I would like to clarify that my dad is not those unfilial son, just that my mum dominant over him. He has always been a easy-going guy who won't fight for anything. Just for the sake of fairness, the family thought its was only fair if she take turns to stay at every son's house for 2 weeks each (she got 4 sons by the way). Soon my granny got tired of it, she volunteer to go to the old folk home. At my age (13-14 years old), I don't even knows whats all this about and never even bother to think or analyze the situation. Things just went on...
Granny shifted to the old folk home, during her 1st year at the home, she still came back for New year, but just for the very 1st year, after that she refuse to come back. And after some accident at the home, she left us. I didn't went to the hospital to visit her and I would say I had handle her death pretty well. I didn't shed a tear when I receive the news. Only start tearing at the very last moment when she is cremated.
The wake up Call...
As times passed... I didn't really think much about it until one of our daily night chat (last time I use to share a room with sis), sis share with me how much she missed Granny. She told me alot of stories about granny, about how bonded are they, about the sufferings that my granny went thru'... She share the reason why Granny don't wanna come back home after the 1st New year she spent at home... Granny fell in the restroom and told sis that she felt this house is no longer her home when all the furnituring are changed (we refurnished the whole house after Granny shifted), she was upset, so sad that she don't even wanna come home. I recalled that my godma (who was then my granny recognised as her god-daughter, they share a very close friendship) ever told me that granny did shared with her that she felt very very sad when she 1st reach the old folks home.. all these start to trigger my emotions and made me realized that how much I had missed...
The moments that are lost...
I began to feel the pain that she was feeling at that very moment when she decided to go to the old folk home... A lot of things that haven't been done and can no longer be done... When my granny left us, I was only 15, at that schooling age, am not able to bring my granny out for a meal. Mobile phone with camera are not invented yet, not even the colour screen handphone. Digital camera is a rare item to own. I don't even have a decent photo taken with Granny. many said that I look alot like my granny, which now am proud and happy about it. I realized that I have never given her anything, not even a hug...
Same goes for my sis, everytime we watch a show or a movie, if there is a scene of the old lady been sent to the home, We will start tearing... For example, [Money not enough] by Jack Neo, which the old grandmother share exactly the same fortune as my granny, been push around and end up send to home, the difference is that my granny is mentally sound when she volunteer to shift to the home. The recent movie I watch [A simple Life] trigger my tears too. I won't say the movie is very good or really very touching kind, but I cried a bucket of tears in the cinema, main reason is it remind me of my late Granny. It have been more than 10 years, yet every year when I visit the urn, my eyes still went watery.
So much so much regret... If only I know about appreciation much earlier, I could have given her a hug...
Many people had left, but she is the only one who I could never stop missing and fill me with regretion...
A tribute to my Late Granny
Recently I saw a Post on Facebook by Rose Charities Singapore, they are paying a visit to Lee Ah Mooi Old Age Home on 15th April, and they are looking for contribution of adult diapers, rashes cream, shower foams, necessities items.
Immediately I thought of my Granny and decided to make a contribution. As for the visit, I hesitate for a while as I afraid that my low EQ might make me burst on that day of visit, but with support from Love, I decided to go for it.
For people who want to contribute:
A short introduction about Lee Ah Mooi Old Age Home:
Lee Ah Mooi Old age Home is a living, breathing testament to an amazing story of Madam Lee and her family's dedication to a cause and the place of rest and solace for those treading the final lap of their lives.
There are over 150 old folk currently staying at the home.
Many of these old folks, often senile, are abandoned by families at the hospitals or at door step. Many are from low income families who cannot pay much or staying for free due to working family unable to take care of them. All these old folks are living off Lee Ah Mooi Old Age Home who depends heavily on charity.
Shouting out to all readers:
I hereby sincerely wish that whoever who read this, who share a good heart, who had a granny or grandpa, whether they are with you or had left, with love, do a contribution. No matter how much you contribute, even for just 1 packet of diapers, I thanks you whole-heartedly. Its not alot of money, as little as $10 can help the olds. $10 is just a cost of 1 meal. I myself contributed a carton of diapers which cost SGD$75, which is just the cost of a meal for 2 pax at a medium grade restaurant, its really not alot. Its not as much as the cost of a Branded bag nor a ipad 4G (if you can afford any of such, I believe this contribution is nothing to u). Without eating a meal won't kill, but without your help, these 150 old folks will suffer.
The world can only be warm if there Love are spread around...
The world had been contaminate with alot of jealousy, hatred, curelty, all negetive force, can we start to breed love and happiness...?
** Do join us for a visit to the home, please visit Rose Charities Singapore Facebook page to know more about the event.
The Childhood times...
When I was little, I was brought up by my godma who is my nanny... thou' I came back home every weekend, am not as close to my granny.. Unlike my elder sis who is brought up by Granny and share a very close relationship with her... probably am influence by my mum who not in a good terms with granny, I always throw tantrums at Granny, argue with her.
I can still recall that Granny was always the one who bought lunch and dinner for me and sis when we were in the primary and secondary school, when mum works on the weekends.
Granny use to stay with us in this 3 room HDB flat whereby me and sis share the room with her, gradually, the family come out with the idea of getting her to take turns stay at each child's place for every 2 weeks, thus, my granny become like a ball been push around. I would like to clarify that my dad is not those unfilial son, just that my mum dominant over him. He has always been a easy-going guy who won't fight for anything. Just for the sake of fairness, the family thought its was only fair if she take turns to stay at every son's house for 2 weeks each (she got 4 sons by the way). Soon my granny got tired of it, she volunteer to go to the old folk home. At my age (13-14 years old), I don't even knows whats all this about and never even bother to think or analyze the situation. Things just went on...
Granny shifted to the old folk home, during her 1st year at the home, she still came back for New year, but just for the very 1st year, after that she refuse to come back. And after some accident at the home, she left us. I didn't went to the hospital to visit her and I would say I had handle her death pretty well. I didn't shed a tear when I receive the news. Only start tearing at the very last moment when she is cremated.
The wake up Call...
