Sat (23/4/05)
Went to mit up wif the usual gang... went suntect for some usual lame session... some pics....
mi & xiao mun... my turn to gif funny face....
My Ultimate HP 调调
shopping at carrefour, bought sun yanzi's latest Karaoke VCD @ only $7!!! OMG... so cheap... haha... found my M&M dark chocolate also... and saw this ULTIMATE LARGE strawberriess!!! OMG~!!! haha...
Went over to the fountain of wealth for some chatting... and ya... That's the place we decided to hav our very very own funny lame, little productions.... its a secret... maybe one it will become a BIG THING!!! haha~ jus stay tune.... something abt WOW!.... after all our shooting and stuffs, went over to Sengkang area for some shopping at bassa malan.... and agn settle down at mac and start crapping.... and invent our very own cotton candy Ice Cream... hehe... and home sweet home...
Sun (24/4/05)
celebrate papa's birthday... had dinner @ bugis Fish & Co. had ordered Seafood platter for two, black pepper sting ray and sambal Fish~! haha... since its sis's treat, so... dun hav to worry abt cost! haha...
a table full of FOODS~ *yummy*
Main Lead of the day... my DaDDy!
...MuMMy & DaDDy...
sis~ busy eating... no time for snapping~
sis's BF... always acting cool! *puke*
Left for home after eating... daddy heading exit... haha~ can see tat he's really full! haha... seems like he is happy wif the dinner...
MuMMi & DaDDi agn.. while heading towards bus stop...
and ya... of cos My new DOG... a Chiwawa... haha...
ya~?? something not rite wif the Chiwawa...? the ears not rite?! haha... and where's ASH??? abandoned him? 喜新厌旧? haha... do u think i will ever throw ash away? haha... nah... he's my darling boi~! uh-hm... Dun suspect... its my darling boi... my BOTAK ASH!!! still as cute to mi... but becos of the sudden 落发, Ash can't face the fact tat he is botak now... his behaviour abit 反常, he dun wanna take his snacks, not even his fav Orange.... throwing tantrum, bark at mi, bite mi, vent his anger on mi~! OMG! wat's happening? he's no longer a young naive dog liao k! he hav his own style, own attitude, personality... he dun wanna be botak... but.... hehe... too bad~! its gone! haha...
seems like he can't do anything abt it after all, so he decide to 关闭自己, hide himself in a corner and slp over it... BUT its not the end...
despite seeing him so sad over his new fur-cut, i still make fun of his super curl tail~
a clearer view... maybe in the future he can bring his own plastic bag and we can save the effort of picking up his shit, since he can do it himself! haha....
Mon (25/4/05)
ya~ ash still can't get over his botak body... sensitive skin ard eye area, red and itch... plus his 'just-cut' sharp toe nails!!! he cut himself... so poor thing...
he cut himself, it bleed some more... heartache... my shirt even has his blood stain... sob :'( try to put some medi on him... but afraid tat he will scratch his wound agn and worsen the injuries... Thinking out wat can we do... busy looking for petshop still operating after 9pm... and thanks to Pets Lover Centre of Tao Payoh branch... we got our solution... no more worries...
Thanks to all... ash is now safe and sound aslp... but poor boi not use to tat thingy and keep hit the wall and stuffs... try all ways to push it out but to no valid~! haha... cool thing!
Some pic i found online~ share wif u ppl~!
Sun Yanzi and her Chiwawa, Sonny! look alike?
Ru Hua & May Day~!
仔仔is so cute wif his可爱的鬼脸!!! dun agree?! scroll down pls!
he look so much better den 朱孝天rite?!
a little mix up wif ash's sex! hmmm.... is tat mense??? on the floor? OMG!!! Ash Lai Ang!!!