seems like its the hottest topic in the city rite now~ nth abt happy or sad or disappointment... the smartest of all is mediacorp.... haha... they sure make a huge profit frm all the phone calls, smses, album selling... nice by saying 'vote ur superstar', but all they aim was not jus abt the 1st superstar of sg but the money they will earn... so wat strategy they using? the voting as usual... and wat f**k! yesterday nite, one vote cost $0.60!!! its much more ex den usual one lor... so wat we gain by voting? any lucky draw? haha... album selling to gain points... can u believe it one fren of mine actually bought 30 albums, so who earn? and if only u were watching the show, u noe... they showed result half way through the show~ wat the purpose? to let u noe abt the result? no... to let kelly's supporter panick and vote more in order to win... and wei lian's supporter to keep on calling in order not to lose out in the last rd... funny rite?! haha....
something which i hav to stand up for wei lian... so wat if he's blind... i mean blind ppl do hav their strong points too~ u can't say a ppl is not gd jus becos he's a handicap... be it sympathy votes or wat, he still won... but in fact he won not becos of sympathy nor singing skills... but his spirit, his courage to stand in front of thousands of ppl and let them rumors abt his frame! and if u had watch the 'qian xian zui zhong', he dun sing becos of tat moment of frame, he sing becos of interest and he's not those kind of ppl who will forget abt the past... in fact he still miss his street performance life... having to risk of falling down frm the stage, he still try to move abt even if he dun noe wat's in front of him... not afraid of the mocking of ppl who look down on him, saying 'can't even see, still think abt being a superstar'... so who can be like him... if u dare to insult him, saying 'wow, the 1st sg superstar is a blind man', come on... u even worst den a blind man cos u can't even achieve wat he hav... so y make a fuss and look down on him... u hav totally no rite to do so... if someone were to say tat he can't sing and yet he won... pls... the 4 finalists, 2 were from 'hai die' music school and kelly is frm lee wei song's music school... with no proper music/singing lesson, ain't he gd enough to fight all the way? toking abt fairness, y use voting instead of judge from well known successful music maker? again, mediacorp's money making idea set in... they care nth abt fairness, wat they care is money! and i mean alot of money~ so dun tok abt fairness here... if u insist on, ok~ let's tok abt yesterday tat 'killing' song wrote by the judges... Roy Lee wrote a song for wei lian which actually pin point on all his weak points... ok, u might say cos he try to be fair or he try to force him to improve... ok~ but y the song written by lee wei song, for kelly one empathsize on her strong points... as wat lee wei song said yesterday he compose a song special for kelly, to bring out her gd point... so who will sing better? of cos kelly lah, cos the song BRING OUT her GOOD points... and poor wei lian, a song tat pin point his weak points... haha... fairness... no matter who won... its jus a moment of frame... teh chinese music market is so strong... sg, we can only mention Sun Yanzi... even lin jun jie is also tat as successful in taiwan... and wat else, wif singer like jay chou, david tao, wang lee hom, how can we stand out among them? no matter who win, i believe both of them will hav be releasing a their very own album... so wat's the diff? its jus the name...