As times passed... I didn't really think much about it until one of our daily night chat (last time I use to share a room with sis), sis share with me how much she missed Granny. She told me alot of stories about granny, about how bonded are they, about the sufferings that my granny went thru'... She share the reason why Granny don't wanna come back home after the 1st New year she spent at home... Granny fell in the restroom and told sis that she felt this house is no longer her home when all the furnituring are changed (we refurnished the whole house after Granny shifted), she was upset, so sad that she don't even wanna come home. I recalled that my godma (who was then my granny recognised as her god-daughter, they share a very close friendship) ever told me that granny did shared with her that she felt very very sad when she 1st reach the old folks home.. all these start to trigger my emotions and made me realized that how much I had missed...
The moments that are lost...
I began to feel the pain that she was feeling at that very moment when she decided to go to the old folk home... A lot of things that haven't been done and can no longer be done... When my granny left us, I was only 15, at that schooling age, am not able to bring my granny out for a meal. Mobile phone with camera are not invented yet, not even the colour screen handphone. Digital camera is a rare item to own. I don't even have a decent photo taken with Granny. many said that I look alot like my granny, which now am proud and happy about it. I realized that I have never given her anything, not even a hug...
Same goes for my sis, everytime we watch a show or a movie, if there is a scene of the old lady been sent to the home, We will start tearing... For example, [Money not enough] by Jack Neo, which the old grandmother share exactly the same fortune as my granny, been push around and end up send to home, the difference is that my granny is mentally sound when she volunteer to shift to the home. The recent movie I watch [A simple Life] trigger my tears too. I won't say the movie is very good or really very touching kind, but I cried a bucket of tears in the cinema, main reason is it remind me of my late Granny. It have been more than 10 years, yet every year when I visit the urn, my eyes still went watery.
So much so much regret... If only I know about appreciation much earlier, I could have given her a hug...
Many people had left, but she is the only one who I could never stop missing and fill me with regretion...
A tribute to my Late Granny
Recently I saw a Post on Facebook by Rose Charities Singapore, they are paying a visit to Lee Ah Mooi Old Age Home on 15th April, and they are looking for contribution of adult diapers, rashes cream, shower foams, necessities items.
Immediately I thought of my Granny and decided to make a contribution. As for the visit, I hesitate for a while as I afraid that my low EQ might make me burst on that day of visit, but with support from Love, I decided to go for it.
For people who want to contribute:
Rose Charities Singapore had contacted Summit Co.,distributor for Pureen products, who had kindly agreed to support the cause by offering items at a much lower price.
Special prices had been offered for the following items:
Pureen Inco Adult Diaper (Free size)
Product code: PR-PIDFS10-0
Unit price: $5.80 / 10 pcs per pkt (usual price:$7.30)
12pkt in 1 carton
Pureen Baby Shampoo with Vit E
Product code: PR-PSV75-0
Unit price: $4.22 / 750ML (usual price:$6.95))
12units in 1 carton
Pureen Baby Lotion
Product code: PR-PNL30-0
Unit price: $1.94 / 225ml (usual price:$3.20)
24 units in 1 carton
Pureen Nappy Rash Cream
Product code: PR-NAP01-0
Unit price: $2.37 / 50g (usual price:$3.90)
24 units in 1 carton
Pls contact Shendy - Summit Company @ mobile: 97637288 for orders and payment. Mode of payment can be Cash, Cheque or Bank transfer.
**To enjoy the special prices offered to donors of Rose Charities Singapore, kindly let Shendy know that you are donating in the name of Rose Charities.
A short introduction about Lee Ah Mooi Old Age Home:
Lee Ah Mooi Old age Home is a living, breathing testament to an amazing story of Madam Lee and her family's dedication to a cause and the place of rest and solace for those treading the final lap of their lives.
There are over 150 old folk currently staying at the home.
Many of these old folks, often senile, are abandoned by families at the hospitals or at door step. Many are from low income families who cannot pay much or staying for free due to working family unable to take care of them. All these old folks are living off Lee Ah Mooi Old Age Home who depends heavily on charity.
Shouting out to all readers:
I hereby sincerely wish that whoever who read this, who share a good heart, who had a granny or grandpa, whether they are with you or had left, with love, do a contribution. No matter how much you contribute, even for just 1 packet of diapers, I thanks you whole-heartedly. Its not alot of money, as little as $10 can help the olds. $10 is just a cost of 1 meal. I myself contributed a carton of diapers which cost SGD$75, which is just the cost of a meal for 2 pax at a medium grade restaurant, its really not alot. Its not as much as the cost of a Branded bag nor a ipad 4G (if you can afford any of such, I believe this contribution is nothing to u). Without eating a meal won't kill, but without your help, these 150 old folks will suffer.
The world can only be warm if there Love are spread around...
The world had been contaminate with alot of jealousy, hatred, curelty, all negetive force, can we start to breed love and happiness...?
** Do join us for a visit to the home, please visit Rose Charities Singapore Facebook page to know more about the event.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Gracious Singapore Back to the Basic - Gracious Commuters
Ever had foreigner friends visiting Singapore, the first comment when they landed in our island, they said "Singapore is a very clean and beautiful country". But to me, this beautiful country immediately turn ugly when you take the MRT trains service especially in the morning or evening peak hours.
What you usually expect to see?
Many commuters will crowd around each cabin door as if they are having a camp fire at the doorway. Once the door open, you will always see a handful of people try to rush into the train without even allowing the commuter inside the train to exit first. The worse nightmare is that you thought these people who rushed in will go into the center of the train, well... NO! they will rush and slow down once one of their foot enter the train and often a few will just stand at the side of the door and not moving inwards. This is crazy! First of all, the commuters who are exiting the train face difficulties in making their way out. Secondly, the people who slow down and stood at the doorway prevent more commuter to enter the train smoothly.
My personal experience: Because of people who don't move to the center yet slow down at the entrance of the cabin, I got hit by the door (as it close) while i tried to enter the train.
The whole scene just look like a Bull Fight where people inside the train dash out (afraid that they won't be able to alight) and people entering the train dashing in (afraid that they might miss the train).
