went back sch for POT project... sian sian sian... took some pic~!
the 'refugee'...
taking to take a nice pic wif siew hui...
FAIL FAIL... very BAD photo~! look so freaking...
last output... best....
seem like its MUN HONG's cam huh~ haha...
went to pasir ris for dinner after all the bloody miting... wif xiao mun, rizlan, nisa, ariel and zhenghui... had a really nice day out... went downtown east for dinner...
the ladies~
the gents~
the little mun's pic... as wat i jus said~ SEEM LIKE ITS MUN HONG'S CAM HUH!!! haha~
our yummy dinner... had sting ray, satay, fried rice, etc... *recalling the smell*YUMMY*
after our yummy dinner... we went to cheers and got our drinks... and hurry our way to pasri ris beach... hmmm... a alcohol pinic... tell u wat... we end up playing those gessing games... guessing number between 1-100~ damn sia... all drink until...
Oh MY GOD~! look at my bloody RED face~!!! and guess who got the worst forfeit?!?!
tedeng~ its zhenhui... making 5 turns and drank that horrible thingy... vodka mix wif corona, wif mud shake, wif watever and the main ingredient, MINT MENTOSE!!! wahahaha~ and who else....
mi holding that horrible + terrible mixture... and guess wat's the main ingredient this time rd~ POTATO CHIPS~!!! OMG~!!! it is soaked inside the drink... OMG!!! look at my duper red face~!!! and hav to mention this stupid incident... haha... nisa and zh was mixing that disgusting drink and nisa insisted that the one who kana the drink MUST drink in 5 Slip~!!! nisa: "i wanna let that ppl taste the F**KING TASTE... and who kana??? its her herself~! wahahaha... we all really laugh like hell lor~!!! and end of it who's the winner? the awake one... .... .... its Rizlan, Xiao Mun and Ariel... and who's the loser??? haha~ its....
its ZHENHUI and NISA!!! haha... really nice nite out sia~
lastly, the left behind....