DeSoLo is not only tat blur hor... guess wat... wed nite while i'm taking train back home with Dallas... i missed my stop... OMG! am too engross in chatting... OMG only until den Dallas told mi... hey 'Boon Keng' passed already leh... OMG~ lucky i'm only one stop away... and ended up take a cab from potong pasir! tat's how blur DeSoLo am... alamak...
okok... back to some daily blogging...
Jus to share abit of DeSoLoGY wif u ppl...
Here my accessories.. hehe~ i like werido stuffs... a little mix of gothic, jappy, wicca, funky, cutie, jus rojak! haha... i call it DeSoLoGY lah... and here r part of my collection... those tat i heart more are... the cross (black/Silver), my Ji Leng (Lizard), My Rabbit (playboy), My Wired 'Jeslyn', Another cross (Silver), my Leather Bracelet (Dior), the dangling Mickey Earrings... and ya, i extremely love tat anna sui mirror, but it hardly can match any of my outfit and one thing... its so heavy! and yeah... here's my necklace, bracelet & earrings... its so DeSoLoRy...
So is there any problem....?!
anyway... some pics to upload... taken during wed, outing wif Timmy and Dallas...
Dallas & DeSoLo
I got a headache after the first shot~ while Dallas set into his cutie pose...
And soon after the 2nd shot, we turn into beast!
I Tried to act sexy but... -_-! Dallas is so frighten lor! so scray meh!
So wats the problem wif u ppl?! not happy is it?! **we r so ya-ya~
U hav provoked us and its too LATE! **Dallas look real firece and my face is jus too black**
Now, Its Timmy & DeSoLo... OMG! timmy out-shine me... he and his new haircut~
There jus something abt chemistry... wahahaha~ wat cock sia! this pic ma chiam cut and paste lor~ and my face is duper round...
**my face really so roung hor... haha~ Timmy is so funny...
Jus Sian....
I'm 'Shaken' and he is stable!
No doubt we r so loving... wahahaha~ * can't stop laughing~
And ya, its time for Self-Obsession...
DeSoLoGy is jus so DeSoLoRy... haha~ btw... DeSoLo's hair is jus so werid... short at the side and long at the back... straight at teh front and back, curl at the side...