Sat nite wif xiao mun and Tim:
met mun at 7pm for dinner b4 tim finish his church session~ bought my anna sui's nail polish 125, cost mi $22... big spender... hai~ too bad, cos juanna's sis can't help mi wif the value offer liao as airport no longer bring in anna sui products... and worse, Isetan only hav tat point card, no further discount... robinson only credit card which i can't afford... seiyu no long carry tat brand and OG which i hav the privilledge nv carry tat brand b4... so... got it without offer... hai~ guess i really hav to sign up for NETS reward since i been using NETS for almost all my payment... BUT! wasted sia... most of my high value NETS receipt had jus been threw away~
enough of all those... been walking ard parkway, dun noe wat to eat... wat to do, when 2 indecisive person mit up for dinner... haha... is it crystal jade? fish & co? sweasen? suki sushi? or pasta mania? end up gng sweasen... as wat i said, we r 2 indecisive person... it take some times for us to settle wif our orders... mun: spicy seafood pasta or crayfish pasta? mi: sirilon steak or spicy seafood pasta... finally, mun's crayfish pasta is here and also my black pepper sirilon steak... not a gd choice... hai~
while waiting for our dinner to be serve... i caught hold of mun's ultimate hp... haha~
rmb the time when he laugh at my N8310 while my GD88 is sent for repair services which took 2 mths... now its my turn...
and tat's the way he tried to hide his botak head! haha~ vain pot! he shout at me when i tried to take it off... haha~
after eating, as usual when i'm in parkway, i'll go for my fav mocha ice cream, low in fat, low in sugar~ yeah~ seems like not much ppl can take tat 'mocah-ish' taste, but i jus can't resist the temptation~ and we move on heading kbox... OMG! nv nv nv go ktv during sat nite... its $21+++ per person from 7pm to 12am only... and worse we reach there at ard 9pm, the charges is the same and only if there's no reservation after 12am den we can continue till 3am... EX EX too EX... we drop the idea... since i got my party world's bday voucher but can only use during the mth of Oct~ we waited for Tim... and plan where could we spend our nite at~ nite life in sg is limited and ex! its either KTV, Clubbing, Movie or jus simply slack~ but definitly we dun really enjoy slacking... KTV is jus too ex~ clubbing, mun is down wif cough, not a gd day to club~
i found myself rolling on the floor laughing away when i saw Tim with his ultimate hairdo~
haha~ ok, not to tat extend of rolling on the floor, but i ju burst into laughter..
Jus too nerdy!
we headed PS for our late nite movie, guess its the best choice out of all... and agn, we choose between red shoes, brother grimm or the myth...? was suppose to watch red shoes BUT i guess i hav grew older and i can't stand tat fear of been scar every 5 to 10 mins... some more its 12mn~ haha~ i'm not gng to spend $9.50 to scar the hell out of myself... so we decide to watch Jackie Chan's 'the Myth'... too limited movie to choose frm... waiting for Oct, nice show will be out by the time... like... 'corspe bride', 'deuce bigolo', 'skeleton key', and alot more.... seems like i'll be spending alot of money on movie for the next coming mth...
snap mun's botak head finally while in cinema waiting for the show to start... firece huh~
overall, a nice show... recommended~ storyline is gd... not boring at all, cos i din dozed off~ haha... not much to say abt... anyway, a nice show... must watch!
after watching, we left for home...
Took pic of tim and mun on PS's very own 'xing guang da dao'~ haha~
jus more pic~
dinner wif michelle @ sweasen after work on a friday~
Kboxing wif wilson~
Botak acting Jay Chou?! *puke* haha~
K-boxing wif dewei, some times back...
wow~ he sing wif emotions~ haha~
My new hair style~
the side~
the back... very wavy huh~
my front view~
BUT i guess i can style it better~ dun believe~ haha~ prove u wrong!
stylo leh... but look firece huh~ haha~ true goth... so evil~
the same usual sweet, cute, loving me... with my Dolly EYES! haha~ dun *puke*! no one is suppose to... haha~