jus watch SI phenomenon!
OMG!!! TAUFIK DROP TEARS!!! oh pls! he's not being sissy!!! so touch u noe

~ he got so emotional when he mention his mum... he said tat he wish to get a job which got a gd pay, so his 50 yr old mum do not hav to wk anymore! so filial hor! wow lao... den he feel so upset over his mum wking so hard for the family tat he cried

! so touch! and guess wat... unlike those contestant, got their whole family, up and down, voting for them, taufik actually ask his mum NOT TO VOTE for him!!! let those who really like his music vote!
! ya~ its fair like this, i mean wat's the pt when ur family spend so much $$ voting and actually not much ppl really like u! really admire him so so much!

ok! enough of taufik!~ one interesting part! haha~ someone actually go up to jerry, grab his hand and say,'JERRY U SUX!'

OMG! she is so bad! haha~! jerry was like so sad

~ but actually i also dislike him~! wahahaha... and i did told someone that i will say 'hi' to all final 8 if i get to see them on the street but not jerry~!

haha~ anyway! i noe
An annoucement for guys out there!
I GOT THE JOB, yeah~! i'm gng back to PGPR! haha~! yeah!!!

haha~ starting on this sat! and who gonna join mi? congrate to kai and pat! sad for tim and mun... they are out! cos they can't make it on one of the critical days! no choice! and guess wilson is joining us too~ wonder how will it turn out? haha... will they go well wif the guys! haha... i guess i'll be wif the guys (pgp guys) most of the time... u noe lah... haha~ but i was really so excited over it! haha~ gonna ask ah beng to come over and look mi up at PGP! haha~! its so funny, i think the manager called, he dun noe tat i actually wk there b4... he ask mi to mit at bona vista area and wait for ramli car to fetch mi up! haha~ den i ask him where we heading, he ans,'the wkplace' and of cos mean PGP! haha~ den i quickly reply, 'its okay, i noe where it is'... haha~! OMG! so enthu!... happy! yeah~
haha~! jus add alot of icons to my bloggy! so it won't look so dull! haha~!
thanks to precious dear! ![]()
i hav to change all the voting of my mini poll and enable vote limit! haha~! *yawn*yawn* nitez~
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