wow wow~ shocking... my desology lesson, i receive a few feedback sia! haha~ yeah! anyway, its really jus wat i think and my thoughts lah... to agree anot, up to individual... and ya, to write it out anot, up to me! to read it anot, up to u lor.. hehe~
well, i'm on challenge!!! Mr Pele, my net bestie~ he challenge me... the ultimate diet... who gonna lose more weight in 3 mths time~ OMG! I'm having STEAMBOAT tonite~ had seoul garden last sun... miting Pele for dinner at Carl jr agn and Sat miting wilson for lunch! OMG! how to slim like that?! wif this kinda diet gng on... anyway, our challenge begin on 1st july all the way to end of Sep! cool... the loser gonna treat the winner wif KuiShin Bo buffet... OMG! its like 40 bucks per pax lor! wow biang! can't lose ah! haha~ ready to fight huh...
anyway, ya... shop till i drop... women's money are easily cheat... i spend and spend, even my mum given me an additional 300 bucks, its still not enough! (she strike)... *shall not state the price of each item* ... i bought a Helena Rubinstein Mascara, The LASH QUEEN~ and fuck tat sale girl, she gave me the wrong one and send it straight to the counter without getting me to check! so i was like... peep and see, ok, its WOW! black! and its WATERPROOF, but nv check, its EXTRAVAGANT and not LASH QUEEN! for ur infor, EXTRAVAGANT is for volume only, while LASH QUENN is the 3 in 1 kind... volume, length and curl... and ya, notice it when i got home so went back to isetan scott agn to exchange... hai~ anyway, haven try my HR mascara yet, hav rather gd feedback from the user, so wanna gif it a try... My dior is running out, it DRY OFF already! and if u noe DeSoLo, certain make up items i will non-stop trying the new brand one, like MASCARA! will get my feeback real soon...
Brought a LA One Life jacket @ SKIN (its fucking on discount k! worth it hor, b4 discount is 200 odd leh, and its freaking 40% and well, its fucking chio!) hmmm... ok... it might cost less than a ADDIDAS and well, the brand is not tat well-known in SG... but... who cares! as long as i like, as long as every single freaking soul saw it will say chio... haha~ lao niang fuck care abt the brand ah! if brand really so fucking important, i must well grab a LV (as if i hav tat MUCH $$, even if i do, i will grab a speedy 25 first... haha) ~ wahahaha~ anyway, i love it... fall for it once i saw it... whether is it DeSoLoRy, up to ur lah...
Here it is... my dearly Jacket... the front and back view! see liao orgasm!
Tat's the print and the logo.... hehe~ dun noe y, jus love it but~ the print remind me of 3 of sword... pain huh~
bought a electric eyelash curler, say bye bye to the click curler which make my lash curl unevenly... haha~ which pinch my eyelid... haha~ and yeah~ i tried it yesterday... it works perfectly! yeah!!!! so happy~ highly recomended...
bought a eyelash growth thingy from those recognise beauty salon brand lah... jus a try out ba... wan a fuller, longer lash mah~ DeSoLo is a freaking ultimate vain pot wat! haha~ still using... need a mth to see result... if it works, i'll recommend u guys~ say bye bye to short short lashes... *wink*
bought 2 tops @ ms.... hmmm... shopping maddness... haha~ and 2 tops from the net... and ya... MANGO SALESSSSS!!!! start chionging MNG since today... wonder how many i gonna buy! beyond my imagination... **trying so hard to avoid R&Bs* afraid tat my momo addiction haunt me... i hav no money for shaking butts ah!!!! it MNG SALES leh~~~~ AHHHH *scream** OMG! haha~ no time to upload pics nah... haha~