Freaking ultimate act cute~!
Frenching wif my sh shu?! O_o
Kissing Ah Mei... the temper-less cha bo! haha~
I'm wif the gers... OH... i'm so attention seeker by doing tat among them! high liao lah~
Can't see Shu~
The gers.. MUACK**
Acting monster! AGN?!?!
So... DEMON sia~
Hao Lian Kun & Mi~
The little grp wif... well, the bday ger~
The little grp~
Mi & Chong... acting cute?!
haha~ the bitchy DeSoLo in action... even Belle say me a SLUT! haha~
The Multi-face DeSoLo... i can act innoncent also one k!
Jus taking a rest for more to come~
Posing wif the glass?! haha~ my expression comes agn~
Caught Cam-whoring wif mich!
2-some agn?!
I love u, u love me!
proud, hip, firece, blur, all in~
My shu been cut half~
the ladies the ladies~
Wif Kun~
The 'Xi', 'Nu', 'Ai' & 'Le'
I wanted to taste Ah Mei...
and ya~ i did!
act monster?! BLEH! this jie mei kei siao!
See~ he act blur~
Finally... a nice one~
A grp photo wif the bday ger?! hehe~ the sec sch mates~
a candid one to end~
Dewei and Kun ... molesting the... Statue?! O_o!