The DRAMA inside the Train...
Most common one are the giving up of seats to the elderly, the pregnants, those with special needs... As my sis is expecting her first child, she feels the most for this. Often I seen her showing her frustration by updating her facebook status on the countless times whereby people ignore her existence.
Maybe Singapore lifestyle is alway been very busy, so many people will make use of this excuse to "act busy", pressing their mobile vigorously, sleeping - taking a quick nap, or even kissing and hugging away. That's not all, frequently you will see people leaning against the pole! that's the most frustrating one! HELLO!!! The poles are for commuters to hold on, to keep a balance and its not for leaning!!! When you thought everything would be better if its non-peak hours, you too see free shows.. Kids running inside the cabin and doing "pole dancing"!!! Needless to mention about the noise level when children screaming, adults chating (whether its on the mobile or to one another)...
If only everyone do a Part...
I always thought that asian chinese are the culprit to all these issues, however during my trip to Taipei last April, I got a shock! Their systematic queue and "escalator rules" make me drop my Jaws...
This is how systematic that Taiwanese are. They will queue up according to the markings on the floor no matter if it peak or non-peak hours. On the escalator, they will all keep to the Right (whereas in Singapore, we should be keeping to the Left) and allow those who are rushing for time to go by the Left.
Imagine if we too follows the simple rules and be systematic, it will not only reduce the chances of accidents and unhappiness but also been time-efficient! For those who need to rush for time, they can still do so by taking the 'express way' and for those who is enjoying their ride, they can also enjoy the 'sceneries' while not obstructing other's way.
We should also keep our volume low, educate the young ones - not to make too much noise so as not to become a nuisane to commuters and of course it will also prevent them from any possible injuries.
Nonetheless, moving to the center of the cabin and giving up seats to the people with special needs, which I believe its been taught in all local primary schools, is a MUST!
If everyone were to put all this into practise, there won't be conjestion in the MRT and of course no one will be afraid of moving into the center of the cabin as you will definitely be able to alight when everyone been considerate and giving ways.
Finally, Singapore will really be Gracious and Beautiful from the 'inside' to the 'outside'...
Join the “Make It Right For A Better Ride” Twitter contest and stand to win a pair of movie tickets! More details on
Thursday, March 01, 2012
The Moonbear - STOP Bile Bear Farming
The video make me tears... Watch to understand...
STOP Bile Bear!
“The Moonbear", an undercover film showing shocking footage of bears on bile farms throughout China has been released by independent Chinese journalists, and has received incredible support from the Chinese public with over half a million views so far.
Stop Bear farming!
its so cruel... imagine these were to happen to your family! and please...
I never believe how Bile can aids in human health. People still fell sick and die.
Sickness and health is about upkeeping of individuals, healthy diet, regular exercise! Its not about all there myths about animal product!
If really human health is that important, then goverment should ban Tobacco and alcohol as they are the source of bad health!
Why should animal suffer because of human's deeds! Its totally nonsense!
To my surprise, Korea, such a develop country is doing all this uncivillized acts as well!
Please sign the petition and rescue the MoonBears!
Show your support! Against these uncivillized acts! Sign the petition to save the MoonBears!
Ban BEAR FARMS IN KOREA - Save Bears! Petition | GoPetition
STOP Bile Bear!
“The Moonbear", an undercover film showing shocking footage of bears on bile farms throughout China has been released by independent Chinese journalists, and has received incredible support from the Chinese public with over half a million views so far.
Stop Bear farming!
its so cruel... imagine these were to happen to your family! and please...
I never believe how Bile can aids in human health. People still fell sick and die.
Sickness and health is about upkeeping of individuals, healthy diet, regular exercise! Its not about all there myths about animal product!
If really human health is that important, then goverment should ban Tobacco and alcohol as they are the source of bad health!
Why should animal suffer because of human's deeds! Its totally nonsense!
To my surprise, Korea, such a develop country is doing all this uncivillized acts as well!
Please sign the petition and rescue the MoonBears!
Show your support! Against these uncivillized acts! Sign the petition to save the MoonBears!
Ban BEAR FARMS IN KOREA - Save Bears! Petition | GoPetition
The "Do you know..." Series
Do you know... While you are complaining about ur work, there are someone who are digging the rubbish dump in hope to find food.
Learn to love and be content.
Well, if you think otherwise, I shall say "igornant is bliss"...
Learn to love and be content.
Well, if you think otherwise, I shall say "igornant is bliss"...
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Human - The source to all suffers and miseries
It pains me when I begin to realize so many hidden things... Using the eyes of another to understand the world, I came to know that human acts are affecting all individuals, not only human to human but to the animals, to the enviornment. Its a joke when many love to point fingers at everything other than themselves.
Have you ever feel contented with what you have? When will people start learning to love and to share? Its pretty disappointing to see ignorant people, only care if they earn much to satisfy their material needs, rather than looking at the big picture. You are alive doesn't means there won't be anyone dying or suffering.
What is the truely suffering? a relationship breakout? not enough money for the latest trend? not able to shop till you drop during a holiday trip?
or is it to live this life with a scarred face since young? being trap in a cage and lost all freedom? waiting to be slaughter for the seek of meat trade? been treat like a prostitute and an object of child-birth?
The recent stories to share:
Human to Human Harm - The victims of acid attacks
Was watch a variaty show, Stars For A Cause 3 (Episode 3) on channel U. This season is host by our local artist, Michelle Chia and her trip to Cambodia visiting a non-profit organization CAS which helps those who had suffer from Acid attacks.
While we are thinking of what branded bags to buy, people in the 3rd world countries are suffering from things like this. As we know the corrosiveness of pure acid, it is a cheap and easy weapon for the cambodians to take revenge on people they dislike.
A mother who is kind enough to lend money to a friend of her, been attack by this friend when she was asking for the return of the debt owe.
Another mother and daughter believe to be a victim of the irresponsible father. As the father had an affair, the 3rd party went to splash acid at the mother (who is with the daughter at the scene of incident) while they were on a scooter. The acid not only affect the mother but also scar the younger daughter who was only 4 at that moment. As police have no evidence against the attacker, no one was been arrested for this incident and it ends with a scarred blind mother with a little scarred face girl.
