jus alot alot to blog sia~ haha... yesterday was jus so great!!! get to mit up wif some old sec sch classmate~! we went marina south for steamboat... as usual~! we bull shit like hell~ and start taking pic....
our bday boy! happy bday wee wee...
the gers~
the guys~
Macy @k@ Casin~! *tat big fat hand belong to AH ME|... opps =X
Ah Me|
Macy & Ah Me|
Ah Me|, Shuzhen & Macy
Ah Me| & Shuzhen
Ah Me| & m|
m| & bday boi... Wee...
Ah Me| & Wee...
ShuZhen & Macy
My Libra sign and xiao ding dong's bell -_-; look alike??
all of us... in MRT... b4 gng separate way...
after the steamboat session, we actually decide to go for a drink or something... but its like... some wanna play mahjong, some wanna go back to fusion, some wanna go clubbing, some wanna techno, some wanna non-techno~! ya... so we go separate way! i come out wif a suggestion, gng cocco latte~! my grp include ah mei, mei xi, shumei, linwei, chun chong, xiao hei, micheal and wee wee~! we went all the way to cocco latte, and guess wat~! the age limit for guys are 23!!! oh mann~ last time i did go wif dewei and kieth, they din mention abt age limit, din even check our ID... so we head towards mohd sultan! thinking hard where can we go? somewhere cheap and non-techno~! wilson join us along the street of MS, searching for places... first, we tried asking cheeky monkeys... $20 cover charge! den we tried ThaWu Bar which i have been longing to enter~ haha...
$10 cover charge~! set! we went in... ok~ not so many chinese, but seriously it din affect mi at all~! haha... in fact i enjoy... it play mostly hip hop~! and those guys next to our table can all surely dance quite well!!! nice moves... while we enjoying ourselves in the hip hop enviornment... yanqing, liping(and bf), gao mei(and bf), siquan, xiao ting, ivan, zichong(and gf), kieth(and gf), etc... are at club 3~ the usual place~! oh ya... and i'm gng to annouce something!
yesterday nite was club 3's last nite...
ya... its closing down~! haha... din affect mi either~! opps =X did went into club 3 to say 'hi' to some of my fren there and also to bid goodbye to CLUB 3! haha... something tat make mi ponder... club 3 nv change... even on its last day of operation, there's still alot of fight~! haha... as compared, ThaWu bar is more peaceful, and cooling... i mean the air con!!! haha... club 3 is trying to save $$ again... haha... get wat i mean?! tell u wat! i seriously hav a strong feeling, thinking i might see somebody down there~! and ya... i saw farhana, one of my tp grp mate~! and i knew i'll see angie~! and of cos, i really get to see her! haha... and most exciting thingy... while we taking pic outside ThaWu Bar, WE SAW LEANDRA!!!
ya... the LEANDRA of sg idol~! haha... she was so frenly... when we saw her, wilson said, 'hey singapore idol!' and Leandra reply,'I'm LEANDRA!' haha~ and so i ask if we could take a pic wif her... of cos she agreed~! too bad, xiao hei can't really operate my cam, so end up i din took the pic wif my cam... gonna get it frm ah mei~! while she taking pic wif us, her fren saw it and tease her~! haha... and oh ya, b4 she left... she shook hand wif mi and say 'VOTE FOR TAUFIK!' haha~ without hesitation, i said 'I WILL!' haha... nv forgeting i am one Taufik supporter~! haha... ok~ enough of all tis~! Actually i feel that chinese are rather unfriendly~! y i said so? if u compare, gng club at a place full of chinese, surely will hav a lot of fight and watever! wat can i say? ass itch? haha... and even the gers are so unfrenly, they won't smile~! haha... all look like if u tok to him/her, u gonna beat up by them~ haha... and if u go to club like ThaWu bar, cocco latte, etc... they are much more frenly, they will jus smile wif u~ haha... and guess wat, i and mei xi actually make fren wif one of the lady in ThaWu Bar... cos she jus look so frenly... its like micheal throw out inside... and she saw it... we was like quite embarrass to like dirty the place... imagine when a typical chn saw this, they will surely gif that sicko face and start to curse! but she was like smiling to us... and i jus said to her, 'A MERLION'~! imagine if she a chn, i think she will jus stare at mi~! haha... am i being racism? haha... disliking my own race? haha... ok... not all are like tat lah... but majority~! i mean we should know ourselves and change... everyone is equal... dun ever judge a person by their COLOUR! haha... that ger was real cool but... i can't hear her name properly... haha... she left b4 us, even thought we jus get to noe each other, she gif us a hug b4 leaving the place... ya~ jus so frenly! haha... 2 extreme places i went yesterday... a more frenly, comfty environment and a violent, noisy atmosphere! haha... extreme~! ok ok... tok abt ANGIE... first, clarify, she's frm my sec sch, my junior and not frm TP one~ haha... actually i expect to see her there, frm all her written details in friendster, i expect to see her! at first i saw her walking past us, i wonder if its her anot? seriously, i recognise her through her hairdo! haha... only until she abt to walk out ThaWu bar den i confirm its her! after a 'hi', she's heading cheeky monkeys~ -_-; nvm... when we abt to leave the place... she came back to ThaWu Bar but too bad, we r leaving... i asked her if she come here every sat or wat... of cos she's one regular! ya... and i knew i'll come back again one day, so not to worry, we still hav chance to see each other again~! haha... overall a real nice place i might say... cool... we took plenty of pic~! will be uploading it soon~! stay tune! and ya... even the bonucer are frenly, he saw mi and ah mei taking pic with my canon ixus i and start teasing...
haha~ and ya, we r advertising for Canon! haha... kidding... a really enjoyable place!
pics taken outside ThaWu Bar!!!
ThaWu Rox!
ThaWu Bar wrist band~!
some hairdo pic~!
Ting Feng's cool hairdo plus Hair colour~! *cool*
shumei's new permed hair~!
P.S. Really hope to see one special ppl there(ThaWu Bar)... but he's not there... nvm...
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