I would say I always have a very good skin complex since young, thou' I hate veggies. Many of my relatives, the aunties keep complimenting my good complexion, asking about my diet and got a shock that without much veggie intake, I can still have such a good skin. In comparsion, my sis have quite a bad complexion. She is prone to have acnes especially during her teenage days, she got a bad outbreak. I can still remember that she went for a facial when she like 15, and end up got her face worse. Her face are all red and swollen, suffering from all the pain, the woe didn't get any better, probably the roots of the acnes still remain inside the skin, hence, it got worsen. As bad as I always were, I will say things like 'don't spread the pimple germs to me!' And am always proud when people made comparsion of us (thou am much fatter than her! humpf!). I never need to do skincare, I just put on make up to cover my dark eye circles.
Acnes Never is a Teenage Thing
I always thot that pimples, acnes are a teenage woe, never did I expect that these problem will come to me when I was 25 years old. Not sure if its due to stress, diet or hormone imbalance, I got my share of 豆豆 (beans - pimples) when I'm like mid 20s. Now my turn to face the nonsense... my sis came to me and say 'last time u mock at me, now u facing this issue as well', at that moment, my sis acne issue had subsided. And all my aunties will say 'What happen to your face? you use to have very good complexion, what is happening? you didn't take care of it?'. Worse, my friends 'Wow! you under alot of stress ah!'... Totally Sad...
Very own Secret Remedy that never works!
Remedy 1 - squeeze the shit out of it
One of my bad habit is that I can't resist myself to squeeze all the acnes. Remember the app in iPhone, the game that you have to squeeze the zits, that is totally for me because just can't control myself but to squeeze all the bumps.
Yes! squeeze it, with bare hand, with extractor.
and end up I have a red, swollen spot on my face. If am lucky, the redness will go away in a few days. If not, the volcano will erupt again.
Remedy 2 - Facial
Sign up a facial package but I hate the hassle of travelling to the spa salon, and get scolding when u apply make up. There therapists are a horror to me, they will not only nag at u about putting on heavy make up that clog the pores and when they extract the blackheads and whiteheads, I feel like tearing my head apart! Its so bloody painful! hate it so totally. And don't expect instant result, not a patient person, I rather do my tissue mask at home.
And end up having a lot of tissue mask at home, bought them at Taiwan, korea. Cheap and easy to apply but the result is slow or none.
My sis tried another facial treatment which is known as 换肤(changing of skin), its a 2 weeks treatment or so, will have to go to the saloon very day or very other day for the 2 entrie weeks. The horror is that it will force out all the hidden blackhead and whitehead and cause more acnes, which in these 2 weeks, no make up, and more acnes will appear, skin will start peeling. No and must not touch the face. And it say that after it the skin will be free of acnes. But bullshit. My sis is still having the same problem after some times. And OH MY GOD! no make up and yet acnes full force! How to face the world with that?! its like the worse days of my life! And I beg I will never be able to resist the temptation to squeeze the zits...
Remedy 3 - Oral intake
Vit C! Vit C helps in not only your health but your skin. and excessive intake of vit C will not harm the body, it also help in skin recovery. So yup, I took it, hmmm... probably it helps, I don't get much mouth ulcers as before, as for skin.... no feeling, no instance signs to show whether it works for skin or it don't.
Another powerful remedy is contraceptive pill.
It works like miracle! My sis took it and yes! its a miracle pill. She is acnes free, no PMS, period are all on-time.
BUT soon, the sweet dreams were over when she is planning her marriage. She cut away the pills. and all the woes are back, it got worsen! more acnes, and her menstrual cycle is in a mess. Her period was late as long as 3 months. The sad case is when she went to the Gynecologist, she was told that she have pregnency difficulties. As she is preparing for her wedding day, she have no choice but to go back to the pills. Finally she stop the intake after her wedding. And yes! it got very very bad and even her back is full of acnes. But at least there's good news, she is pregnent for 2 months. =)
Last Resort
Trying out the product on the shelf, however there are just too many. And which is good? you will have to trial and error to spot the right one. Its great when there are cheap tropical treatment cream that cost probably SGD$10 and below (which usually do not work that well). But when it come to those recognice brands, it can go up to as much as SGD$50 or even SGD$100 over. Trial and error techique can be one of the most cost inefficient method of all. And all the 'not-finished' products will be left to rot on the makeup table.
Till date I'm still trying my luck to get something which suits me, which works...
Worries No More 救星来了!
Therapeutic Dermatologic Formula (TDF) is here to help. Not only something on the shelf, this clinically proven physician-strength solutions can effectively treat, repair and prevent persistent acne blemishes from recurring.
A little history of TDF to share:
Established in USA in 1994, Therapeutic Dermatologic Formula is a respected name in the field of dermatological skincare, being a pioneer in AHA glycolic acid formulations. Dedicated to improve consumers’ self-esteem, the brand provides a range of skin care products with superior quality and proven efficacy, delivering visible results. Its areas of expertise include management of acne, pigmentation disorders, photo-aging and aging skin conditions. A well-recognized prescriptive skincare brand in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and Hong Kong, Therapeutic Dermatologic Formula products are available via dermatologists, plastic surgeons, medical practitioners, hospitals and retail pharmacists.
Nothing to Lose, Lots to GAIN
Finally there's free lunch in the world!!! TDF is giving away free samples (a good "trial & error" apportunity)!!! Get a "taste" of the prestigious skincare product at absolute $0!!! Nothing to lose so Grab the chance before its run out! (Click on the image below)
No jokes! you can redeem the sample @ nearby guardian branches!
I gotten mine, So what are you waiting for?