Until today, the 6 yr old girl still ponder why they became a victim of the attack, while the mother wanting to leave her child with a good impression of her father, remain silent whenever been question. And her heartless father had left the 2 and migrate to another country with 2 of their other children who aren't attacked by the acid.
Thats so sad... What have this world become? All the Pains and sufferings are breed by jealousy, anger, greeds, negative feelings. That is how strong a human mind is. This little girl had then become conscience of her ugly scarred face and prefer to hide herself in their poor-condition house which is just next to a rubbish dumping ground. She is only 6, and there is still a long long way for her to go. can anyone feels how she feels? isn't these millions times worse than your stressful life?
Can people just learn to love and share and be contented, rather than being so selfish and only concern about whether you have a good lunch today! these people don't even have enough to feed themselves.
Have you ever feel contented with what you have? When will people start learning to love and to share? Its pretty disappointing to see ignorant people, only care if they earn much to satisfy their material needs, rather than looking at the big picture. You are alive doesn't means there won't be anyone dying or suffering.
What is the truely suffering? a relationship breakout? not enough money for the latest trend? not able to shop till you drop during a holiday trip?
or is it to live this life with a scarred face since young? being trap in a cage and lost all freedom? waiting to be slaughter for the seek of meat trade? been treat like a prostitute and an object of child-birth?
The recent stories to share:
Human to Human Harm - The victims of acid attacks
Was watch a variaty show, Stars For A Cause 3 (Episode 3) on channel U. This season is host by our local artist, Michelle Chia and her trip to Cambodia visiting a non-profit organization CAS which helps those who had suffer from Acid attacks.
While we are thinking of what branded bags to buy, people in the 3rd world countries are suffering from things like this. As we know the corrosiveness of pure acid, it is a cheap and easy weapon for the cambodians to take revenge on people they dislike.
A mother who is kind enough to lend money to a friend of her, been attack by this friend when she was asking for the return of the debt owe.
Another mother and daughter believe to be a victim of the irresponsible father. As the father had an affair, the 3rd party went to splash acid at the mother (who is with the daughter at the scene of incident) while they were on a scooter. The acid not only affect the mother but also scar the younger daughter who was only 4 at that moment. As police have no evidence against the attacker, no one was been arrested for this incident and it ends with a scarred blind mother with a little scarred face girl.
Until today, the 6 yr old girl still ponder why they became a victim of the attack, while the mother wanting to leave her child with a good impression of her father, remain silent whenever been question. And her heartless father had left the 2 and migrate to another country with 2 of their other children who aren't attacked by the acid.
Thats so sad... What have this world become? All the Pains and sufferings are breed by jealousy, anger, greeds, negative feelings. That is how strong a human mind is. This little girl had then become conscience of her ugly scarred face and prefer to hide herself in their poor-condition house which is just next to a rubbish dumping ground. She is only 6, and there is still a long long way for her to go. can anyone feels how she feels? isn't these millions times worse than your stressful life?
Can people just learn to love and share and be contented, rather than being so selfish and only concern about whether you have a good lunch today! these people don't even have enough to feed themselves.
acid attack,
Friday, February 24, 2012
Human deeds
It is so horrible to know that many cruel things happen to be it animals or humans is due to jealousy, anger, revenge, greed, all the negative energy of human. There's so many animals and people been hurt by the act of another person.
Probably thats the reason why natural disaster is here to take many of our fellows away...
May all learn to give and be content...
Probably thats the reason why natural disaster is here to take many of our fellows away...
May all learn to give and be content...
Thursday, February 09, 2012
Diet kick start (Day 1)
Finally I find the determination to kick start my diet... hopefully I can succeed and stay on with it... it gonna be a forever thing... what to do when you're born big boned and easily gain weight... dieting perphap is the best solution to weight management, which I totally agree to it.
I truly believe that exercise, body workout is a way to keep fit, to tone but never a way for slimming. You can't eat as much and workout to lose weight. Diet always play a very important part. A absolute No No to clash diet which I did during my younger times (19 yrs old) , medication is another No No, cos my body is not responding to it anymore, not to mention those on the shelf items, my body don't even respond to reductil anymore. And medication makes tummy! my tummy is bigger than before. Dieting is still the best.
So how to diet? meal replacement! Cos I hate those strict diet, what beet roots, peas, rubbish, I hate it to the core! it make me puke. And dieting is not about starving yourself. So i go for meal replacement. I try cambridge diet, totally hate that chocolate flavour shit! its awful, same goes to Xando! so far LFI works for me... but the cost is driving me crazy! and they don't have variety of flavours... Zzz... it bored me after months... So I go for herbalife... I havent get to see the result as I just started today - full swing... But no doubt I have had almost 3 bottle of F1 shakes (I didn't follow the rules... so...) I got tired over vanilla flavour and I start taking chocolate one which go perfectly with strawberry yogurt drink (you will be surprise with the wonderful taste)... Recently I manage to get hold of Cookie & Cream flavour (US version), its fantastic! The cookie bits add abit of crunch to the shakes and with just plain ice water, its good enough. A much heavier flavour, blend it with HL milk, its perfect!
Got my research from which serve a very good guide for my new diet. Do check out the blog, welly written except that there's bits of malay words here and there which I don't understand. Go get this free app from "MyFitnessPal", its a calories tracker which aids in my diet.
Everything start off well... but calories intake is too low, gonna improve it tomorrow. Hopefully the result will show as planned. I'll continue to work hard and stay focus So am able to wear beautiful wedding grown, take nude wedding studio shots and my love will be able to carry me up like a baby ("princess-carry")...
I truly believe that exercise, body workout is a way to keep fit, to tone but never a way for slimming. You can't eat as much and workout to lose weight. Diet always play a very important part. A absolute No No to clash diet which I did during my younger times (19 yrs old) , medication is another No No, cos my body is not responding to it anymore, not to mention those on the shelf items, my body don't even respond to reductil anymore. And medication makes tummy! my tummy is bigger than before. Dieting is still the best.
