jus got dewei's lastest pic wif his new hair cut!
his hair is so cool! so style sia~ the behind is longer and in front look short! wow biang! and believe it anot? it only cost him 10 bucks! y spend so much $$ gng reds or monsoon whn u can get the same stylo hair for only $10!!! wow~ MUST go there and hav my hair cut too~! can't wait sia! so so feel like cuting my hair rite now! wow~!
did i ever mention tat buddy wilson's ger, eliz went to see sly @ those 'miting SI' events? ya... she's a crazy sly's fan! of cos she took plenty of sylves's pic, but she too manage to take some taufik's pic! haha... get it frm wilson...
hehe~ am i mad?! and guess wat?! she manage to take pic wif TAUFIK!!!
and i got the pic~! OMG! how i wish tat its me! haha... maybe should try those copy and paste techniques~! opps =X wahahaha... GO< GO< TAUFIK!!! catch SI phenomenon Tml, 8pm @ CH 5!
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