first of all... let me introduce the ultimate crab! haha~
wat this call huh? the japan crab... 北海道螃蟹....? cool rite! BIG LEGS!!!
battle wif the long leg crab! but tat's not the way! all u need are some tools~
sissor and so on~ and ya~
must cut wif sissor!
tadeng~! thick thick CRAB MEATS inside! yeah....
hmmm~ wats this call...? the 'paper pot'? 纸锅... the bowl is make of paper! cool huh... got diff taste also... seafood and veggie and etc....
mummy eating... yummy~
contented papa~
jus as we eating... we heard this.... "bo bo bo kuishin bo... bleh bleh bleh" the kuishin bo theme song... guess wat?! its not jus a lame song... BUT!!!! special item time... they are giving out 'limited edition' items... like....
mayo mini loster! upon hearing tat song, the customer will hav to go to the respective counter to get the limited item! and for this, only the first 18 customer get it... cool huh... haha... so smart of them huh... haha... how the idea come sia? kiasu singaporean??? wahahahaha~
cha soba! 冷面, cold noodle~ attention to cha sobo lover... its duper nice... the soba is so Q... real nice...
get it? its GOOD!
special item again... black pepper mini loster...
some dun noe wat... din try it... cos too full liao... it require some cooking...
add an egg in when it boil!
now its ready for serve~!
chawamushi~! no no~ not tat boring! its shark fin chawamushi~! cool!
chocolate pudding and mango pudding... the chocolate one is NICE~!
some desserts... tarts, cheese cakes and jelly...
green tea ice cream... yummy... not too sweet and GD!
YUMMY~ love it~
so do papa~!
papa and mummy so sweet huh~ haha...
miso soup~
the fish wil LOADS of EGGS?!
chocolate tat sis reserve for mi~! dun envy! haha~
papa and mummy... sweet and loving again~ 夫妻脸...!
mi and mummy~ we both got BIG EYES! we look alike??
mi and my darling sis! she dun like taking pic sia~! hehe... been forced by mi~!
some self-shot~ as usual lah... haha~
some random pic taken in the restaurant~
still got alot of food tat i din take pic of... e.g. sushi, sashimi, handroll, teppanyaki, unagi, jellyfish, garli rice, alot alot.... jus too much to list out~
a pic taken by mi, style by mi~ haha... ring a bell huh~ familiar~
and ya... saw this poster outside tower records... den realise where my idea come from~ haha~
a bracelet i bought for sis frm KL... nice?!
our boss... settling the bill... hehe~ free meal~!
mi and daddy, b4 we end the day~
and of cos~ KUISHIN BO~!
some random pics taken frm my lifestyle~
my bed and my lovely soft toy... i do hav my girlish side huh~
balloons, got it while having lunch wif mummy at ajisen yesterday... nice huh... smart sia, can twist the balloon until like tat... so creative... love tat flower one~ hehe~