So how to diet? meal replacement! Cos I hate those strict diet, what beet roots, peas, rubbish, I hate it to the core! it make me puke. And dieting is not about starving yourself. So i go for meal replacement. I try cambridge diet, totally hate that chocolate flavour shit! its awful, same goes to Xando! so far LFI works for me... but the cost is driving me crazy! and they don't have variety of flavours... Zzz... it bored me after months... So I go for herbalife... I havent get to see the result as I just started today - full swing... But no doubt I have had almost 3 bottle of F1 shakes (I didn't follow the rules... so...) I got tired over vanilla flavour and I start taking chocolate one which go perfectly with strawberry yogurt drink (you will be surprise with the wonderful taste)... Recently I manage to get hold of Cookie & Cream flavour (US version), its fantastic! The cookie bits add abit of crunch to the shakes and with just plain ice water, its good enough. A much heavier flavour, blend it with HL milk, its perfect!
Got my research from which serve a very good guide for my new diet. Do check out the blog, welly written except that there's bits of malay words here and there which I don't understand. Go get this free app from "MyFitnessPal", its a calories tracker which aids in my diet.
Everything start off well... but calories intake is too low, gonna improve it tomorrow. Hopefully the result will show as planned. I'll continue to work hard and stay focus So am able to wear beautiful wedding grown, take nude wedding studio shots and my love will be able to carry me up like a baby ("princess-carry")...
Tuesday, February 07, 2012
Pimple Face! - 救星来了
Born with Good Complexion
I would say I always have a very good skin complex since young, thou' I hate veggies. Many of my relatives, the aunties keep complimenting my good complexion, asking about my diet and got a shock that without much veggie intake, I can still have such a good skin. In comparsion, my sis have quite a bad complexion. She is prone to have acnes especially during her teenage days, she got a bad outbreak. I can still remember that she went for a facial when she like 15, and end up got her face worse. Her face are all red and swollen, suffering from all the pain, the woe didn't get any better, probably the roots of the acnes still remain inside the skin, hence, it got worsen. As bad as I always were, I will say things like 'don't spread the pimple germs to me!' And am always proud when people made comparsion of us (thou am much fatter than her! humpf!). I never need to do skincare, I just put on make up to cover my dark eye circles.
Acnes Never is a Teenage Thing
I always thot that pimples, acnes are a teenage woe, never did I expect that these problem will come to me when I was 25 years old. Not sure if its due to stress, diet or hormone imbalance, I got my share of 豆豆 (beans - pimples) when I'm like mid 20s. Now my turn to face the nonsense... my sis came to me and say 'last time u mock at me, now u facing this issue as well', at that moment, my sis acne issue had subsided. And all my aunties will say 'What happen to your face? you use to have very good complexion, what is happening? you didn't take care of it?'. Worse, my friends 'Wow! you under alot of stress ah!'... Totally Sad...
Very own Secret Remedy that never works!
Remedy 1 - squeeze the shit out of it
One of my bad habit is that I can't resist myself to squeeze all the acnes. Remember the app in iPhone, the game that you have to squeeze the zits, that is totally for me because just can't control myself but to squeeze all the bumps.
Yes! squeeze it, with bare hand, with extractor.

and end up I have a red, swollen spot on my face. If am lucky, the redness will go away in a few days. If not, the volcano will erupt again.
Remedy 2 - Facial
Sign up a facial package but I hate the hassle of travelling to the spa salon, and get scolding when u apply make up. There therapists are a horror to me, they will not only nag at u about putting on heavy make up that clog the pores and when they extract the blackheads and whiteheads, I feel like tearing my head apart! Its so bloody painful! hate it so totally. And don't expect instant result, not a patient person, I rather do my tissue mask at home.
And end up having a lot of tissue mask at home, bought them at Taiwan, korea. Cheap and easy to apply but the result is slow or none.
My sis tried another facial treatment which is known as 换肤(changing of skin), its a 2 weeks treatment or so, will have to go to the saloon very day or very other day for the 2 entrie weeks. The horror is that it will force out all the hidden blackhead and whitehead and cause more acnes, which in these 2 weeks, no make up, and more acnes will appear, skin will start peeling. No and must not touch the face. And it say that after it the skin will be free of acnes. But bullshit. My sis is still having the same problem after some times. And OH MY GOD! no make up and yet acnes full force! How to face the world with that?! its like the worse days of my life! And I beg I will never be able to resist the temptation to squeeze the zits...
Remedy 3 - Oral intake
Vit C! Vit C helps in not only your health but your skin. and excessive intake of vit C will not harm the body, it also help in skin recovery. So yup, I took it, hmmm... probably it helps, I don't get much mouth ulcers as before, as for skin.... no feeling, no instance signs to show whether it works for skin or it don't.
Another powerful remedy is contraceptive pill.

It works like miracle! My sis took it and yes! its a miracle pill. She is acnes free, no PMS, period are all on-time.
BUT soon, the sweet dreams were over when she is planning her marriage. She cut away the pills. and all the woes are back, it got worsen! more acnes, and her menstrual cycle is in a mess. Her period was late as long as 3 months. The sad case is when she went to the Gynecologist, she was told that she have pregnency difficulties. As she is preparing for her wedding day, she have no choice but to go back to the pills. Finally she stop the intake after her wedding. And yes! it got very very bad and even her back is full of acnes. But at least there's good news, she is pregnent for 2 months. =)
Last Resort
Trying out the product on the shelf, however there are just too many. And which is good? you will have to trial and error to spot the right one. Its great when there are cheap tropical treatment cream that cost probably SGD$10 and below (which usually do not work that well). But when it come to those recognice brands, it can go up to as much as SGD$50 or even SGD$100 over. Trial and error techique can be one of the most cost inefficient method of all. And all the 'not-finished' products will be left to rot on the makeup table.
Till date I'm still trying my luck to get something which suits me, which works...
Worries No More 救星来了!
