first of all... mi and my booth~!
my grpmate, mun hong cum zhenhui
MPC12... haha...
mi and xiao mun~
mi and darling, diana~
the one and only, our very own ultimate 6230 gang~!
MPC12 booth and the 2 models....
man's talk @ the staircase!
of cos i won't miss the chance to snap xiao mun's yandao standing pose lah....
mi again... this time rd wif my red eyeshadow... haha....
mi and tricia~
b4 the show start... we jus slack ard outside the lab... and start taking pics again.... taking 喜,怒,哀,乐...
喜,怒,哀,乐... by diana & Horng jiunn
喜,怒,哀,乐... by diana & Siew Hui
喜,怒,哀,乐... by Mi & Siew Hui
喜,怒,哀,乐... by Xiao Mun & Yong Wei
喜,怒,哀,乐... by Mi & Claudia
喜,怒,哀,乐... by Xiao Mun & Claudia
Some candid shots~
can anyone ans mi y is he so excited over that stupid green tokens? fetish over tokens? haha... i hav plenty of it at home....
mi and "约翰彼德笑伟文" (John Peter Siow Wei Wen)
**cAUGHT RED-HANDED!!!** lecturer try to molest student???? OMG! haha.... actually mr elton is trying to help alan wif his tie... haha...
Yeah! The usual gang~
xiao mun, mi and my TING FENG aka Jason!
mun hong & nisa....
Ben & fren... forget her name again~ haha...
My dear Yong Wei... so cute hor... *boy boy*
taking pic using the reflection of the ceiling mirror in TP lift~! haha.... will definitly miss tat lift... *sob*
TP biz sch LT~!!!
Diana & HJ in LT~
Alex grp kana interview by TP reporter... so *pathetic*~ haha...
Rizlan... see he so happy cos his grp got the most tokens and the top 3 grp to present their project in the LT lor... powerful sia... but actually expected lah... they really did a good job lor... can hear most of the guest asking the location of their project booth lor... haha... sure got 'Z' one lor~ haha~
john again~
try to take pic wif nisa... but some extra one try to snatch the attention...!!! should took the pic wif flash huh... abit too dark liao~
after all, we went over to opp TP for dinner...
As usual, Yong wei will drive us there... thank you, baby~
our table of food~!!! haha... having dinner wif yong wei, xiao mun, diana, HJ, alex, ziyang and siew hui.... after eating, we chat over alot of things... and of cos something meant for adults only... and guess wat... our Horny jiunn turn out to be the most innocent guys among all... and Yong wei turn out to be our " human reproductive system" professor~! afterall, mi, xiao mun, yong wei, diana and HJ head for our durian trip... having durian in formal wear~ haha...
while waiting for the durian to be serve.... *snap*snap*
here come the nice smelling durians...
look at us... the durian lover face... *yum*yum*yummy*
xiao mun laughing away over wat yong wei had said...
now u noe who dun take durian... haha... haahaa... look at HJ face... hand covering nose... haha... but he is noble in deed... dun take durian, still come along, jus to accompany his dear dear... so sweet hor... haha~
kk~ that's all for the day... gonna plan our KL trip lor~ haha...