forget abt all this personal thoughts... let's tok abt my 'so call' 1st day of work! i think i'm really happy when i'm wif my monkeys!!! i mean REALLY!!! OK~! i'm super bias! i treat my monkeys alot better than my whoever fren i might say! i admit!!! just dun noe y?! maybe they treat mi very well... I just wish to spend all my time wif them, cos wif them ard, i'm free from all worries and problems... u see, CPG dun pay mi extra for staying after 5.30, but still i will do so! like sat, i stay till 1.30pm, and today i stay till 7pm++... jus to wait for fendy, raffeeh and koon! we enjoy each other company and willing to stay back to wait for jus any one of them, even if we r not paid! this morning saw my ah beng!!! he working night shift the day b4, so he leaving at 9am~! din get to chat much wif him! tml also the same thing, will get to see him in the morning for awhile... wed, off day for him~ thur onwards, morning and afternoon shift!!! hehe~! Guess wat?! Fendy HAVE the tix for SI!!! shit him! his niece got 4 tix and gonna bring him along! kns sia! i wanna watch leh~ but kind of troublesome lah... cos the tix is wif no seat given, tat means all the fan will go and queue up early in the morning jus to get the front and best seats... for ppl like me, won't go to tat extent for SI, so most prob will be taking the behind seats... view not gd, everything is not fine~ for wat?! hai... best stay @ home~! haha~! back to my wkplace! after leaving PGP, we head pasir panjang for dinner! actually we intend to go home one but Tjew make an effort to tag along as he thought we gng for dinner... so as not to disappoint anyone, we went for our dinner! din eat much actually, cos eating lots of junk food in between wking hr~! they went for nasi lemak, which is quite popular, quite costly as well and claim that its worth the $$... so imagine how tasty it is?! haha... As usually loads of craps whenever fendy or koon is ard! especially when mi ard, the crapping matters got worst! and now wif Tjew, they start to make fun of us~! hai... all our Craps are RA(adult theme), as i noe, my blog is open to all ages... and so better keep all the craps away b4 someone complain tat i did not place a label 'Do not enter if u r under 18yr old'~ anyway, jus so fun~
SI final is rd the corner... hai~ as too many rumors pop-up and comments are everywhere... really dun wish to think who will win or rather expect who to win... as u noe, the higher the expectation is, the more the disappointment is... rumors saying ken had already decide who to win, to release album, sylvest's mum fraud, sylvest might become clay aiken, and so on... the expectation, the hope - taufik nv got the 2nd lowest vote in the all the competitions and always the 1st one to be out of the risky corner! they saying frm all foul mouth - saying syl get sympathy votes as he was innocent and shouldn't let the fraud matter affect the competition, taufik trying to gain sympathy votes by crying in SI Phenomenon... taufik hav the talent but syl have the looks... watever ppl say or whoever's fans say... i think they are all hurtful comments... comments like this will not only hurt the 2 grp of supporter but also in term hurt the contestants... they r not jus rival, they r fren also~! SI fans will noe all this, all the contestants hav close relationship... watever comments jus keep it to ourselves... although i'm one taufik supporter, if happens that syl won, i'll try wish him all the best! get wat i'm trying to say!
but i do appreciate comments like this:
flower Rating : 5/5 November 25, 2004
I'm not actually Taufik fans but just drop by to wish him GOOD LUCK 4 final. Both u & Sly have work hard to be in Final & worth people respect 4 that. Happy tt both of u have hugh sportmanship sense, treat each other like brother & focus on give your fans good show. Both of u r already WINNER.
and like wilson's ger, Eliz, she actually one great syl's fan but yet she still take pic of taufik and even take pic wif him~ its cool isn't it?
and of cos nasty comments do come in:
girlie Rating : 1/5 November 24, 2004
taufik sux!!!!
as wat i say ppl like this make a fuss of themselves!:
Panda QTB November 24, 2004
just as idols need bucking up, fans too...think before we criticize.
debbyrowe November 25, 2004
girlie stop ur nonsense! You all wanna insult taufik! Do it some where else! Just stop it
all taken frm SI official webby!
so fans out there, be more sensible pls!!! TAUFIK GO< GO< but SYL also MUST STRIVE FOR THE BEST! Peace out~!
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