Therapeutic Dermatologic Formula (TDF) is here to help. Not only something on the shelf, this clinically proven physician-strength solutions can effectively treat, repair and prevent persistent acne blemishes from recurring.
A little history of TDF to share:
Established in USA in 1994, Therapeutic Dermatologic Formula is a respected name in the field of dermatological skincare, being a pioneer in AHA glycolic acid formulations. Dedicated to improve consumers’ self-esteem, the brand provides a range of skin care products with superior quality and proven efficacy, delivering visible results. Its areas of expertise include management of acne, pigmentation disorders, photo-aging and aging skin conditions. A well-recognized prescriptive skincare brand in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and Hong Kong, Therapeutic Dermatologic Formula products are available via dermatologists, plastic surgeons, medical practitioners, hospitals and retail pharmacists.
Nothing to Lose, Lots to GAIN
Finally there's free lunch in the world!!! TDF is giving away free samples (a good "trial & error" apportunity)!!! Get a "taste" of the prestigious skincare product at absolute $0!!! Nothing to lose so Grab the chance before its run out! (Click on the image below)

No jokes! you can redeem the sample @ nearby guardian branches!

I gotten mine, So what are you waiting for?
I would say I always have a very good skin complex since young, thou' I hate veggies. Many of my relatives, the aunties keep complimenting my good complexion, asking about my diet and got a shock that without much veggie intake, I can still have such a good skin. In comparsion, my sis have quite a bad complexion. She is prone to have acnes especially during her teenage days, she got a bad outbreak. I can still remember that she went for a facial when she like 15, and end up got her face worse. Her face are all red and swollen, suffering from all the pain, the woe didn't get any better, probably the roots of the acnes still remain inside the skin, hence, it got worsen. As bad as I always were, I will say things like 'don't spread the pimple germs to me!' And am always proud when people made comparsion of us (thou am much fatter than her! humpf!). I never need to do skincare, I just put on make up to cover my dark eye circles.
Acnes Never is a Teenage Thing
I always thot that pimples, acnes are a teenage woe, never did I expect that these problem will come to me when I was 25 years old. Not sure if its due to stress, diet or hormone imbalance, I got my share of 豆豆 (beans - pimples) when I'm like mid 20s. Now my turn to face the nonsense... my sis came to me and say 'last time u mock at me, now u facing this issue as well', at that moment, my sis acne issue had subsided. And all my aunties will say 'What happen to your face? you use to have very good complexion, what is happening? you didn't take care of it?'. Worse, my friends 'Wow! you under alot of stress ah!'... Totally Sad...
Very own Secret Remedy that never works!
Remedy 1 - squeeze the shit out of it
One of my bad habit is that I can't resist myself to squeeze all the acnes. Remember the app in iPhone, the game that you have to squeeze the zits, that is totally for me because just can't control myself but to squeeze all the bumps.
Yes! squeeze it, with bare hand, with extractor.
and end up I have a red, swollen spot on my face. If am lucky, the redness will go away in a few days. If not, the volcano will erupt again.
Remedy 2 - Facial
Sign up a facial package but I hate the hassle of travelling to the spa salon, and get scolding when u apply make up. There therapists are a horror to me, they will not only nag at u about putting on heavy make up that clog the pores and when they extract the blackheads and whiteheads, I feel like tearing my head apart! Its so bloody painful! hate it so totally. And don't expect instant result, not a patient person, I rather do my tissue mask at home.
And end up having a lot of tissue mask at home, bought them at Taiwan, korea. Cheap and easy to apply but the result is slow or none.
My sis tried another facial treatment which is known as 换肤(changing of skin), its a 2 weeks treatment or so, will have to go to the saloon very day or very other day for the 2 entrie weeks. The horror is that it will force out all the hidden blackhead and whitehead and cause more acnes, which in these 2 weeks, no make up, and more acnes will appear, skin will start peeling. No and must not touch the face. And it say that after it the skin will be free of acnes. But bullshit. My sis is still having the same problem after some times. And OH MY GOD! no make up and yet acnes full force! How to face the world with that?! its like the worse days of my life! And I beg I will never be able to resist the temptation to squeeze the zits...
Remedy 3 - Oral intake
Vit C! Vit C helps in not only your health but your skin. and excessive intake of vit C will not harm the body, it also help in skin recovery. So yup, I took it, hmmm... probably it helps, I don't get much mouth ulcers as before, as for skin.... no feeling, no instance signs to show whether it works for skin or it don't.
Another powerful remedy is contraceptive pill.
It works like miracle! My sis took it and yes! its a miracle pill. She is acnes free, no PMS, period are all on-time.
BUT soon, the sweet dreams were over when she is planning her marriage. She cut away the pills. and all the woes are back, it got worsen! more acnes, and her menstrual cycle is in a mess. Her period was late as long as 3 months. The sad case is when she went to the Gynecologist, she was told that she have pregnency difficulties. As she is preparing for her wedding day, she have no choice but to go back to the pills. Finally she stop the intake after her wedding. And yes! it got very very bad and even her back is full of acnes. But at least there's good news, she is pregnent for 2 months. =)
Last Resort
Trying out the product on the shelf, however there are just too many. And which is good? you will have to trial and error to spot the right one. Its great when there are cheap tropical treatment cream that cost probably SGD$10 and below (which usually do not work that well). But when it come to those recognice brands, it can go up to as much as SGD$50 or even SGD$100 over. Trial and error techique can be one of the most cost inefficient method of all. And all the 'not-finished' products will be left to rot on the makeup table.
Till date I'm still trying my luck to get something which suits me, which works...
Worries No More 救星来了!
Therapeutic Dermatologic Formula (TDF) is here to help. Not only something on the shelf, this clinically proven physician-strength solutions can effectively treat, repair and prevent persistent acne blemishes from recurring.
A little history of TDF to share:
Established in USA in 1994, Therapeutic Dermatologic Formula is a respected name in the field of dermatological skincare, being a pioneer in AHA glycolic acid formulations. Dedicated to improve consumers’ self-esteem, the brand provides a range of skin care products with superior quality and proven efficacy, delivering visible results. Its areas of expertise include management of acne, pigmentation disorders, photo-aging and aging skin conditions. A well-recognized prescriptive skincare brand in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and Hong Kong, Therapeutic Dermatologic Formula products are available via dermatologists, plastic surgeons, medical practitioners, hospitals and retail pharmacists.
