a print screen of it... but jus can't abandone my current skins! haha...
Anyway, enjoying myself today... mit up wif xiao mun and Tim... the 1st miting since i start working... and ya... cool! watch amityville horror... hmm.... i shall say its quite a nice show! scary... hmmm... not the storyline lah, is the effect... something tat i dun think it will happen in true life... jus dun noe y, those ang mo horror movie dun really affect mi tat much... as in won't make my mind run wild as its not tat 'realistic' as the asia one... but overall nice... the effect is cool! haha~ a shopping day again... so far i guess i had spent all my earning... my $455 all gone! haha~ OMG! girls... can't stop myself from spending... jus today, i had spend almost $200... bought a set of shu umera's lip gloss... the 3 in 1 pack! $56... must buy b4 i regret, like wat mun been saying... "yi han zhong sheng"... and guess wat the one i bought is LAST PIECE! (but i saw many stocks left at other outlets lah~)... bought trumiph's body soft! promotion, 2 for 1... worth it sia! 2 for only $49.90... and ya, u can't resist the comfty and soft material! cool~ i had spent too much! and mr mun finally bought a brand new wallet, something he been longing to... not bad lah and not tat ex, $39.90 for a billabong wallet, reasonable!
yeah yeah~ gng to KL again... on the 3rd of june... gng wif my bunch of BABIES! haha... take note, not monkeys ok~ haha... been scolding by fendy for calling them monkeys~ haha... wonder how will it turn up to be~! hope tat it will be great... think positive! think positive!
a few stupid pic to share~!
yesterday mum bought some durians... cool~ but... something funny happen to mi~!
cork-like seed! a cork-like seed in the durian tat i ate! OMG! wat it means huh?! or am i thinking too much! wahahaha~
and a pic of MASSIVE PENIS! wahahah... taken by one of my fren, shall not mention his name... haha... if not will be killed by him~! haha... its actually the broken leg of a pink colour tools!
ash ash's recent pic!
the success... rmb tat pink rose from diana's fren?! i had turn it into a dry rose successfully! haha~ \/ victory \/