
Thursday, March 01, 2012

The Moonbear - STOP Bile Bear Farming

The video make me tears... Watch to understand...
STOP Bile Bear!

“The Moonbear", an undercover film showing shocking footage of bears on bile farms throughout China has been released by independent Chinese journalists, and has received incredible support from the Chinese public with over half a million views so far.

Stop Bear farming!
its so cruel... imagine these were to happen to your family! and please...
I never believe how Bile can aids in human health. People still fell sick and die.
Sickness and health is about upkeeping of individuals, healthy diet, regular exercise! Its not about all there myths about animal product!
If really human health is that important, then goverment should ban Tobacco and alcohol as they are the source of bad health!
Why should animal suffer because of human's deeds! Its totally nonsense!

To my surprise, Korea, such a develop country is doing all this uncivillized acts as well!
Please sign the petition and rescue the MoonBears!
Show your support! Against these uncivillized acts! Sign the petition to save the MoonBears!
Ban BEAR FARMS IN KOREA - Save Bears! Petition | GoPetition