Nothing to Lose, Lots to GAIN
Finally there's free lunch in the world!!! TDF is giving away free samples (a good "trial & error" apportunity)!!! Get a "taste" of the prestigious skincare product at absolute $0!!! Nothing to lose so Grab the chance before its run out! (Click on the image below)
No jokes! you can redeem the sample @ nearby guardian branches!
I gotten mine, So what are you waiting for?
Monday, February 06, 2012
Free Victoria's Secret USD$10 voucher to be given away
Saturday, February 04, 2012
Spree for Fit Flop Frou
More than 40% off retail price!
(R.P SGD$169)
Text me in Facebook or email if interested.
50% deposit via Bank transfer, remaining - cash & carry.
Once 1st payment received, do allow 7 to 10 working days for shipment.
Please text me if you looking for other models or size. Subject to availability.
FitFlop Frou Pedder Grey - SGD$95

Fitflop Frou Fuchsine Purple - SGD$95

Fitflop Frou Electric Indigo - SGD$95

Fitflop Frou Black - SGD$95

Size US 6 - 9. Others size subject to availability.
(R.P SGD$169)
Text me in Facebook or email if interested.
50% deposit via Bank transfer, remaining - cash & carry.
Once 1st payment received, do allow 7 to 10 working days for shipment.
Please text me if you looking for other models or size. Subject to availability.
FitFlop Frou Pedder Grey - SGD$95
Fitflop Frou Fuchsine Purple - SGD$95
Fitflop Frou Electric Indigo - SGD$95
Fitflop Frou Black - SGD$95
Size US 6 - 9. Others size subject to availability.
Friday, February 03, 2012
Ego & Desire Breeds Unhappiness
A man asked Lord Buddha
"I want happiness"
Lord Buddha said
First remove the "I" That's EGO
Then remove "want" That's DESIRE
See now you are left with only
Hence, Ego & Desire Breeds Unhappiness
"I want happiness"
Lord Buddha said
First remove the "I" That's EGO
Then remove "want" That's DESIRE
See now you are left with only
Hence, Ego & Desire Breeds Unhappiness
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Extreme dog lover - Ash part 1
Once, there's this friend of mine saying, a dog love can't be a bad ass... How true is it?
My boy, ash, is coming to 9... he is still as active and playful, however as years passed... I got more and more worried... just afraid that one day he will leave me and know for sure... this day will come (at least a higher percentage that he will leave before me)... I dont know what will happen to me...
Especially when sis moved out of the house, ash become more attached to me each day... Thou this boy of me don't stay in a big house, have many doggy companions at home.. but i'll say he is one of those lucky pup out there. The family love him, be in my dad or my mum... he do put in his effort being a very nice pet of the family... this funny boy will do silly things like stealing my parent's house slippers, not able to find the rubber bony when I play fetch with him... trying his luck to run away from home when the door is open...
Runaway Dog
I can still remember the time when I saw this doggy at the lift lobby while I sending my love, Zen, to the elevator.. I was thinking: "wow! this dog really look so much like my ash boi". Have a better look at it, it is my boy!!! shock the hell outta me.. I quickly fetch him back home... and worse ever, just one day before my sis's wedding day, we held a gathering at our place... The door is kept open as there so many visitor coming to the house... and at a moment, ash is no where to be seen! Fear of losing our boy, we went up and down the block, even the void deck, the multi-storey carpark, the park... with tears in my eyes, i keep praying "ash.. please come back to me... i can't do without u... please be safe... please come back..." and after a search of probably 2 or 3 hours, Zen manage to find me at the end of the level 6 corridor... the mischevious boy is waving his tails when he saw him... hugging him really tight, just couldn't stop tearing... I really can't imagine what will happen to me if he leave...
and this act of him, make him famous in my neighbourhood, he is then known as 'the runaway dog'... Zzz...
Taking care of the Boy
Ash is a Shih Tzu, but he don't look like a pure breed. he is slightly bigger in size, his nose is not as short, he don't have crossed eyes (which many many shih tzu I saw have it) so i believe he is probably a maltese-shih tzu mixed...
A little tips from Dogs 101, dogs with short dog tend to get tired and is lazier than dogs with sharp nose.. So ash is consider as lazy... he sleep more of the time and makes a good pet for a typical HDB flat which there isn't much space for him to run around... The long fur coat require much grooming which can be rather costly at times... frequent brushing and combing is absolutely need to keep his coat tangle-free... I try to make a point to brush his coat everyday when its long to the extend that it get tangle easily... he love the brushing session a lot... his eyes tend to tears at time, cleaning with eye solution and feeding him with supplement to control excessive tear will help him to be free of ugly tear stain...
*shall be continue*
As he aged...
I'll say whoever who wants a pet dog have to really consider on the responsiblilties involve in getting one... it might be cute, but its just like a human baby, it make noise, cry, pee, shit, playful, destructive, the hazzle of keeping it in good condition, his health, be it mentally or physically... its alot alot of effort! but once u know the reason for doing all this, you will just do it unconditionally.. Just like me... am a super lazy bum, thanks to my lovely mum who does everything for me, cook me food, wash my laundry, iron my clothes, change my bedsheets... until I got this dog (so not easy to get my mum's approval - to be share in future post), I cherish him... so much that I will clear his poo and pee as i told myself "u want him, u must do these chores". As he age, I begin to worry about his well-being, I will check out the supplements, feed him regularly, check on his coat, eyes, ears,etc. The more I spend my days with him, the love get deeper and deeper... I saw post on people giving their old pets which is at the age of 9 or 10, it totally pain me and puzzle me. How these bloody idiots bear to give their pet away when they had been by their side for the past years... Just become they are old, and these people find the pet troublesome to take care of or the increase in cost to maintain the pets? I don't understand... for me, I can't! totally not able to do it! even if one day it faces health issue, it still have to be with me... Its not just a dog but the dog, the loyalty that no one can replace... and ya... I'll love him forever...
my ash when he is 8...
