well, here's the pic... dun sweat huh~
first, something for Trina & the saliver dripping ones...
The beef fries... cheezy one... Yummy~
The yummilicious burgersss... GIANT size... by CARL's JR!
And here, Trina drunk urself in pool of saliver... the PORTOBELLE MUSHROOM BURGER... OMG! trina, its ultimate shioking!!!
and here, celebrate my mummy's bday... and ya, guess wat she cook for her own bday?! he cooked shark fins soup, tomato prawn, chicken... and i add ribs to the dinner... and bought cream puffs from beard papa, mummy's fav... and sis bought a tiaramisu cake...
Cake and candle, and age is a secret... always~
The cake...
See mummy so happy and haha my sexy papa~
A blur pic of mummy blowing off the candles...
A very happy bday to my mummy (25/5)... **muack**
My little ash, jus b4 he left for grooming...
In his red little rain coat....
Little red riding hood... hehe~
Its drizzle outside... off ash ash's long fur~
ShuZhen's bday:
The group of us... from the left: me, my ah shu, ah kun, dewei, mich and benny~
Guess whose hand is it... he love doing tat~
Mi and YongKun~
I love acting cute and i love forcing ppl to act cute wif mi~
And here, my dewei jie wei~
ask him act cute, he act blur... **faint**
act Lao Lan, and he like .... alamak! haha~ my jie mei so cute rite!!!
OMG~ this pic is so... SCANDALOUS... but we always do this... come on, we noe each other for bloody more den 5-7 yrs lor....
A pic wif the birthday ger....
Tat's the ger... hehe~
Now u see... tat's my jie mei dewei, u noe who hand is that in the first pic of mi and kun liao rite... dewei jus love doing tat~ forgive him pls!
mi and ah shu de 'big head shot'
Mi & my darling ah shu~
Mich & ah Kun~
a closer zoom in... mich hav her hair short (shorter den me :p) and kun having no hair... botak!
Look at dewei agn... told u liao lor, he love doing tat~
The guys with my dear niu niu~ they are trying to act cool wif my cool niu niu but... kun jus can't take it...
2nd try... not so bad~
Ah shu Love niu niu too.... but... wat she doing~?!
I jus dun quite like niu niu to come in between mi and my darling ah shu~
See... i told u tat i dun like liao lor... **bite** niu niu~
After fighting niu niu, i hav my ah shu back agn...
**muack*muack** this pic remind me of the sticker photo taken wif Trina~ shit lah, TRINA, when wanna come back den we can cam-whore agn...
Mi and mich... the 'mi-mi' eyes & 'jin yu (goldfish)' eyes...
She ke siao wanna poke my eyes?!
See... she's still trying to poke my eyes!
Act cute act cute... haha... round round face!
More act cute... more more... i alway think mich look abit of Hello kitty... but y she pose like a 'zhao cai mao'?!
That's all for the birthday, i left early at 9.40, rush over to mit Belle and try my best to get into momo b4 11am to get in for FREE!!! but we failed... failed by jus a few mins~ damn it!
And here... MOMO's pic! TRINA!!! ITCH BA>>>> Scratch until u cry ah!!! hahaha~
Its a sat nite, no CASH... so i took pic of him, i think Trina will love it...
haha... the toilet man... Trina's fav out of the other 4...
Rmb the glitter Toilet bowl seat~ haha~ and ya, i love the purple colour wall... Maybe tat's the reason y i love momo... the concept is butterfly, and they hav purple walls... my fav colour... and ya... i love glitter too~
Our fav mirror obsession... now wif Belle~
my face look so swollen...
haha~ take in the dark... u can't see my round round face le...
To the dancefloor~ tat's the DJ....
TRINA! get excited... the platform tat we once step on... haha~
and here goes our 'use to be' momo outside seating plc... they took it off le, left the shelter only... shall go to the dustbin sis momo merlion plc in the future...
agn... the toilet... wonder if Trina miss the seats in momo ladies?! ok lah... i noe i took lots of pic in the toilet... but... come on lor... i left my cam in my bag, and wat u expect... how can i took gd pic in dark plc, of cos in whole of momo, toilet is the brighter mah... haha~
last but not least,
Belle's bleeding toe... so painful lor... the pic is not clear hor, but anyway, its really very scary hor! pain lor.... poor belle... and tat's the reason y we end our day early... and ya, luckily, when i went in for my bag, they playing trance, which makes mi really wish to leave... haha~
OH YA! so sad... no dustbin theme song lor... 'uh-oh'... and i din heard my fav pussycat dolls' songs lor... not even 'don't cha' and not to mention abt 'buttons' & 'beep' lah... shit!
b4 i forgot...
A pic of ash ash jus after bathing... half wet half dry condition... messy~
My dearly plaything... he is so much of a human beings and not a dog! y i said so... i been asking ard... other ppls' dog will show concern when the owner feel sad... den will bark at the ppl who bully at those who bully their owner... but Mr Ash won't! he simply FUCK CARE! haha~ when we fight or argue, he run away.... shit him... so hao lian dog... cos he is too pampered! hump! but... i still pamper him alot... can't help leh... I LOVE MY DARLING ASH BOI FOREVER~~~
OH ya~~~~ XIAO MUN, HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAy... OLD man liao~!!! haha~ Stay cool always huh~ btw, i really wanna upload the 'wu yan de jie ju' video clip... can i?!