Can SomeOne Call MI a HAO LIAN GUI?! wahahaha... i jus bought jay jay's new concert cd plus mtv~!!! haha.... bought it once its release k~! wahahaha... got free calendar poster... and of cos the whole family will suffer.... wahahaha... i'm pasting tat poster up in my mini computer room!!! haha... imagine seeing jay everyday when i enter the room~! so yandao sia!!! some more its a pic of he playing piano... so bloody cool~!
hehe~ so sweet huh~! haha... i'm forever sweet lah (bhb
haha... the concert cd is damn funny... alot of O.S. haha... jay jay forget the lyric and keep change the lyrics until damn funny, say wat he forgot lyric and dun noe how to continue (sing wif the orginal tune)... haha... bth~! so bloody cute....
out of sudden, missing my bunch of monkeys.... so long since i last met them... when is the gathering (is there any?)... missing...
a few days ago, something came to my mind... JEALOUSY .... not i jealous over some ppl or wat... jus tot abt the topic jealousy... there's many kind of jealousy... jealous abt charm, attraction, jealous abt wealth, jealous abt frens, jealous abt luck...
jealous as define in
Having to do with or arising from feelings of envy, apprehension, or bitterness
have u ever wonder? sometime we actually jealous of someone without knowing that... anyone ever come across tat? e.g. u hate another guy who is the best fren of ur fren, in fact u r actually jealous.... but u urself dun noe abt it... scary?? doing thing without u urself knowing.... like sometime u hurt someone without realizing it, or being hurt by someone and that person actually din realize he/she had hurt u... human beings are funny isn't it? jealous without knowing, hurt ppl without realized it, fall in love without noticing~ each and every of this will hav a very critical consequence, may be gd but may be bad also... wat's more scary is normally it will turn out to be bad! becos of ur unknown jealousy, u say words that hurt, and hence u hurt ppl without realizing it even after the person left, u still dun know the reason behind... To all who i once hurt before, sorry for all, i din realized it... but i know someone's feeling is affected by my jus one word~ To all ppl out there : " seat down in a quiet corner, think over the times who u had actually hurt but din notice abt it, i beg everyone hav at least 1, jus tat they dun noe, or they dun admit~! "
last but not least... to this bloody "lol" : solli huh, no virgana nor breats pic, only my little ash ash boi's NUDE PIC~
hmmm.... btw wat is "virgana" eh?? wahahaha.... so solli huh, when i told my little dog that some bloody stupid ass-hole request "virgana" (*giggle*) and breats pic frm my blog, he gave mi this look~! wahahaha... can't u figure out that even my cute little dog was wondering wat the hell is "virgana"?!?! WAHAHAHA~!!!! i guess i'm the one who will really *lol*!!! wahahaha~
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