before showing the lead pics of the day... i gonna show my little family... a family tat stay in my household for years...
My LEGO family... haha~ i hav had this set of LEGO since i'm less than 5 yr old... cool huh~ a family of 5... hehe~ and the exact location is top of my TV in my ROOM~! hehe~ the family LEGO cars are cool huh~! woohoo~
of cos i won't miss the chance to snap my dear darling ash boi boi... took b4 he went for grooming~ the morning, out of bed look!!! hehe~ *cutie*
outside the LT:
mi and my 'TING FENG'... should hav took pic WIF his GREEN hair...
Tricia, 'yue han bi de siao wei wen', and MI~
During POT lesson:
the secret affair...
the 2 cha bo(s)
mi and hui hui~
hui hui and ah MAO~!
the GIB (GIRLS IN BLACK) *so sweet huh*
Jos and Alex~
Mi and Cartoon Diana~
me and ALEX~
Diana and mi, force jos to act cute... but it do look cute, isn't he??
Our POT group~ the formal one and the 'act cute' one~ hehe... love it...
Felix's group
Diana's group... but the others seem like the background... haha~ *opps*
hui hui and Rina
mi and felix~ the *sweet* one...
the "act cute" one...
and of cos the kana SHOCK one~ zoom in to felix... he damn bloody cute lor in this pic~ snatch all my attention sia! *bleh*
mi and hui hui, trying to act 'shock', but we look more like gossiping huh~ and mi, bite finger-nails??? haha~
they try to act 'shock' again~! but it looks more like felix trying to scar all of them wif his funny face or something~
mi again~ with flash or without flash?
mi and JOS~! wahahaha.... love this pic sia~! look so freaking funny~! haha~ zoom in to Jos's expression!!! BTH ah~!
a nice nice pic of hui hui wearing tie~
the blue and black~
mi and Eugene~ trying to act 'shock' AGAIN again~ haha~
trying to take a nice FYP grp pic:
look weird huh~ the guy are too near to the cam.. and gers are too far~
now, the othe way rd... gers too near, guys too far~
still weird~ us weird~
i guess this is the best...
tricia and Ariel~
'bo zi' and 'wang fei'~ wahahahaha~
last b4 leaving TP:
mun hong trying to snap the spot light!!! haha
Look @ Rizzzlan & Mun Hong... trying to act *cool* *puke* wahahaha...
to put a nice ending to my today blog...
conclude it wif my pic~! taken by felix's cam... cannon is better or olympus??