My boy, ash, is coming to 9... he is still as active and playful, however as years passed... I got more and more worried... just afraid that one day he will leave me and know for sure... this day will come (at least a higher percentage that he will leave before me)... I dont know what will happen to me...
Especially when sis moved out of the house, ash become more attached to me each day... Thou this boy of me don't stay in a big house, have many doggy companions at home.. but i'll say he is one of those lucky pup out there. The family love him, be in my dad or my mum... he do put in his effort being a very nice pet of the family... this funny boy will do silly things like stealing my parent's house slippers, not able to find the rubber bony when I play fetch with him... trying his luck to run away from home when the door is open...
Runaway Dog
I can still remember the time when I saw this doggy at the lift lobby while I sending my love, Zen, to the elevator.. I was thinking: "wow! this dog really look so much like my ash boi". Have a better look at it, it is my boy!!! shock the hell outta me.. I quickly fetch him back home... and worse ever, just one day before my sis's wedding day, we held a gathering at our place... The door is kept open as there so many visitor coming to the house... and at a moment, ash is no where to be seen! Fear of losing our boy, we went up and down the block, even the void deck, the multi-storey carpark, the park... with tears in my eyes, i keep praying "ash.. please come back to me... i can't do without u... please be safe... please come back..." and after a search of probably 2 or 3 hours, Zen manage to find me at the end of the level 6 corridor... the mischevious boy is waving his tails when he saw him... hugging him really tight, just couldn't stop tearing... I really can't imagine what will happen to me if he leave...
and this act of him, make him famous in my neighbourhood, he is then known as 'the runaway dog'... Zzz...
Taking care of the Boy
Ash is a Shih Tzu, but he don't look like a pure breed. he is slightly bigger in size, his nose is not as short, he don't have crossed eyes (which many many shih tzu I saw have it) so i believe he is probably a maltese-shih tzu mixed...
A little tips from Dogs 101, dogs with short dog tend to get tired and is lazier than dogs with sharp nose.. So ash is consider as lazy... he sleep more of the time and makes a good pet for a typical HDB flat which there isn't much space for him to run around... The long fur coat require much grooming which can be rather costly at times... frequent brushing and combing is absolutely need to keep his coat tangle-free... I try to make a point to brush his coat everyday when its long to the extend that it get tangle easily... he love the brushing session a lot... his eyes tend to tears at time, cleaning with eye solution and feeding him with supplement to control excessive tear will help him to be free of ugly tear stain...
*shall be continue*
As he aged...
I'll say whoever who wants a pet dog have to really consider on the responsiblilties involve in getting one... it might be cute, but its just like a human baby, it make noise, cry, pee, shit, playful, destructive, the hazzle of keeping it in good condition, his health, be it mentally or physically... its alot alot of effort! but once u know the reason for doing all this, you will just do it unconditionally.. Just like me... am a super lazy bum, thanks to my lovely mum who does everything for me, cook me food, wash my laundry, iron my clothes, change my bedsheets... until I got this dog (so not easy to get my mum's approval - to be share in future post), I cherish him... so much that I will clear his poo and pee as i told myself "u want him, u must do these chores". As he age, I begin to worry about his well-being, I will check out the supplements, feed him regularly, check on his coat, eyes, ears,etc. The more I spend my days with him, the love get deeper and deeper... I saw post on people giving their old pets which is at the age of 9 or 10, it totally pain me and puzzle me. How these bloody idiots bear to give their pet away when they had been by their side for the past years... Just become they are old, and these people find the pet troublesome to take care of or the increase in cost to maintain the pets? I don't understand... for me, I can't! totally not able to do it! even if one day it faces health issue, it still have to be with me... Its not just a dog but the dog, the loyalty that no one can replace... and ya... I'll love him forever...
my ash when he is 8...

Friday, January 27, 2012
Goodness me... Its rotten...
Oh gosh! when I login to blogger, I smell a stink.. its my blog page got rotten! Oh gosh.. its have been left in the open space for far too long... no updates.. no nothing... (even my body had went out of shape, how can my blog page stay fresh without updated?!)
My Cbox been flood by nonsense people...
Life have been rather down to earth these days... not as youthful as b4, not as adventurous, not as energetic... no more late night clubbings... just enjoying the simplest bliss with my love and my family... Things have changed, age had took control over me... skin are aging, fine lines are appearing, Fats are hard to be shaken off, tummy getting bloated... Zzz...
Still, DeSoLoGy will still works.. It born within, just react naturally.. non-stop analysing human behaviour... making a sense out of everything, every reaction of individuals... trying to understand people, trying to understand the logic behind each action or rather the mindset.. but afterall it mine and my own analysis... take it or leave it, its totally up to you...
By understanding, I try to improve myself.. but no one is perfect... There is still a part of me who is been jealousy, envious over some others life...being Ignorant and arrogant... Still trying to stay in my own comfort zone... however... I'll share every little thing, every little thots.. and yup.. I'll have to probably keep this fresh!
*Stay Tune*
My Cbox been flood by nonsense people...
Life have been rather down to earth these days... not as youthful as b4, not as adventurous, not as energetic... no more late night clubbings... just enjoying the simplest bliss with my love and my family... Things have changed, age had took control over me... skin are aging, fine lines are appearing, Fats are hard to be shaken off, tummy getting bloated... Zzz...
Still, DeSoLoGy will still works.. It born within, just react naturally.. non-stop analysing human behaviour... making a sense out of everything, every reaction of individuals... trying to understand people, trying to understand the logic behind each action or rather the mindset.. but afterall it mine and my own analysis... take it or leave it, its totally up to you...
By understanding, I try to improve myself.. but no one is perfect... There is still a part of me who is been jealousy, envious over some others life...being Ignorant and arrogant... Still trying to stay in my own comfort zone... however... I'll share every little thing, every little thots.. and yup.. I'll have to probably keep this fresh!
*Stay Tune*
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